good point kitty..make a will for the one or two person(s) you trust the most to inherit the property.and make it completly clear in the will that the person(s) in queston has to keep the intire amount of property,and not sell/rent any of it.and continue to allow the ppl already liveing there,gets to keep liveing there as is as long as they live by the set of rules/laws..yeah it can be costly building or moveing a home..and there will be diffrences.but thats so true in every day life aready.and you pointed about jobs in a close enough to a city where it's not to far to drive each way.for example only,no more then 20-30 miles each way if that far.and hopefully have a good reliable and dependable vehicle to drive..
Clear that with your heirs first. They could fight something like that in court or cause very hard feeling among them.
The other alternative is for the people to live there in RVs or those modular movable, or towable homes. Not everyone would want to go that route though. It could still be a real hardship if they had barns and livestock and gardens, and had to move. Jobs would be important for those not yet retired. They would need an income until TSHTF. I would think about those with children. As you know, they can be a blessing or a curse. One problem child in the group and you're in for serious problems as the group agrees and/or disagrees with each other over how to handle it. That's why so many places in FL are for people of 55 and over. Something similar can be said for pets. You have a lot to think about and if you're really serious, may want to discuss this with a lawyer before you take the next step.