Best defenses for homestead?

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This topic is one of my favorite discussion. Old Coot has a solid plan for his environment. Typical rural environments are not defensible. So the need for a community self defense force is required to survive. Open field ranching and farming provides for prime sniper targets. Hungry neighbors will resort to attacking those with perceived food supplies. Where I disagree with Old Coot is that people are social animals, they are not social, but are self serving animals. The key for a community self defense process is the leadership. If the group can be assembled and controlled then it is a viable situation. If the self serving folks gain control, then is is more threat than deliverance. When one person or group decide they should get more of the bounty or feel they are better qualified to lead, then major problem will arise. Being the person with the most supplies can make you the leader or the target.

In my mind, the best possible solution is to be completely off the beaten track and to have built a homestead designed from the beginning for a **** event. Blow grade green houses and below grade rabbit warren. Concealed and protected water storage tanks. Fire proof homes, with very limited visible entry points. Below ground irrigation and pump systems. Just a few items needed to limit exposure to hostiles. There also a large number of methods to detect intruders and even deal with them. One of the major key factors is to be out of sight and stay out of mind of others. While my concept maybe the best scenario, it is not practical for most folks that have already located to their desired homesteads. Bottom line, we each will have to plan for what and where we are and then do th best we can.
Sure, if I had a million, or maybe a few hundred thousand, or perhaps, well forget it. I don't even have two hundred bucks to my name, so I guess I'm dead or will have to kill off a rich neighbor??? See what I mean?
Sounds good. Remember the more people you have...……. then they will be wanting to bring in their relatives, etc. As they couldn't stand to see THEM starve either. Let's face it, if it happens we can have a plan but in the end we all will have to wing it.
A plan is nothing but a plan, but at least it is a start as opposed to just winging it. If you note, I stated I would inform the neighbors and start building the group after the event. If folks are still driving around where they can be brought in, then it will be too early to start the group. I will not be building a group unless this is a major long term event and things have settled down... meaning folks not driving all over the place & are hunkered down.
Typical rural environments are not defensible. So the need for a community self defense force is required to survive. Open field ranching and farming provides for prime sniper targets. [\QUOTE]

Why aren't they defensible? Are we just standing around in the field with our thumbs up our butts? Thousand yard shots aren't that easy, after hiking out to the country, crawling around in the dirt, dragging your **** through brambles... Historically, where have snipers operated, what equipment did they use to get good results, what knowledge does it require to make reliable long distance shots... "Sniping" vs "long range interdiction". Someone can get sniped from a block away, they aren't the same. Most people aren't good long distance shots (I admit I'm not) so they will want to be where shots can be kept close, IMO.

Completely off the beaten track, but not rural because then you are a sniper target. Could you clarify that? To me, rural is no town, no groups of houses, gravel roads, neighbors a few miles away.
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Completely off the beaten track, but not rural because then you are a sniper target. Could you clarify that? To me, rural is no town, no groups of houses, gravel roads, neighbors a few miles away.
Well there is rural, then there is isolated. I live down a one way country lane with 10 or so homes on it... including some farms. So there is somewhat of a grouping of homes.

Anyway, people will figure out fast that most farms don't actually have more food than the average suburban home. It's bins of feild corn and soybeans. Feel free to take as much as you want post SHTF, bon appetit!
Ain't that the truth. On top of that, how many folks are accustomed to walking dozens of miles out in the country with no clean water to drink? I feel most evacuees will stop off in the small towns outside the cities, assuming the towns let them in. I personally believe the suburban towns will quickly stop all folks fleeing the city, as happened in New Orleans after a hurricane. Last thing they want is to be overrun. I'll bet you these towns know where to set up roadblocks, such as on bridges over creeks & rivers.
Let's just assume some stuff from urbanprep is in here, he will know what I'm referencing.

Leaders. What makes a good leader? Success? Keeping his people fed? Being a great guy, inspirational? What does the trick, in your mind?

Holy cow, paint must be getting to me! I haven't had a drop to drink. I'll struggle through this!
Ok, so isolated would be like a mountain top, or way, way out there.

I think most people think other people can walk to wherever they are, because they think THEY could walk somewhere.

Town is 5 miles from me. Women, children, the elderly, they can make that walk. No doubt. But why would they? If they could get their hands on a Jersey, what then? Cut off hunks and gobble on the spot?

They will, most of them, stay right there. Where it's warm, and they have walls, and blankets, and furniture to burn, without all the work of walking, and cutting wood with the axe or saw they don't have. They'll loot Walmart first thing, then each other, then form packs to loot the other packs, then the bad ***** that are left will make it out to me. By which time, there will be seven or eight armed guys, at least, who can shoot, if not do any fancy infantry tactical stuff.

I wouldn't despair, post SHTF. It's not the five mile walk to reach me, it's the 2 weeks before they have to make that walk that I'm counting on.
If SHTF. I would most certainly prefer to be in a remote rural setting. Yes the majority of the city folks will most likely sit and wait for help until it is too late. The thugs will pillage until they are either killed off or run out of supplies. Then the survivors will be forced to move out into the surrounding country side. Small towns will be forced to block-aid roads and entrance routes. Vary small groups and individuals will then be forced to venture into the surrounding county sides in search of game and victims. Homesteads isolated from neighbors will be a prime target. Back in the old west, the Indians always attacked the isolated farmer /ranchers first, as they were the easiest targets. That is what will happen to some homesteads but certainly not all homesteads. As for sniping, I think some confuse the term with long distance or extreme range shooting. A person laying in the brush 300 yards away is difficult to spot. A 300 yard shot is not that difficult. Having to tend to crops and critters out in the open could provide an evil doer a target. Granted the location I select to build my homestead is on top of a mountain and will be the highest point for several miles. All required food will be grown / raised in below grade greenhouses and rabbit warren. No targets of opportunity will be presented once the SHTF. Yes this build will be a bit more expensive to build but will stand the test of time for many generation. Like the Doctor's house in Palm Beach, 15 to 20 percent more cost but much safer than conventional homesteads. NOTE: I am not disparaging anybodies plan to deal with a long term SHTF event. We are all limited to our financial and family requirements. Also note note no plan is fool proof. Example: A friend from another forum built a multi-million dollar "Retreat" in an isolated valley on top of a mountain. Supplies and material were brought in by helicopter. The problem arose when a family of Native American Indians decided to return to the "OLD" ways of living and discovered this "Retreat". Now the security of being isolated has been breached and the valley is not defend-able without several additional millions. No plan is perfect. We do what we can and then hope it really does not happen. Not looking forward to a major SHTF but do try an plan as best I can.
Aside from wireless trail cams and motion detectors, does anyone have experience with other defensive applications?
Lots of ammo, guns, good aim, large cache of provisions, I use concrete barriers around my property in various places. Motion detection lights, and cameras, and have several manners to which i and my family can come up to defend our homestead, and property. I live in a very rural area with 10 acres. This is the small property in which my wife and i own.
In any situation of SHTF in our country/world. There are many easy ways to fortify ones homestead in any type of area (woods, rural,) not so much in suburban communities as to all the housing rules one must follow. There are things that do not cause issues if one lives in a suburban area. Spy cameras (hidden in plain sight, motion detecting sensors, provision preparation in provisioning. As to fortifying a homestead is only blocked by ones funding, imagination, and help/guideance of fellow preppers.

Barb wire
Blockade cylinders filled with dirt/sand in entry way, and around property in a staggered fshion
Motion lights

There are as many methods of defensive fortification as there is money. I am a big fan of human psychology. Humans tend to take the least path of resistance. Humans tend to see what they expect to see. Humans will take cover in the first available shelter. So with these items in mind, I prefer to use natural thorny hedges vs, electrified fences. The mind see a hedge, it is a hedge, not a barrier protecting something worth investigating. The hedge is also a means to channel somebody in the direction you want them to follow the "Least Path Of Resistance". And last but not least, low walls or minor boulders, offer cover, if fired upon, they also offer a great opportunity to plant ****y traps.

I do not want to draw attention to my compound. I would prefer to limit it's appearance and also minimize the appearance of it's fortifications. If the compound does not appear to be fortified or more dangerous than normal, then most humans will not take extra precaution. A fort that does not appear to be a fort, is better in my opinion. What may appear as just an eco-friendly home, is actually a bunkered (dirt covered walls - side and back) bullet resistant structure. Now add, poured concrete block, flower beds (about 4 feet high) all along the front entrance of the house and you have served two purposes. 1) the invaders have to shoot above the 4 foot high mark. 2) Where do you think the invaders will take cover? yes, behind that wonderful bullet (and explosive) proof flower bed. From the casual observer, this is just a home for an environmental fan boy. In reality is an extremely well fortified and the most dangerous house the invaders will ever encounter. The best defend-able home does not advertise it's defenses, it surprises the invaders.

Use the supplies nature provides, dirt makes into berms, that direct / channel traffic (foot or vehicle). Blackberry hedges provide deterrents and fun snacks. Back to back ,thorn hedges can also conceal any number of vehicle and foot soldier ****y traps. All without their presence being known. Electrified fences invite investigation. Thorn bush edges invite folks to stay clear. just what the mind expects to see.

The best defense is the one you never have to use. The next best defense is the one the enemy does not expect. A fortified position will garner a fortified response. Encourage the enemy to underestimate your capabilities. JM2C
It's pretty tough. If I was going to try to build a fortified homestead I would think it would look, in some way shape or form, like a military base, like an FOB from Afghanistan, or Vietnam.

Walls. Razorwire. Trenches.

But a lot of the design of a fortified position depends on equipment, and manpower.

We don't have the option of choosing where to build it, we live here.

We dont have machine guns, or towers, and it's not realistic for me to think we could get those things here. Many of the defensive elements of a "base" just aren't a realistic option. Towers, maybe.

Barb wire is great unless someone has a pair of linesmans pliers, and 30 seconds of time. Or a running car. Or a rifle that shoots far enough to make it unnecessary to conduct a close up assault.

IMO, it's dangerous to plan for something that you can't do, or don't know why you are doing. I agree with urban, any free standing barriers would be cover for someone on either side, good guy, or bad guy.

Patrols seem pretty realistic. Standing watches seems doable. Having arms on hand ready to be used.

Comms with neighbors would be great, some mutual defense.

When I joined the military the only experience I had with the business of war was from movies.

You learn pretty quick it's plumbing. There's a system, best practices for everything, and many things require a military to work. Lots of stuff and people.

Defense for a homestead.

What are we defending against? What do we think is coming? 20 well armed guys? Some starving stragglers?

Scoped rifles are common. I think about someone taking medium range (2, 3 hundred) yards shots, that's probable. Defense against snipers is patrols (either running g across them, or finding locations where they have been scouting your area) and counter snipers. A watch, with good optics, just... Watching.

I guess I tend to argue for, or against things, rather than suggest, because everything is location and situation dependant.

But I honestly have to wonder, when I see people talking about tiger pits, and surrounding any kind of area with berms, or barbed wire, if they have ever done something as simple as dig a big hole by hand.

Go dig a big hole, see how far you get. Most of us ain't twenty. Some of us are older women! We don't have 30 man crews to move rock and rubble.

Let's talk about how @robinjopo can defend her place. What's the best way for her to do the most with what she has available? I'm way more interested in that, than I am in a shotgun shell taped to a stick with some dubiuos string tripwire setup, or barbed wire (no one ever mentions fence post spacing).
In any situation of SHTF in our country/world. There are many easy ways to fortify ones homestead in any type of area (woods, rural,) not so much in suburban communities as to all the housing rules one must follow. There are things that do not cause issues if one lives in a suburban area. Spy cameras (hidden in plain sight, motion detecting sensors, provision preparation in provisioning. As to fortifying a homestead is only blocked by ones funding, imagination, and help/guideance of fellow preppers.

Barb wire
Blockade cylinders filled with dirt/sand in entry way, and around property in a staggered fshion
Motion lights

For instance, all this.

I hate to piss off a forum member, but what did I get from this post about defending a homestead.

It's easy anywhere, but then immediately backtracks and states rural and woods are easy, but not suburbs. Because of rules. Meaning what? County ordinances? Housing association regulations? Can you give some examples of a few that affect prepping?

Why is it easy in a wooded or rural environment? No explanation given.

"Spy" cameras. How old are we? 12? What type of cameras, do you prefer a particular brand, do you have a bank of monitors, have you made the mistake of placing them where they are "whited out" by direct sun or reflection during certain times of day, any recommendations for placement, such as the soffit of the home...

Provision preparation in provisioning...WTF does that even mean?

Blockade cylinders?? In the entry, and staggered around property. What entry? To what? The drive, the house, the fridge? Around the property? You mean throughout the property or around the perimeter?

If we are honestly looking for effective means of defending our houses or property here, let's be specific. Let's help jontte, and brandx, and skullcrusher, look at what they have and actually find a realistic, executable plan of action.

Sorry, I feel like we can do better than spy cameras.

And please, don't get hurt feelings here. Take it as it's meant, with love, care for forum members, and a little frustration.

Let's hammer it out, not just say "well I can see I'm not wanted" or get in a pissing match over barbed wire.
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Your concept will work, since you have posted pictures on your posting. No detailed info can only lead to generalized responses.

There are as many methods of defensive fortification as there is money. I am a big fan of human psychology. Humans tend to take the least path of resistance. Humans tend to see what they expect to see. Humans will take cover in the first available shelter. So with these items in mind, I prefer to use natural thorny hedges vs, electrified fences. The mind see a hedge, it is a hedge, not a barrier protecting something worth investigating. The hedge is also a means to channel somebody in the direction you want them to follow the "Least Path Of Resistance". And last but not least, low walls or minor boulders, offer cover, if fired upon, they also offer a great opportunity to plant ****y traps.

I do not want to draw attention to my compound. I would prefer to limit it's appearance and also minimize the appearance of it's fortifications. If the compound does not appear to be fortified or more dangerous than normal, then most humans will not take extra precaution. A fort that does not appear to be a fort, is better in my opinion. What may appear as just an eco-friendly home, is actually a bunkered (dirt covered walls - side and back) bullet resistant structure. Now add, poured concrete block, flower beds (about 4 feet high) all along the front entrance of the house and you have served two purposes. 1) the invaders have to shoot above the 4 foot high mark. 2) Where do you think the invaders will take cover? yes, behind that wonderful bullet (and explosive) proof flower bed. From the casual observer, this is just a home for an environmental fan boy. In reality is an extremely well fortified and the most dangerous house the invaders will ever encounter. The best defend-able home does not advertise it's defenses, it surprises the invaders.

Use the supplies nature provides, dirt makes into berms, that direct / channel traffic (foot or vehicle). Blackberry hedges provide deterrents and fun snacks. Back to back ,thorn hedges can also conceal any number of vehicle and foot soldier ****y traps. All without their presence being known. Electrified fences invite investigation. Thorn bush edges invite folks to stay clear. just what the mind expects to see.

The best defense is the one you never have to use. The next best defense is the one the enemy does not expect. A fortified position will garner a fortified response. Encourage the enemy to underestimate your capabilities. JM2C
Well said. I believer the gray man concept applies to most things in an emergency situation, never draw attention wether good or bad.
Rural prepping, of course offers more options.

However, there are plenty of ways to prep in urban areas as well.

Cameras - wireless, bluetooth style connection, perhaps even solar powered if able. (bluetooth connection to a phone app).

Motion sensor lights - this is just great for a multitude of reasons. Again, solar powered if able.

Reinforce all doors and windows. Doors - kick plates, longer screws, protect hinge pins, more secure locks, top and bottom slide bolts, thick door material. Windows - security film, better locks, inside bars

Fireproofing solutions and coatings.

Stored supplies in the home (food, water, fuel, batteries, etc.) Refer to most hurricane prep lists.
Both rural and urban prepping offer benefits and challenges. Food availability is often mentioned as the benefit for rural prepping but depending on th nature of the SHTF event, there maybe a lot of food available in the big cities. If the event is a long term grid down, then I think there will be a lot of food in the cities. The city folks are going to run out of water, long before they run out of food. Grid down, no fuel to evacuate with their food stores, no water access, and the die off will be fast. Once the violence has ended, then there will be the possibility of urban survival.

Rural will have the advantage of plenty of land and experience in agriculture , water from wells and sanitation from septic. The disadvantage is going to be from those that do not have these items but do know where to find them. harvest time is going to be especially hazardous, open field farming will be like it was during the wild west, when the American Indians raided the farmsteads. Only this time the Indians are going to be better armed.

Urban folks will have to establish brutal unobtrusive defenses and work the Grey Man system when moving about. They will have to abandon the residential home concept and fort up in commercial structures. Commercial structures can be modified for water storage, indirect sunlight growing and they tend to limit access routs. Creature comfort will resort back to a more communal type living.

In both environments, some are going to survive. Those folks that are the best prepared and those that Mr. Murphy favors. The rural folks are going to have to form strong MAG's. The urban folks are going to need to form strong family groups and avoid other folks for quite a long time. JM2C
harvest time is going to be especially hazardous, open field farming will be like it was during the wild west, when the American Indians raided the farmsteads. Only this time the Indians are going to be better armed.

Depends. Those really out in the boonies aren't likely to see these marauders, because they'll simply be too far away, and transportation options will be limited. It won't be like Walking Dead, and their seemingly endless supply of gas.
Not easy to get. I've got all kinds of tactical moves in store for would-be marauders. Some I've shared here, some I haven't. If you've ever read any of them though, you'll realize I'm a devious sum' bitch.... :D

(and even if they win, they'll still lose, as after we run, we'll just have to come back later and clean up their bodies to move on...)
The urban survivors are going to fall into two camps.

The lone wolves, who are able to hide and get what they need.

The gangs.

Nobody else is going to make it in the cities (except those who got out).


Depending on the type of SHTF event, the cities could have supplies for quite a long time (depending on how many people make it). Stores filled with canned goods, looted homes and businesses, etc. It should go a LONG way. Meanwhile, gas will get used up to get around the city, and will eventually go bad. So, by the time they run out of resources, their ability to LEAVE the city far, to search for more, will be pretty limited. They'll be on foot.


The other element to worry about though, for rural ones, is the smarter gangs that form from ex LEOs and/or military, who realize that the rural locations are going to be the place to be, and they leave the cities soon after the SHTF event, and then conquer one. They may take to raiding (or perhaps even making deals with) other rural settlers for supplies. These are the ones I think about most. To be honest, I'd likely rather make a deal to be a supply stop for them, as long as there was some mutual respect, etc.
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how about a huge great cannon? that's should sure scare any lowlifes coming onto your property, or failing that a Gatling gun:D
It wouldn't take a cannon , when the bad guy watches his fellow thugs head explode and the shot comes from such a distance that they have know idea of how to fight back they k ow its time to turn around a d avoid that neck of the woods .
It wouldn't take a cannon , when the bad guy watches his fellow thugs head explode and the shot comes from such a distance that they have know idea of how to fight back they k ow its time to turn around a d avoid that neck of the woods .
Problem here is that we are talking real life... not a Rambo movie. In real life the folks living on a homestead have to be just as worried, or maybe more so, of the bad guys having the same gun. Folks on the homestead will be moving about doing chores while any attacker, with such a gun, can wait in their hide for the perfect time. Many people in my area are avid hunters and are trained & equipped to make such shots.

I'm not trying to be a jerk... just a realist. I see too many preppers that think just because they are well armed they will be fine. Survival post SHTF will be complex and hard with no guarantees.
Problem here is that we are talking real life... not a Rambo movie. In real life the folks living on a homestead have to be just as worried, or maybe more so, of the bad guys having the same gun. Folks on the homestead will be moving about doing chores while any attacker, with such a gun, can wait in their hide for the perfect time. Many people in my area are avid hunters and are trained & equipped to make such shots.

I'm not trying to be a jerk... just a realist. I see too many preppers that think just because they are well armed they will be fine. Survival post SHTF will be complex and hard with no guarantees.

My direction is real life . Its a proven crowd control , anti terrorist method used for decades .
Security for Your Family should be part of thoes daily chores .
There are very bad people out there that would only get worse post shtf .
Train like you fight fight like you train
As far as Rambo you need to be ready to go full Rambo when it comes to self defense and defending the Ones You care about.
I'm not trying to be a jerk... just a realist. I see too many preppers that think just because they are well armed they will be fine. Survival post SHTF will be complex and hard with no guarantees.

Yep, it's still going to take sentries, being careful, even when doing chores, etc.

Complacence is natural, especially if you go a long time without incidents. I see this is a primary threat to a post SHTF lifestyle.

It's also why you have to pay attention to trying to divert, slow down, and/or alert you within a very large perimeter, so you are aware of, and can prepare for, a threat.

Sadly though, no amount of measures are going to keep a highly skilled sniper from taking out someone working in a field.

I thought long and hard on an engagement protocol, to limit exposure during such a conversation (i.e. a wandering group comes to engage in trade, etc.). I think I posted it here before.
MAG's = two types. Centralized and De-centralized. Homesteads will fall into th De-centralized version. They will plan to come to each others defensive aid and may or may not actually do routine patrols. They will be better protects than the lone wolf farmer. They will be able to share intelligence, supplies, knowledge and man power. It would take a very large group to over whelm them. Their biggest liability is in the management of the MAG. Poor leadership will result in discord and eventually in fighting. Leadership and secure, reliable communication will be vital. Fuel for the good guys and the bad guys will be available, even after the SHTF. Bio-Diesel will make a come back very quickly. The Rambo long distance sniping works, for both sides. The key is to know who, what, when, and how many are in your area. Home field advantage will play a big part. Topographical maps are not the same as having walked and hunted the terrain. Lone homestead cannot defend itself, it will need a MAG. Traditional farming provides too many targets of opportunity. You can't till the soil and walk patrols at the same time. The homesteads will need to know that folks have entered their territory, before the intruders know they have been spotted.

Now we get to centralized MAGS. This is typically your hard line Doomsday Survivalist. They will be better armed, better trained and have massive food stores. Their weakness will be similar to the homesteaders. Leadership will be critical, these groups have all the potential of going off the rails and becoming the modern day War Lords. Many if not most will have based their strategy on stored goods and will not have the ability or desire to convert to a farming lifestyle. The longer the SHTF event lasts, the more likely these groups will have to resort to scavenging their neighbors. Another weakness of this group is that too many folks will know about them and their location. people that have left the group, will not have forgotten where the food and supplies are located.

Every survival plan has plus and minus. We each have to make our choice on what we think will work best for our individual situation. As an arm chair general, I could sit back and poke holes in every plan, because their is no perfect plan. That does not mean you should not make plans. The odds of facing an opponent that is perfectly outfitted to defeat your plan is slim. I do have to agree the LEO's and Military folks could band together and either be security for hire or the next band of marauders. They would have access to superior fire power and have the ability to recruit or draft recruits. They would also have good communication devices and have trained to work together. These groups would be the most dangerous in an economy driven SHTF, as they would have time to plan and consolidate their resources. In a grid down situation, then the will be like the rest of us, just reacting and trying to reach and save their families.

Lots of things to consider.
Yep, it's still going to take sentries, being careful, even when doing chores, etc.
Yes but think about this for a moment. Most here want to survive post SHTF by themselves and not form a community. So here we are on a homestead, surrounded by hundreds/thousands of acres of land on all sides and we want to have sentries. Will these loners have the manpower to properly man all these posts 24 hours a day and properly communicate with all? How will you communicate? What about your starving neighbors? Are they inside your zone of protection? You talking about sentries way out to notify you of folks approaching or just a single guard around the house? How do you protect your sentries? With all the sentries, you now have manpower to work the farm? That is why I say this will be hard.

That is why my survival strategy involves building a community of neighbors, as I stated earlier in the discussion. IMO, it will take lots of folks to defend a homestead/grow the food and the last thing you want to worry about is defending your homestead from hungry, armed neighbors. Every situation is different. In my case, my homestead and the neighboring larger farms are about a mile off the paved road. I see our goal to protect those farms. I don't see sentries out in the woods but out at the paved road. I see the use of drones, which I and another neighbor own, as providing a farther out look. I see travelers/possible threats as coming down the roads. Hard to imagine anyone during such a time using the energy to travel thru the woods & fields, getting lost or injured.

What makes the easier target... a homestead worked & protected by a single family group or a homestead worked and protected by a community of neighbors?
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