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Just came back from the weekend up Barrington Tops, brilliant weekend. Appears i need a lift kit, bash plates and a winch. a lot of the tracks off the beaten path are water filled ruts.
Sounds like what we call in Tennesse " Mudding " . My idea of camping now days is a little more quite and calm . You hike in camp a day or two and hike out . I still would like to ride the old Moutain roads around here agin but it is more peaceful on foot . I currently dont have a 4 wheeler or off road vehicle .
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Sometimes I think Australia is where God keeps putting things the Devil thought up...and I'm not even a Christian. One place on Earth that seems to be teeming with things all designed for one KILL you!

Happy Camping!

This list was developed by the Australian Museum in Sydney. Museum staff rated animals out of 10 based on the threat they pose, combined with the likelihood of encountering one.

Danger rating: 10/10

1. Box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri)

Danger rating: 9/10

2. Honey bee (Apis mellifera)

3. Irukandji (Carukia barnesi)

Danger rating: 8/10

4. Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)

5. Eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis)

6. Saltwater or estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)
7. Sydney funnel web spider (Atrax robustus)

Danger rating: 7/10

8. Blue-ringed octopus (Genus Hapalochlaena)

9. Coastal taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus)
10.Common death adder (Acanthopis antarticus)

11. Cone shells (Conus sp.)
12. Dugite or spotted brown snake (Pseudonaja affinis)

13. Mulga snake or king brown snake (Pseudechis australis)
14. Red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus)

15. Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
16. Tiger snake (Notechis scutatus)

17. Great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

18. Yellow-bellied sea snake (Pelamis platurus)

Danger rating: 6/10

19. Bluebottle (Physalia physalis)
20. Common lionfish (Pterois volitans)

21. Collett’s snake (Pseudechis colletti)

22. Highland copperhead (Austrelaps ramsayi)

23. Inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)
24. Redback spider (Lactodectus hasselti)
25. Reef stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa)

26. Smooth toadfish (Tetractenos glaber)

27. Blue-bellied black snake (Pseudechis guttatus)

Danger rating: 5/10

28. Australian paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus)

29. Bull ant (Myrmercia pilosula)

30. Giant centipede (Ethmostigmus rubripes)
You can tell I had a rough week at work from all the typo's in my preveous post I will edit them . My daughter has always wanted to go to Austrialia . We have Copper heads , Cotton mouths , 2 kinds of Rattlle snakes counles kinds of spiders . I still like to camp .
These suckers (aka Bulldog ant, inchman) really HURT, it's not the jaws (although they are bad enough) but the sting in their backside, even if you aren't susceptible to that in an allergic way 20-30 stings can kill you AFAIK, and with 50 or a 100 pouring out of a nest it's not hard to get that many stings . But even worse maybe is that they a very aggressive and proactive in having a go, if you hang around their nest they actually come looking for you (must sense the vibrations I suppose). I remember as a kid stoning a nest from the top of a small bank. After a few minutes we looked around to find that the little sods had flanked us and were closing it. Yikes!

Just for fun here's one of my pics of one


I've done a lot of FWDing and multi-day walking. Been up to the top of the Kimberley, across the Simpson and Gunbarrel etc by vehicle, into the Bungles by motorbike, spent 10 days walking through the Budawangs, 5 through Karijini and many 3-4 day walks up in the Kosciuszko high country, two weeks in the Tasmanian Tarkine wilderness etc etc. All good fun and I'm hoping to do a lot more while I'm fit enough, good practice for bugging out as well :)
Yeh ive been bitten on the face near my mouth and on my arsecheek in singleton by one of those ants.
The face went down after a few days but the lump n my arse stayed for months because i was sitting on it it was squashing it and didnt give it time to heal.
My son got a bee sting on his rear end and from sitting on it playing vidieo games it couldnt drain and got infected . Cost a round of antibiotics and trip to Dr .

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