Bug'Out (portable) "SAFE". What you got....???

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I agree, but it would double the cost of the house to bullet proof a house of 2000 sq. ft. $300,000.00 to $400,000.00.

Not if ya built it from Strawbale + Stucco walls.. :cool: Both Quite fire and bullet - resistant - (very-little material / construction is Truly bullet"proof" - just ask .50BMG or 20 or 30mm Vulcan rounds.. ;) and Certainly far more cost/benefit-ratio friendly to the wallet-side, than even Brick.

..And, there's a Lot that can be done to 'harden a structure' against gunfire / doors against kick-ins, that's (relatively) cheap and quite DIYable (ie: anti-smash film / grates for ground-level windows; Doors that Only open Outwards, and are Solid-core / or steel-plated, even, whatever.. Plenty of Options for Far-less than trying to do such with 'kevlar-panels' (or whatever it was you were thinking of to get to the Est. of $3-400K, etc)

..Heck, even Sourdough's recent idea of autobody resin-impregnated fiberglass 'welding blankets', as cheap, DIY bullet-resistant large-panels.. :cool: Work Quite well (for small-arms fire) and certainly cheaper than similar-sized panels of kevlar.. Or, those + UHMWP-panels, etc.. Again, lots of workable ideas.

re: the 'Portable firesafe'.. @Sourdough, Chief - I, for one, would take the testimonial .02 of a Structural / Wildland Firefighter at face value (which is High :cool:

..Personally, if you're looking for "max portability", I'd take that Pelican ya have (and heck, you could even get a Bigger one (ie: Pelican 1660 is a Good-size 'trunk', and can be had, Used, quite inexpensively (compared to new) - I've found them for as little as $150. functionally like New (who Cares about 'cosmetics', etc) ...and Bury it below the frost line - Bada-bing - "Fireproofed". :)

Internally, put several dessicant / dry-boxes inside (and, perhaps even some O2 absorbers) just to help keep mold / dank from forming (Pics / Critical Docs I'd seal in mylar or at Least 2x ziploc-baggies, etc) Should be fine.

I have other ideas (relative to 'water / freeze mitigation') but that's all irrelevant, Unless / until you wanted to consider this 'pit' as an idea, so for now, I'ma shuddup. :)

(or whatever it was you were thinking of to get to the Est. of $3-400K, etc)
100,000. to 200,000. to build a 2000.sq ft. house here.
So it would be only 100,000. to 200,000 to harden the house, first is brick instead of wood or siding, that is about $15,000.00.
Rockwool insulating is about $1400.00 & is the cheapest fire control out there. The ballistic resistant steel is $500 to $1000. a sheet when you can find it.
The best defense is to not have a show of alarms, because that screams I have values to protect. Nothing can stand up against someone who wants in your house.
John Wick is not real, most of us can not stand against twelve trained
men/women who want what we have. Reasonable safe guards & a hidden safe is the best way to protect your valuables from people.
But them not knowing you have it is even better.
Sentry told a story about a man with a walk in safe that had many guns.
His wife ask Sentry to tell her what they were worth.
He found Gold coins in the ammo draws, the mans wife had no ideal her husband had died leaving her with all the income she would need.

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