Biden Attacks Farms-Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply

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Read more carefully. Hillary urged to challenge results- and does this really all come down to Hillary Clinton? Talk about living rent-free in your head.

She wasn't senator in 2016, and couldn't have lodged objections to the certification policy. You know youtube, you can look up her concession speech.

I know what it says. You contend that NOBODY on the left had a problem with the 2016 election. Ask Bernie how he felt about it.
Evidently some of us are still relying on MSN for news. Trump won that election going away. Slow Joe didn't even campaign. But he didn't have to. He (his side) simply put their energy into rigging the election. Actual evidence was on TV if anyone cared to look.
You're switching sides again.
I know what it says. You contend that NOBODY on the left had a problem with the 2016 election. Ask Bernie how he felt about it. I contend your conclusion isn't drawn from the evidence you provided.
Evidently some of us are still relying on MSN for news. Trump won that election going away. Slow Joe didn't even campaign. But he didn't have to. He (his side) simply put their energy into rigging the election. Actual evidence was on TV if anyone cared to look.
Trumpism was rejected and he lost in a landslide. Now Mar a Lago members want him out. 🤣
Trumpism was rejected and he lost in a landslide. Now Mar a Lago members want him out. 🤣
Trump got more votes than Obama ever did. And you are saying Biden got more and Obama? He got more illegal alien, dead votes and fraud votes. But I have a question for your and telhobie, did you or did you not see the film in Arizona of the Republican witnesses being sent out of the room and the suitcases of ballots pulled out as soon as they did? Tell me that was not fraud.

Leftists always like to talk out of both sides of their mouth. I have lost all patience for them since they lost any pretense of rules or fair play. I am for banning them form this forum, any forum and from life itself. All leftists are my blood enemies, no quarter.
Trump got more votes than Obama ever did. And you are saying Biden got more and Obama? He got more illegal alien, dead votes and fraud votes. But I have a question for your and telhobie, did you or did you not see the film in Arizona of the Republican witnesses being sent out of the room and the suitcases of ballots pulled out as soon as they did? Tell me that was not fraud.

These two are flat out TROLLS. They twist everything presented and move the goalposts. Let them have their circle jerk. Clearly, they are not worth our time. Frankly, I would be embarrassed if I joined a new forum and everyone hated me, but I stayed anyway. I will respond to them no more.
But I have a question for your and telhobie, did you or did you not see the film in Arizona of the Republican witnesses being sent out of the room and the suitcases of ballots pulled out as soon as they did? Tell me that was not fraud.

Have no idea. Not for me to say. No single person gets to decide what is or isn't fraud in this country- not me, not Trump.

Talk about talking out both sides of one's mouth, we keep saying we want to do things by the book- and then keep wanting to throw out the book. If there are claims, let the courts sort them out. It's why we have laws. Let's let the process play out, and reserve judgement until then.

If the courts don't find in Trump's favor, will you guys let it go?
I’m trying to understand your mishmash of thoughts. “Trump got more votes than Obama ever did”. In what world is that statement meaningful in any way?

“And you are saying Biden got more and Obama?” Are you feeling ok?
So you and tehobie have descended into gibberish in an effort to confuse the issue. That is not an uncommon leftist tactic. Tehobie, a judge gets to decide what fraud is, if it makes it to court and since Chief Justice Coward decided not to allow the case in the Court of Cowards, it will be tried in the court of public opinion, just like Obamagate, the Russian Hoax, the Ukraine Hoax and the Biden bribery cases will be. Rigged Elections Have Consequenes.
I grew up on a farm. Didn't like it. Lot of hard work. I was sure I didn't want to ever do it as an adult. We never had much money but we never knew hunger. Now I am retired and guess what, I have a farm. One thing about the Great Depression of the 30's, almost everyone knew someone or had a family member that had a farm. Now, not so much. When the next Great Depression happens I think a lot of city people are going to wish they could feed themselves.
a lot of city properties over here dont even have gardens so dont know what they will eat when the supermarkets are empty.
So you and tehobie have descended into gibberish in an effort to confuse the issue. That is not an uncommon leftist tactic. Tehobie, a judge gets to decide what fraud is, if it makes it to court and since Chief Justice Coward decided not to allow the case in the Court of Cowards, it will be tried in the court of public opinion, just like Obamagate, the Russian Hoax, the Ukraine Hoax and the Biden bribery cases will be. Rigged Elections Have Consequenes.

So that's a no, we're not gonna let it go if courts rule against Trump?

I guess "rule of law" is just the latest value we're only paying lip service to.
Sleeping Jo certainly did not win the election with "rule of law" but only with his dark friends from the social media scene and people like Soros and Schwab.

Sleeping Jo and his son are corrupt dogs and for the sake of honesty Jo is playing the great healer while in the same move betraying his people and the nation and destroying the rights of the people.
He does the same as Mutti Merkel in Germany, he replaces his people by a new one from immigrants, besides, the type is no longer sane from my point of view.
He knows he could shoot a guy on 5th Avenue and get away with it.

...that's what he said.

You're not arguing with me, you're arguing with Trump.
...and a lot of those are undo the EOs Trump signed while he was in office. Were Republicans this opposed to EOs prior to Inauguration Day?

You're right, though- I think Biden's issuing too many EO's, I think we'd be better off pivoting to legislation. And any member of Congress, R or D, could introduce a farm aid package. Frankly, there aren't a lot of Democrats being elected in rural, agricultural states- so it may be in their blind spot. If Republicans craft an aid package and Democrats balk- then I think it's fair to criticize Democrats. But right now, Republicans are sitting on their hands, because complaining about a problem is more important than fixing it.

And in fairness, Republicans aren't making it easy to come together. Biden's catching flak for freezing the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (which puts money in farmer's pockets), and for ramming through the CARES Act (which puts money in farmer's pockets). Instead of saying no to everything, even if it contradicts what they just said, it'd be much easier to work with Republicans if they'd give anyone any idea what it is they actually want.
It doesn’t matter what anyone wants Joe Biden is going executive order what Joe wants- despite consulting with the House and Senate - he is acting like a dictator
So you and tehobie have descended into gibberish in an effort to confuse the issue.
Right back at you. Go back and re-read your reply to my simple comment about Trump losing in a landslide. Your reply made zero sense.
It doesn’t matter what anyone wants Joe Biden is going executive order what Joe wants- despite consulting with the House and Senate - he is acting like a dictator

Right. Trump signs hundreds of EOs and we deify him, Biden signs dozens and he's acting like a dictator. The take home message is we don't know, or don't care, what words like "dictator" mean. Words don't matter.

The right's definition of "dictator" changed overnight, before Inauguration and after. That's straight out of 1984.
You're in for an even bigger debacle with Sleeping Jo, and you're going to pay for it in the form of additional taxes.

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