It's pretty tough. If I was going to try to build a fortified homestead I would think it would look, in some way shape or form, like a military base, like an FOB from Afghanistan, or Vietnam.
Walls. Razorwire. Trenches.
But a lot of the design of a fortified position depends on equipment, and manpower.
We don't have the option of choosing where to build it, we live here.
We dont have machine guns, or towers, and it's not realistic for me to think we could get those things here. Many of the defensive elements of a "base" just aren't a realistic option. Towers, maybe.
Barb wire is great unless someone has a pair of linesmans pliers, and 30 seconds of time. Or a running car. Or a rifle that shoots far enough to make it unnecessary to conduct a close up assault.
IMO, it's dangerous to plan for something that you can't do, or don't know why you are doing. I agree with urban, any free standing barriers would be cover for someone on either side, good guy, or bad guy.
Patrols seem pretty realistic. Standing watches seems doable. Having arms on hand ready to be used.
Comms with neighbors would be great, some mutual defense.
When I joined the military the only experience I had with the business of war was from movies.
You learn pretty quick it's plumbing. There's a system, best practices for everything, and many things require a military to work. Lots of stuff and people.
Defense for a homestead.
What are we defending against? What do we think is coming? 20 well armed guys? Some starving stragglers?
Scoped rifles are common. I think about someone taking medium range (2, 3 hundred) yards shots, that's probable. Defense against snipers is patrols (either running g across them, or finding locations where they have been scouting your area) and counter snipers. A watch, with good optics, just... Watching.
I guess I tend to argue for, or against things, rather than suggest, because everything is location and situation dependant.
But I honestly have to wonder, when I see people talking about tiger pits, and surrounding any kind of area with berms, or barbed wire, if they have ever done something as simple as dig a big hole by hand.
Go dig a big hole, see how far you get. Most of us ain't twenty. Some of us are older women! We don't have 30 man crews to move rock and rubble.
Let's talk about how
@robinjopo can defend her place. What's the best way for her to do the most with what she has available? I'm way more interested in that, than I am in a shotgun shell taped to a stick with some dubiuos string tripwire setup, or barbed wire (no one ever mentions fence post spacing).