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ok here's what i'm growing this year..habenero for pepper spray,got recipe for that..but yet,i need recipes for the rest.on account i lost my ball recipe book some how..jalapeno.cayenne.pinto.cantaloupe.cucumber for bread n butter pickle.tomato for ketchup,salsa stewed,diced..okra.pole beans(green beans).black eye pea and corn for whole and cream style if anyone has a recipe for them,it'll be greatly appreciated if ya share it..
My advice is go back to Walmart and get another copy of the ball guide, it's become my favorite read! Mostly because it helps keep you safe. thinking thats what i'll have to im cooking up pinto beans and im searching how to home can them.
how did the bacon turn out??

OK, we did can 5 jars of bacon as our test run, and also put up 8pints of velvet a cheese. They flew in my check on luggage, seals still intact. Cooked up the bacon and used some of the cheese in scrambled eggs. All was well. Thanks for the bacon and the cheese tips. As always.
Good luck, be safe, and God bless

im glad that read this.i made pinto beans ans ham.i WAS going to go with 30 minutes..but read what you posted about.. Once you see a steady stream of steam let vent for 10 minutes then close vent. Let your pressure get up to 10 lbs (pressure allowed for 0 - 1000 ft above sea level and since you are in Texas, I don't think you are higher than 1000 ft) and process your pints for 75 minutes and quarts for 90 im going with 75 minutes..

Jim you were doing really good by sterilizing your jars and putting the food into them, but I would also run a plastic spoon around and thru your stew after putting the stew into the jars, to make sure you don't have any air bubbles and wipe the rim of your jars just to make sure that they are clean and you can get a good seal. Now this next part is what you left out. Since beef stew is a low acid food ( all meats, be it beef chicken pork seafood and most vegetables) having a Ph level of greater that 4.6 must be heat processed in a pressure cooker to destroy bacteria. Place your jars into your pressure canner, adjust water level, lock lid down and bring to a boil with vent off. Once you see a steady stream of steam let vent for 10 minutes then close vent. Let your pressure get up to 10 lbs (pressure allowed for 0 - 1000 ft above sea level and since you are in Texas, I don't think you are higher than 1000 ft) and process your pints for 75 minutes and quarts for 90 minutes. You will need to watch your pressure because if it falls under 10 lbs you will need to start your timing over. Honestly, I get mine up to 11 lbs just in case. Once your time is up, turn off heat and let the pressure release naturally, do NOT take the vent off at this time. If you do, there is a chance that you will loose the liquid in your jars and you will not get a proper seal. Once it is on 0 lbs, wait a couple minutes then remove your jars and let cool.

Once you get the hang of things canning is a lot of fun! It makes you feel accomplished to see all the things from the garden in their jars sitting pretty on your shelves. Good luck Jim
how did the bacon turn out??

im glad that read this.i made pinto beans ans ham.i WAS going to go with 30 minutes..but read what you posted about.. Once you see a steady stream of steam let vent for 10 minutes then close vent. Let your pressure get up to 10 lbs (pressure allowed for 0 - 1000 ft above sea level and since you are in Texas, I don't think you are higher than 1000 ft) and process your pints for 75 minutes and quarts for 90 im going with 75 minutes..
Glad your getting into the canning thing Jim. It's sad that a hundred years ago every family knew these things, but now it's pretty rare knowledge. Here's a link it's pretty cool stuff. I'm trying to buy some regular lids every time I go to the grocery, and most times you can get more than one use from them, but I really like the idea of reusing them for years. One other thing, storing the jars in a cool dark place is just as important as all the prep that goes into making them.
I still can not find tattler lids locally. . . even been asking one of the guys who does the ordering for the grocery store I work for. He is not able to order them as of yet. Hoping one day it will become available for us. Another item I have been in search for is pickling lime. I have an aunt in CO that can get the stuff with no problem, but here it is not available to buy in the stores and I have searched. Last year she shared a recipe with me that is awesome. . .Sweet & Spicy Pickles. Sent a jar home with mom last year, after my cucumber harvest, so got a first hand taste and fell in love. This is her recipe,

Lyn's Sweet & Spicy Pickles (Makes @ 7 quarts)

Step 1:
8 lbs. cucumbers, sliced and soaked in pickling lime overnight (I use Mrs. Wages.
1 cup lime to 1 gallon water til cucumbers are covered)

Step 2:
Important - Rinse cucumbers several times until the water runs clean/clear.

Step 3:
Drain cucumbers - let dry for 30 minutes.

Step 4:
Bring the following ingredients to a boil, then add cucumbers and cook 30 minutes or until the cucumbers turn clear (time will vary depending on the thickness of the cucumber - I have made cucumber 'chunks' or spears that require a little more processing time. Caution - do not confuse the tablespoon ingredients with the tsp. ones!

15 cups sugar
3 quarts white vinegar
5 Tbsp. salt
5 Tbsp. onion flakes
5 Tbsp. parsley
5 tsp. red pepper
5 tsp. garlic powder
5 tsp. turmeric
5 tsp. mustard seed
5 tsp. crushed red pepper
5 tsp. celery seed

Pack cucumbers and syrup into sterilized jars leaving about 1/2" head space. Seal & process for 10 minutes (pints) or 15 minutes (quarts).
pickling lime i have so i (might) be able get some for ya.then ship it to you,if you want..but as for as tattler lids have to look to see if there's any or not..
I still can not find tattler lids locally. . . even been asking one of the guys who does the ordering for the grocery store I work for. He is not able to order them as of yet. Hoping one day it will become available for us. Another item I have been in search for is pickling lime. I have an aunt in CO that can get the stuff with no problem, but here it is not available to buy in the stores and I have searched. Last year she shared a recipe with me that is awesome. . .Sweet & Spicy Pickles. Sent a jar home with mom last year, after my cucumber harvest, so got a first hand taste and fell in love. This is her recipe,

Lyn's Sweet & Spicy Pickles (Makes @ 7 quarts)

Step 1:
8 lbs. cucumbers, sliced and soaked in pickling lime overnight (I use Mrs. Wages.
1 cup lime to 1 gallon water til cucumbers are covered)

Step 2:
Important - Rinse cucumbers several times until the water runs clean/clear.

Step 3:
Drain cucumbers - let dry for 30 minutes.

Step 4:
Bring the following ingredients to a boil, then add cucumbers and cook 30 minutes or until the cucumbers turn clear (time will vary depending on the thickness of the cucumber - I have made cucumber 'chunks' or spears that require a little more processing time. Caution - do not confuse the tablespoon ingredients with the tsp. ones!

15 cups sugar
3 quarts white vinegar
5 Tbsp. salt
5 Tbsp. onion flakes
5 Tbsp. parsley
5 tsp. red pepper
5 tsp. garlic powder
5 tsp. turmeric
5 tsp. mustard seed
5 tsp. crushed red pepper
5 tsp. celery seed

Pack cucumbers and syrup into sterilized jars leaving about 1/2" head space. Seal & process for 10 minutes (pints) or 15 minutes (quarts).
I can't wait to start canning this year! Your recipie sounds great, but I was shocked at the amount of sugar! Glad I'm not diabetic! :)
pickling lime i have so i (might) be able get some for ya.then ship it to you,if you want..but as for as tattler lids have to look to see if there's any or not..
Would love if you find it in your area!
Would love if you find it in your area!
That is pretty good of you Jim to offer. I have had a lot of luck on Amazon. It has almost everything, better pricing than stores, is shipped to your door and you don't even need to be dressed for it! With the winemaking I need odd supplies that I just can't find elsewhere.
That is pretty good of you Jim to offer. I have had a lot of luck on Amazon. It has almost everything, better pricing than stores, is shipped to your door and you don't even need to be dressed for it! With the winemaking I need odd supplies that I just can't find elsewhere.
I don't use credit cards and shopping online for me is scary. I have a sis who does very often and she and her husband have both had their identity stolen on more than one occasion . I am old school and still use the checkbook. If you do not accept, I don't use.
well,today im canning 7 quarts of beans n ham..but i gotta i start the timer before or after the steam starts coming out? i only had 1 jar out of 8 pints that didn't seal,when it comes to it went into the fridge.2 pint jars are left.:) i love my cooking..
I don't use credit cards and shopping online for me is scary. I have a sis who does very often and she and her husband have both had their identity stolen on more than one occasion . I am old school and still use the checkbook. If you do not accept, I don't use.
I was that way until the last couple years. Now I'm dependent on the selection and convience. My son has a point about security. If you watch your statement, just call the bank and they remove the charges you didn't make, and they send you a new card closing the old one. It is disturbing how easily your info is gotten though. is,can some chicken which im using the chicken broth i canned in april.
Turkey broth is my favorite for soups and cooking. When I'm just about done with the carcass I wil boil it down for a pot full of broth. I eat about 6 turkeys a year, buying them around thanksgiving and freezing them.
here's some pic's of my black eye peas.but i just gotta ask 2 questions.
1st is.are they large enough to pick,?seeing how this is my firs time to grow them..
2nd is.approximately how many does it take per jar for canning? (pints)
we have 3-5 store bought cans of black canning them soon as possible.the better..

2016-06-05 001.JPG 2016-06-05 003.JPG 2016-06-05 004.JPG 2016-06-05 005.JPG 2016-06-05 006.JPG
here's some pic's of my black eye peas.but i just gotta ask 2 questions.
1st is.are they large enough to pick,?seeing how this is my firs time to grow them..
2nd is.approximately how many does it take per jar for canning? (pints)
we have 3-5 store bought cans of black canning them soon as possible.the better..

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Those look perfect. I like them young as they get tougher when older. Basically the best test is to shell one and see if the seeds are big enough. That's the easy part. Now the bad news. It takes about two billion to fill up even a few pint jars! Seriously, there's a lot of shelling going on. I got some half pint jars that were still a lot of work with the peas, which are pretty similar. My advice is get a big bucket of them, sit in front of the tv and go to town on shelling.
i went ahead and picked a bunch..they almost filled a plastic grocery bag.and shelled them.their all white.and very few had actually started the back eye part..we'd rather they be fully developed..
today,im cooking up 4LB'S of beef of which i'll be glad that i went ahead n got another ball book.on account it not only has a recipe for chili.but tells how long to cook it in the pressure cooker as well..
well.i now have 7 pints of chili.this evening,i'll go ahead cook n can spaghetti,with the sauce.on account the sauce expired Nov 05 2015...smiley-dance003.gif canning is such fun..
well.i now have 7 pints of chili.this evening,i'll go ahead cook n can spaghetti,with the sauce.on account the sauce expired Nov 05 2015...View attachment 5934 canning is such fun..
I agree, it's really satisfying to be able to produce and preserve your own food. I've got 14 more minutes right now for 18 pints of white potatoes to be done. I'm using the new pressure cap for the first time today. It was set for ten lbs, so I wrapped a little bit of copper wire around it to get it at 11psi. Working great now! The potatoes I tried to nuke the othe night had to be gotten rid of. Luckily the dogs and rooster seemed to like 'smokey' flavored potatoes. Sucks to trash something that so much effort went in. I'm sure they were safe to eat, but I'd have to be pretty darned hungry to resort to those. I finished picking all the potatoes today. I had enough to can some, will have enough to plant a second crop near the end of summer, and should have enough to last three months or so. I'm definately planting potatoes every season from now on. They produced a lot of food.
thats something i plan on canning in 1 quart jars..
I almost went with quarts, but it's just me and the wife here. She dosent eat a lot with her stomache issues, so pints just make more sense. I like to mix a jar of the green beans and potatoes together. I did notice I'm just about out of pint jars though, so I'll use quarts soon. I have a crap load of apples this year, and am actually going to get peaches from what it looks like. Peaches were so difficult to learn to get them to produce, I almost cut them all down!
well.i now have 7 pints of chili.this evening,i'll go ahead cook n can spaghetti,with the sauce.on account the sauce expired Nov 05 2015...View attachment 5934 canning is such fun..
where did you find a dancing pickle, or banana?
i did a web search for down loadable smileys..and that's how i came across the banana..

im hoping that i figure this i pressure cook the spaghetti n sauce for 20 minutes?
i did a web search for down loadable smileys..and that's how i came across the banana..

im hoping that i figure this i pressure cook the spaghetti n sauce for 20 minutes?
Morning Jim. I'm not sure, espechially since the sauce was pre made. One issue with tomato products is they don't last long, two years is when I toss mine to the rooster. That might be a good question for danilgrl. My take on canning though is better safe than sorry. If your not sure, don't do it. So far I've stuck to published recipes. I had a few green beans I picked yesterday and made 6 pints of spicy dill beans last night. I like em better than regular pickles.
I love Dilly Beans too, though I prefer mine sweet and garlicky.
Home preserving in the UK is not done at all apart from jam making, that is quite popular.
I love Dilly Beans too, though I prefer mine sweet and garlicky.
Home preserving in the UK is not done at all apart from jam making, that is quite popular.
I actually need to learn about jelly/jams. I grow grapes, muscadines mostly, for wine, but have so much currently that I need a new use for this years fruit. I was allready planning to make a lot or grape juice. I love canning, it gives me a sense of independence to know that I can make and preserve food.
I actually need to learn about jelly/jams. I grow grapes, muscadines mostly, for wine, but have so much currently that I need a new use for this years fruit. I was allready planning to make a lot or grape juice. I love canning, it gives me a sense of independence to know that I can make and preserve food.

You must be slacking, Brent. You're obviously not drinking it fast enough!LOL.

I cannot think of much more satisfying than gazing upon row upon row of home produced preserves, especially if the produce is home grown.;)
You must be slacking, Brent. You're obviously not drinking it fast enough!LOL.

I cannot think of much more satisfying than gazing upon row upon row of home produced preserves, especially if the produce is home grown.;)
The problem is, the alcohol content in this stuff is double what's in the stores (govt regulations). So about one glass a night (small one) is about all I drink now days. I like coffee in the morning to get me going and a glass of red wine to put me down at night.
I'll let you know how jam making turns out, but gazing on 100 gallons of wine ain't too bad either :).

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