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spam is one food that i grew up with,i can eat it as is out of the can,fried,as a sandwich,or with other's one of the basic food groups for us country folk

lol, Same over here Jim.:) our favourite is coated in breadcrumbs and frie then served with bubble and squeak(fried potatoes and brussels sprouts or cabbage) with a couple of eggs on the side. although my Dad lost his liking for it during the war after the family spent quite some time eating it as it was the only thing available. He said even SPAM lost it's appeal after daily consumption.
spam is one food that i grew up with,i can eat it as is out of the can,fried,as a sandwich,or with other's one of the basic food groups for us country folk
I guess I understand as I like a fried ballogna sandwich every once in a while. I know it's not good for you, but it really does taste good to me.
I'll take scrapple over spam any day!! I am not a big fan of the stuff myself, but did have a few cans years ago. Chopped up in a pot of beans is tolerable. Just camouflage and if your hungry enough you could probably eat anything :)
i hadn't eaten spam with eggs in some time

i hadn't thought of fried bologna sandwich in some time

anyone ever eat peanut butter and cheese sandwich's?
I'll try the peanut butter and cheese just for the fun of it.
i hadn't eaten spam with eggs in some time

i hadn't thought of fried bologna sandwich in some time

anyone ever eat peanut butter and cheese sandwich's?
I like peanut butter with cheese and jam, the wife loves peanut butter mixed with Marmite
Just need to think outside the box! Chicken and beef stew make great potpies, just add in a thickening agent. Fruit butters and sauces make good moist breads and cakes. Awesome thing about canned goods is that they are versatile and convenient and you can use the jar for other things.
Canned up 14 quarts of Chicken & Corn Chowder yesterday and smoked 40 lbs of chicken to vacuum seal for the freezer. Was hoping to get more soups made but it was not happening. . . wiring had to get fixed on septic tank and then a trip a couple towns over to get something for hunny. Did get enough broth and chicken boiled up to have a head start for todays canning. I am breaking the laws of the 'higher power canning gods' and canning Chicken Noodle Soup I am using yolk free noodles and cooking about 1/2 way (5 min) in the soup before ladling into my jars.
Just need to think outside the box! Chicken and beef stew make great potpies, just add in a thickening agent. Fruit butters and sauces make good moist breads and cakes. Awesome thing about canned goods is that they are versatile and convenient and you can use the jar for other things.
My canned apples make great applesause, pies, or topping for ice cream.
:oops: i aint doing squat compared to you,when it comes to canning..
But you are doing what you eat and that is what it is all about! For me it is a lifestyle; food to eat when it is off season and I am not able to grow it. I do try to preserve enough for a couple years incase I have a bad season. The meals are for those night that I am too busy or tired to cook. Around here, you never know what may happen to come up and to have a heat and serve meal is a great option to have on hand. For instance tonight, I was just finishing up cooking for dinner when I got a phone call from hunny saying that he needed my help because the hotwire went down. He really just needs my ears cause I can hear better than him. So spent the last hour and a half walking fence lines trying to find the short. Our fences have two chargers, so two different issues tonight. Hunny goes back to work tomorrow and I honestly don't want to have to deal with Charlie jumping a fence to get to Betsey now that she has had her calf. Even though she is not in heat, she still gives off a scent that he likes! Tonight it didn't effect dinner prep, but it has in the past and we like to eat around 6 most days.
I'd like to be doing more, but circumstances being what they are, it's not doable at this time. So I am living vicariously through everyones posts on here. Next year, I hope to be back in the kitchen with a vegeance and canning for England!
Sharing a very good pickle recipe

Lyn's Sweet & Spicy Pickles (Makes @ 7 quarts)

Step 1:
8 lbs. cucumbers, sliced and soaked in pickling lime overnight (I use Mrs. Wages.
1 cup lime to 1 gallon water til cucumbers are covered)

Step 2:
Important - Rinse cucumbers several times until the water runs clean/clear.

Step 3:
Drain cucumbers - let dry for 30 minutes.

Step 4:
Bring the following ingredients to a boil, then add cucumbers and cook 30 minutes or until the cucumbers turn clear (time will vary depending on the thickness of the cucumber - I have made cucumber 'chunks' or spears that require a little more processing time. Caution - do not confuse the tablespoon ingredients with the tsp. ones!

15 cups sugar
3 quarts white vinegar
5 Tbsp. salt
5 Tbsp. onion flakes
5 Tbsp. parsley
5 tsp. red pepper
5 tsp. garlic powder
5 tsp. turmeric
5 tsp. mustard seed
5 tsp. crushed red pepper
5 tsp. celery seed

Pack cucumbers and syrup into sterilized jars leaving about 1/2" head space. Seal & process for 10 minutes (pints) or 15 minutes (quarts).

It is well worth the time and effort!!
Sharing a very good pickle recipe

Lyn's Sweet & Spicy Pickles (Makes @ 7 quarts)

Step 1:
8 lbs. cucumbers, sliced and soaked in pickling lime overnight (I use Mrs. Wages.
1 cup lime to 1 gallon water til cucumbers are covered)

Step 2:
Important - Rinse cucumbers several times until the water runs clean/clear.

Step 3:
Drain cucumbers - let dry for 30 minutes.

Step 4:
Bring the following ingredients to a boil, then add cucumbers and cook 30 minutes or until the cucumbers turn clear (time will vary depending on the thickness of the cucumber - I have made cucumber 'chunks' or spears that require a little more processing time. Caution - do not confuse the tablespoon ingredients with the tsp. ones!

15 cups sugar
3 quarts white vinegar
5 Tbsp. salt
5 Tbsp. onion flakes
5 Tbsp. parsley
5 tsp. red pepper
5 tsp. garlic powder
5 tsp. turmeric
5 tsp. mustard seed
5 tsp. crushed red pepper
5 tsp. celery seed

Pack cucumbers and syrup into sterilized jars leaving about 1/2" head space. Seal & process for 10 minutes (pints) or 15 minutes (quarts).

It is well worth the time and effort!!
I wish I could try it! I ended up getting about 15 cucumbers this year. They usually like heat, but not as much as we got this summer. I didn't make a single pickel this year. Although I did pickle some green beans, with a little kick to em.
well,the spaghetti that i canned on july 30th of this year is still good.seeing how mom just ate a bowl of it..guess i did things right after all.. :p
Sounds like your using mom as a Guinea pig! Lol. Well, I'm glad, and bet she is too, that your canning skills are good now.
better her then me as a Guinea pig.this way i can correct my mistakes,.. 36_11_6.gif
I wish I could try it! I ended up getting about 15 cucumbers this year. They usually like heat, but not as much as we got this summer. I didn't make a single pickel this year. Although I did pickle some green beans, with a little kick to em.
One day it will happen. . . it took me a heck of a time to locate Pickling Lime. Mom brought it home to me when she visited Colorado.
better her then me as a Guinea pig.this way i can correct my mistakes,.. View attachment 6027
Just be careful using mom as the guinea pig ;). As long as your doing the right processing time it should be fine. According to the canning gods pasta should never be canned since it contains flour and eggs. . . if you check with the Amish they do and so do other countries. The FDA is just trying to be on the 'safe' side of things when they 'recommend'. I break the rules all the time. . . a Rebel at Heart! :p:D
Well, I peeled the last bucket of apples today. The peeler/corer/slicer thing ey was a huge time saver, but it's still a lot of work. I made to large apple pies too. I also managed to pick the carrots from the greenhouse. I've started washing and sorting them, but won't get to canning them till tomorrow.
Posted this in another spot, probably should have been posted here. But I didn't know this thread existed. Almost a year I've been on this page & still finding stuff I did not know was here! Anyway..........

We got all the peas shelled. Yay! And all canned. Yay! However, we sort of cheated on shelling them. Someone we know heard about our many bushels of black-eyes and loaned us their electric pea sheller. Yay. And brother, I mean YAY! I may never shell by hand again. We were 2 or 3 bushels in when we accepted the upgrade in technology. What took 2 hours by hand, took 20 minutes with the machine. We may even go get another batch next weekend.

Final tally.....149 pints & 42 quarts. Plus, 4 gallon zip-loc bags of shelled, un-canned peas( 2 for the people who loaned us the machine ) & a plastic grocery bag (about 2 gallons) to my sister. Big praises for my sweet wife for all her hard work washing jars & canning. :D
today im cooking 4LB'S of pinto beans for beans n the ham sliced n the beans im waiting for the water on the stove to get plenty hot..

P.S. edit..i'm getting 13 pints on this one..
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I canned the last tray of carrots tonight, and I have 18 pints of turkey broth in the canner right now. Man, that stuff makes the house smell so good! I also had 3 pints of broth left that wouldn't fit in the canner, so they will go in the fridge tonight and will be turkey noodle soup in the next couple days. I can't believe all my life I used to throw out the chicken and turkey bones. Now they make the best soups and add flavor to most things I cook.

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