"First-Hand EXPERIENCE".
Choose as many or as few as you like.
Feel free to add as many more as you like.
Please list in descending order of "PRIORITY".
AIR to BREATH. Obviously the main priority. When I had the Chemical/Biological/Nuclear training class at the PD a few months before I retired (still don't know why the Lieutenant wanted me in that class because he knew I already submitted my retirement papers) the guy teaching the class mentioned that his biggest fear was Chemical weapons. Those were the ones that needed a specific filter depending on the chemical. Biological and Nuclear fallout could be stopped by a basic N95 mask. Where I am Chemical is the least likely threat and I have a good supply of N95 masks that I bought in early 2020 before the FedMorons admitted covid was air born. My first clue was the Chinese tourists on the tour buses buying out any and all masks available from the local pharmacies and eventually the hardware stores BEFORE the "news" broke about covid. There were so many sick passengers on the tour buses passing through town that the so called healthy Chinese tourists were grabbing up any and all face masks on their vacation and that sent up a red flag pretty quick. The Home Depot I work at saw Chinese tourists coming in and buying cases of masks or any type and cleaning out the shelves within a few days, This was early January, 2020. I went on line and ordered a good supply right away and they are there when/if needed. I got covid before the FedMorons even admitted covid was in the USA, but it had already passed around most of my coworkers and their families in December 2019 and January 2020, as well as most of the rest of southern Utah because of the daily Chinese tour bus travel. Anyways, that instructor said Nuclear is survivable as long as you wash off after being outside and exposed and especially as long as you do not breath in the radioactive fallout.
FOOD. I have some stuff stored away and as soon as something happens any and all meat will be turned into jerky, whether by a dehydrator or by smoking or canning. More food will come in the way of preserving our chickens and ducks and finding/growing feed for them so they can continue laying eggs.
FIREARMS. Needed for obtaining more food by hunting and for securing the homestead. I might be OK on supplies in this category.
SHELTER. I have plastic and tape to make the house airtight, and I can make a wash-off room near the back door so anyone venturing outdoors can wash off before entering the living quarters, and if we have to bug out the camp trailers will have to come with us. Unless we have to go on foot in which case the plastic and traps will end up being a make shift camp along with a variety of tents we already own.
WATER. Our community has its own water system from a deep underground aquifer and they have a back up generator. Plus we have the pool water and some water storage. There are a few small rivers/streams/springs nearby and I have a variety of good water filters. However, toting the water will be a rigorous task if we don't have some powered means of transportation. Maybe i should look into an affordable electric type bicycle that can be recharged by solar if for some reason the gasoline type vehicles are knocked out of service.
"First-Hand EXPERIENCE". I was a Police Officer for 18 years and have seen a bunch and dealt with a bunch and I am capable of thinking and problem solving on the spot so I hope I can handle a wide variety of emergencies without panicking.
FIRST AID KIT & SKILLS. Let me see, basic CPR may help for some situations but if breathing and heartbeat are not restored quickly without advanced medical attention most will have to accept the loss of life. Direct pressure and cleaning and protecting of wounds is fairly simple, sewing up major wounds could be done but keeping them clean and preventing infection will be necessary. A supply of antibiotic ointments and meds, and knowledge of natural remedies will be a requirement.
HIGHT QUALITY "LOCATION". That is why I moved to where I am, far enough from the so called big city, plenty far from the major cities, and plenty of decent folk around to help keep things secure and to help with their own advanced skill if the SHTF.
COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. A few radios, a scanner, and others in the neighborhood much more equipped and able to share and relay information if the situation arises.
TRUST & TESTED TEAM. Of the 6 of us I fully trust 4 will step up and take action as needed, and the other two (both 20-something males) will either step up and start contributing or they will get their butts kicked and thrown out the door. I suspect they will step up, but if not they will painfully regret their lack of effort.
ENTERTAINMENT. We have a piano, plenty of board games, several decks of cards, a variety of animals, and if the solar and at least one TV survives a wide variety of DVD's and VCR tapes. This reminds me, I need to put a small TV, a spare VCR, and a spare DVD player in a faraday cage, and maybe a small solar set up as well. That will be a goal to accomplish later this year.
What else, There is no way to have a sufficient supply of food for the horse if we are all locked inside the house/garage for a long period of time. If it is safe to go outdoors we can walk him to food but if not we would have about 1000 pounds of meat to preserve, That would be a very bad worst case scenario, but if we can keep him fed we would have a good source of transportation and a great resource for getting water from the river to the homestead.
I also have a stash of seeds that could be grown for additional food sources. Maybe I should look into collecting parts for hydroponics in case we need to grow stuff indoors.