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everyone has seen the Gestapo seizing fuel during sub freezing weather. Then a Judge ordered them to return it... this vid shows the cops returning the cans... half filled with water.. The public is now aware and the jerry can mob is now on the march to bring fresh fuel.

Fake news as far as I can tell. Nothing substantial to verify the headline (and it's just a headline)
The video is from earlier on when people were bringing fuel for the truckers (before the police seized it.)
“When Do You Think It’s Going To Happen?”

I just got a call with that as the question. I had to whittle the question down from 5 ways it could be answered to just the financial meaning to the question.

My answer was look at the most probable time lines over the next few weeks and then one may be able to see for themselves.

February 13th. The US truckers may block entry to the Super Bowl. If they do it will focus the entire world on a global war with the elites, with battle lines drawn up in both Canada and the US. I believe the Superbowl will be the target because it will be like a commando raid, in and out in one day before authorities can react. It will be a tremendous gain for just one day of risk.

That brings us to February 14th. The Fed Reserve board has called for an emergency meeting to do something with interest rates. No matter what they do it will cause havoc on our financial condition in the US. Also on the 14th truck lock downs begin across Europe. So next week will certainly cause destruction to the MSN Media as the world sees a global war against the elite that wish to kill us. They will be dead on the vine.

On February 21st, President’s day, Trump will bring up his new Truth Social platform to compete with Facebook, Tweet, you tube, etc. Well, you know trump, he doesn’t dick around. He will not be sending you a hot dog and beer in the mail for signing up. No sir, he will make explosive announcements and save the postage. Those announcements will do more damage to the Elite and the Banksters. This will put tremendous pressure on the MSN Media.

Then on March 1st the US truckers will make their way to the DC area.

So if you quickly scan this timeline you will see the central governments surrounded in their castles without supplies. The Central governments are now under siege.

By the end of February we will probably see the dollar in even more trouble, the stock market perhaps in trouble and precious metals breaking free. As much as I hate to mention Cryptos, the attack on GoFundMe and possibly GiftSendGo, the sheeple have every reason to run to metals or cryptos so the state can’t take your money because you don’t conform.

All of this will begin the death blow to the Banksters. Credit ends. There is more shortage of food and supplies because of the sieges. People will be in shock.
Very likely could happen. This puts the elite on defense and they haven't a clue as to what to do about it.
Today's Postings from Simon Parkes as to what the Deep State is attempting:

Simon Parkes - Citizens Told To Leave Ukraine Immediately...

Simon Parkes - Date Of Russian 'Invasion' Announced By Bloomberg...

I personally don't believe Russia will invade. They can walk in anytime unopposed.
They needn't. They know the kill shot on the ruling class is now underway.
NATO is dying and bleeding out now.

See: Fed One Meeting Away From Creating A Doomsday Market Sinkhole.
by Brandon Smith, Alt Market: Article
"So, central banks and their corporate and political partners follow the Marxist model and seek to become the hand that feeds; by hook, by crook or by financial collapse if necessary."

This is the only remaining move the Deep State has.
They will probably use it Monday.
After 10 years of Zero interest rates, they will raise it and complete the crash the US economy.

Fear not, it has to happen anyway. We are now just a few months away from leaving the Banksters clutches. We will still see hard times though.

Again, what we are seeing is the Central governments being held under siege. They did not plan for this.
“When Do You Think It’s Going To Happen?”

I just got a call with that as the question. I had to whittle the question down from 5 ways it could be answered to just the financial meaning to the question.

My answer was look at the most probable time lines over the next few weeks and then one may be able to see for themselves.

February 13th. The US truckers may block entry to the Super Bowl. If they do it will focus the entire world on a global war with the elites, with battle lines drawn up in both Canada and the US. I believe the Superbowl will be the target because it will be like a commando raid, in and out in one day before authorities can react. It will be a tremendous gain for just one day of risk.

That brings us to February 14th. The Fed Reserve board has called for an emergency meeting to do something with interest rates. No matter what they do it will cause havoc on our financial condition in the US. Also on the 14th truck lock downs begin across Europe. So next week will certainly cause destruction to the MSN Media as the world sees a global war against the elite that wish to kill us. They will be dead on the vine.

On February 21st, President’s day, Trump will bring up his new Truth Social platform to compete with Facebook, Tweet, you tube, etc. Well, you know trump, he doesn’t dick around. He will not be sending you a hot dog and beer in the mail for signing up. No sir, he will make explosive announcements and save the postage. Those announcements will do more damage to the Elite and the Banksters. This will put tremendous pressure on the MSN Media.

Then on March 1st the US truckers will make their way to the DC area.

So if you quickly scan this timeline you will see the central governments surrounded in their castles without supplies. The Central governments are now under siege.

By the end of February we will probably see the dollar in even more trouble, the stock market perhaps in trouble and precious metals breaking free. As much as I hate to mention Cryptos, the attack on GoFundMe and possibly GiftSendGo, the sheeple have every reason to run to metals or cryptos so the state can’t take your money because you don’t conform.

All of this will begin the death blow to the Banksters. Credit ends. There is more shortage of food and supplies because of the sieges. People will be in shock.

Very good list, but there is still one big thing that could be lost sight of at the moment.

North Korea or another rogue state could exploit Grandpa Jo's perplexity to deploy a long-range nuclear missile or dirty bomb at the Super Bowl.
I absolutely do not wish this on the USA, nor on anyone else, but one is currently so fixated on Corona or Russia that one would never expect such a scenario.

What would happen if such an event would happen with a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb?
I would say there would be the biggest disaster and the USA could be incapable of acting and this would be exploited very quickly in many parts of the world.
I hope such plans do NOT exist, but such an event would be the killer and the balance of power in this world would be different afterwards.

Always count on a surprise, because the next few days in one or more forms may well arrive, if that happens will be from my point of view China to 99.9% behind it.
Vaccine mandates for the Ottawa Police went into effect on January 31st. Up until Jan 31st, they could opt for testing instead.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, October 29, 2021 1:45 pm
(Ottawa) – The safety of the people of Ottawa is our number one priority. As Chief, my job is to ensure we have the resources needed to respond immediately and effectively to any emergency and keep the public safe. In a pandemic, that also means working closely with Ottawa Public Health towards the goal of 100 percent vaccination for all our members, as announced earlier this month.

Mandatory Vaccination

It is with those guiding principles in mind that I am announcing the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) will be instituting a mandatory vaccination policy for all members effective January 31, 2022.


Testing (until Jan 31st)

Members who have not been vaccinated will be required to be tested every 72 hours. We have received a limited supply of tests at no cost to the taxpayer. After those tests run out, unvaccinated employees will be required to pay for their own tests.

Vaccine mandates for the Ottawa Police went into effect on January 31st. Up until Jan 31st, they could opt for testing instead.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, October 29, 2021 1:45 pm
(Ottawa) – The safety of the people of Ottawa is our number one priority. As Chief, my job is to ensure we have the resources needed to respond immediately and effectively to any emergency and keep the public safe. In a pandemic, that also means working closely with Ottawa Public Health towards the goal of 100 percent vaccination for all our members, as announced earlier this month.

Mandatory Vaccination

It is with those guiding principles in mind that I am announcing the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) will be instituting a mandatory vaccination policy for all members effective January 31, 2022.


Testing (until Jan 31st)

Members who have not been vaccinated will be required to be tested every 72 hours. We have received a limited supply of tests at no cost to the taxpayer. After those tests run out, unvaccinated employees will be required to pay for their own tests.


That post was done prior. But did they really make them take it would be my question. They are too in Trudeau’s pocket for me to believe.
Of course, with a vaccine that does not solve the basic problem because you can also get and pass on the virus with vaccination, but you damage even more employees with side effects of these vaccines.

The whole thing is a war against the people and against health, it is being done like here that everyone wants to force, although in the end it does nothing but thousands of people injured by this poison.
Not for much longer, people provoke the uprising so directly and then crush it with the most brutal means.

Either way, democracy will never be able to be restored afterwards and trust will be gone forever.
Of course, with a vaccine that does not solve the basic problem because you can also get and pass on the virus with vaccination, but you damage even more employees with side effects of these vaccines.
Anyone with half a brain would understand that it would give people a false sense of security.
But, as Mark Twain said about politicians:
"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
"All Congresses and Parliaments have a kindly feeling for idiots, and a compassion for them, on account of personal experience and heredity."
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
"Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can."
“There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress."
Saw this. . .
Best comment ever. . . 😂 😂 😂

9 hours ago

Communist Governor Whitmer, exactly how are you going to get your proffered heavy equipment to Canada, by airlift or shipping?
I am pleased to advise you that your land routes are Blocked, with a capital "B"!
I am certain that you are as effective as a Strategist as you are a Governor.
Reminds me of Senator Kennedy's comments about Trump appointed Supreme Court Justice Amy C. Barrett congressional "intertogation" when the Dems tried to nail her up with stupid questions, etc. ....he said
"They couldn't lay a glove on her" 😉

Pay attention…not one Western Leader has condemned the actions of Justin Trudeau.

That‘s because they have been INSTRUCTED not to do so.

Your country’s leadership doesn’t serve you, they serve their Globalist masters, no matter which political Party in your country is in power. It’s been that way for hundreds of years. You are ‘permitted’ to vote to make you think that you have power…you don’t!