The first thing I ever buried was a 4 foot long polypipe at a depth of about 2 feet in a narrow walk-through area under a house. A year later it took me an hour to find it, I dug all around it but missed it every time. Unbelievable! Another time I had hidden one in the bush beside a concrete slab, again it was in a very small area but I used a metal detector to locate it easily. To my surprise there was another one buried a foot away that I had forgotten all about.
If you are going to bury anything then take the advice of someone who has made most of the mistakes. Don't leave anything to chance. Take detailed measurements from immovable objects and write it all up in a pad and make two copies. You can easily hide these, don't be paranoid about someone finding them. You can make a detailed drawing and then make it look like a plumbing plan by adding pipes here and there in a different color. Hide these small pieces of paper say one in the back of an old novel in a dusty junk box you never touch, one slid into a crevice in a ceiling or whatever takes your fancy. Not in a safe through, in a safe it means "Important document". You could even take the outer skin off an old toaster and put it in there, or inside a patched tube, inside a tire, off a cheapo fridge trolley. There are innumerable safe places, the only limit is your imagination.
Measure accurately and make a map, don't assume just because you are standing there you will remember it as easily as you do at the moment of burial, you wont. I followed the directions of dying man to what was supposed to be 2 caches laid down 18 years before. I even went with a metal detector and believe it or not, his brother-in law who had helped him dig the holes. We found nothing, but I will admit I am no expert with metal detectors. No the brother-in-law hadn't ratted them, he had no motivation, it wasn't something that interested him. They were there alright, we just couldn't find them. We were looking for 3 gum trees in a triangle 100 steps directly east from a big tree at the end of the clearing, yeah whatever...
We can learn from our mistakes, but the smart people in this life learn from "Other people's mistakes"
If you are going to bury anything then take the advice of someone who has made most of the mistakes. Don't leave anything to chance. Take detailed measurements from immovable objects and write it all up in a pad and make two copies. You can easily hide these, don't be paranoid about someone finding them. You can make a detailed drawing and then make it look like a plumbing plan by adding pipes here and there in a different color. Hide these small pieces of paper say one in the back of an old novel in a dusty junk box you never touch, one slid into a crevice in a ceiling or whatever takes your fancy. Not in a safe through, in a safe it means "Important document". You could even take the outer skin off an old toaster and put it in there, or inside a patched tube, inside a tire, off a cheapo fridge trolley. There are innumerable safe places, the only limit is your imagination.
Measure accurately and make a map, don't assume just because you are standing there you will remember it as easily as you do at the moment of burial, you wont. I followed the directions of dying man to what was supposed to be 2 caches laid down 18 years before. I even went with a metal detector and believe it or not, his brother-in law who had helped him dig the holes. We found nothing, but I will admit I am no expert with metal detectors. No the brother-in-law hadn't ratted them, he had no motivation, it wasn't something that interested him. They were there alright, we just couldn't find them. We were looking for 3 gum trees in a triangle 100 steps directly east from a big tree at the end of the clearing, yeah whatever...
We can learn from our mistakes, but the smart people in this life learn from "Other people's mistakes"