Be careful folks when out and about

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Awesome Friend
Jul 17, 2021
I probably walked over him on the way to feed saw him coming back to the house almost stepped on it.
A good copperhead now.
God I hate snakes. I've only seen one in the last 20 years. I had a traumatic encounter when I was about 7, I stepped over a coiled ground rattler (I jumped straight up about 3 ft & then over about 3 feet. How I jumped over while in the air I'll never know). About 5 years later I was going under a barbed wire fence & got to look one right in the face. That was a learning experience....Do NOT STAND UP when your under a barbed wire fence!!!. So every day without seeing a snake is a Good Day!
We have timber rattlers around here in the warmer months and I've had a number of encounters with them, what I don't like is when they don't have rattles and I've seen them and yelled at them for not warning me, interestingly one time a hen wild turkey warned me and I thanked her. The scariest encounters have come from when I was working on vehicles and seen rattlers coiled up less than than three feet away, one time I was working on the engine of our pickup, standing on an upside down 5 gallon pickle bucket and when I went to step down there was a coiled snake 6 feet behind. We also have bull snakes around that have the same patterns as rattlers, so we have to look good at their heads and tails as they can fool you by rattling dry leaves, their heads are much narrower, even on the large 5 foot + ones. My closest calls were when I've reached for garden hoses and one time a sweeper handle on our deck. It may sound bad but as the days get warmer, I tend to increase my awareness considerably. The only time I've heard of someone being bitten was when a neighbor shot a rattlesnake and went to pick up what he thought was a dead snake, very bad thinking because they have a bite instinct even having their heads nearly cut off. So, yeah, if you live in snake country, watch where you step, considering that snakes often blend in, in trashy ground. I have a friend that has stepped on a rattler and did an awesome leap to keep from being bit, also one time my neighbors wife went to pick up a garden hose on a pile of old feed sacks and grabbed a rattler, she avoided the fangs by quickly throwing the snake away, her husband told me he didn't know what to hit due to her screams.
That was one of the good things about living in the far north.. I would rarely run across more than 1 garter snake a summer.. Bears were another matter..

Funny... I knew a preacher from the Black Hills that would live trap rattle snakes.. He would sell them to the local tourist reptile attraction.. We always ask him if he put the snakes to work on Sundays before selling them on Monday.... He thought it was a funny joke also...
I was surprised i didn't see a snake yesterday. The creek i was in has a large population of cottonmouths. I'm always on high alert at that place and carry a staff.

I don't have a fear of snakes, have handled them but... they stink!! To me anyway, so do lizards! Don't want that scent on my hands.
I was surprised i didn't see a snake yesterday. The creek i was in has a large population of cottonmouths. I'm always on high alert at that place and carry a staff.
My wife loves snakes. She especially likes chasing me with hognose snakes.

Your wife and I would get along well.
Had this dude (Northern Black Racer) go right past me a couple of weeks ago and he just completely ignored me. He was heading straight towards the camp so I shooed him away with a machete but he just went around me. So I just let him go where he wanted.
He was about 7' long - I couldn't get all of him in the picture.

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I would like a black snake in my property. They are good snakes.

I don't have a fear of snakes, have handled them but... they stink!! To me anyway, so do lizards! Don't want that scent on my hands.
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Had this dude (Northern Black Racer) go right past me a couple of weeks ago and he just completely ignored me. He was heading straight towards the camp so I shooed him away with a machete but he just went around me. So I just let him go where he wanted.
He was about 7' long - I couldn't get all of him in the picture.

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Knock on wood we haven't seen any snakes this year. Many moons ago I had a similar experience to Tenngrizz. We were hiking in the mountains early in the morning. We were in a small group going single file down the trail. The guy in front of me stepped over it. Then I stepped over it, and the guy behind me jumped back and said "WHOA". There was a 4' rattle snake stretched across the trail. Nobody got hurt. It just slithered off like we woke him up.

I don't care for snakes. I leave them alone, and hopefully, they leave me alone.
Haven't seen any rattlesnakes here around the house yet, but everytime we go to town we see 4 or 5 rattlers on the road. When the grass drys out is when we start getting snakes around the house.
Do you have to change lanes a lot to run over all of them?
I would. ;)

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