I really wish we'd make Stats a mandatory class in High School. Because ANYONE who has taken a semester or two of it, will never be fooled by BS statistics again.
There's a reason stats are called "lies, damn lies".
Because given nearly ANY data set, a statistician can then determine what data to include/exclude (i.e. cherry pick) and whatever statistical analysis method they wish to use....to then generate a stat that supports one view or the other...and all with the same starting data set.
So, you then come to realize that unless you know all of the parameters of the data yourself, and do your OWN analysis of it, you are getting a SKEWED result, to serve whatever agenda is paying for the statistician's time.
How do you think all the news networks were so fooled and blinded during the 2016 election? From those stats (polls), it was made to make Hillary appear to have had it in the bag. Funny enough, this blatant propaganda backfired, keeping folks home instead of coming to the polls. So we, the public, have SEEN just how easily stats can be skewed, right in front of our faces, and yet we (as a whole) continue to be blinded by them.
It's actually kind of mind-boggling that ANYONE believes a poll anymore.