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I'm finally cannng the other Pumpkin I got at Halloween. :oops: It's taken me an age to get my rump in gear. Just as well Pumpkin keeps so well.
I'm finally cannng the other Pumpkin I got at Halloween. :oops: It's taken me an age to get my rump in gear. Just as well Pumpkin keeps so well.
I've been busy, so prepping took a back seat for a bit. I did till in some manure in a bed in the greenhouse and got lettuces planted. That's about it though. The potatoes in there died off with the cold finally. I pulled one and had several smallish potatoes. I think they will last to use them for seed in the spring, hopefully. The whole sustainable thing isn't as easy as most think.
I'm finally cannng the other Pumpkin I got at Halloween. :oops: It's taken me an age to get my rump in gear. Just as well Pumpkin keeps so well.
We saw some pumpkins that were tossed on the side of the road when we went to go pick up some feed. I had hunny stop, yes I cant stand food being thrown out like that. . . They were already rotting and dry (It's a very mild winter for us so far), but they still made great pig feed and even if we didn't have the pigs, they could have been thrown into a compost pile to feed the worms that will be attracted.
We saw some pumpkins that were tossed on the side of the road when we went to go pick up some feed. I had hunny stop, yes I cant stand food being thrown out like that. . . They were already rotting and dry (It's a very mild winter for us so far), but they still made great pig feed and even if we didn't have the pigs, they could have been thrown into a compost pile to feed the worms that will be attracted.
As a whole we waste an incredible amount in this country. I minimize what I do, and guess that's the best you can do.
We saw some pumpkins that were tossed on the side of the road when we went to go pick up some feed. I had hunny stop, yes I cant stand food being thrown out like that. . . They were already rotting and dry (It's a very mild winter for us so far), but they still made great pig feed and even if we didn't have the pigs, they could have been thrown into a compost pile to feed the worms that will be attracted.
About a hundred or so miles south of me they grow a lot of onions and potatoes. When they truck them from the fields the the storage barns a lot of onions/potatoes fall out of the trucks. I don't have a problem stopping and picking some up. It's free food as far as I'm concerned.
As a whole we waste an incredible amount in this country. I minimize what I do, and guess that's the best you can do.

Have you noticed you waste less when you grow it yourself? I have to admit to throwing more away now I'm relying on store bought. Not sure whether it's because I can't always buy the amount I want, or the freshnesss (or lack of it) makes me throw stuff out, or maybe a combination of the two.

On a similar note, has anyone else noticed it now seems to be more expensive to buy fruit and veg loose than pre packed?!?!
yeah it does seem like it.but i rarely buy im not tthrowing away less foods now.compared to 2+ years ago.cant afford the waste.pluss i've gotten to the point in my life,where i dont like the idea of wasteing any food..
On a similar note, has anyone else noticed it now seems to be more expensive to buy fruit and veg loose than pre packed?!?!
I normally do the out of date pulls first thing in the morning when I work at the grocery store and I am always amazed on what I have to scan out and toss in the garbage! If only I could bag it all up to bring home I would never have to buy feed again, but unfortunately, our store will not allow that, not even in produce. Some stores do though and if you can get with the produce manager, he is more than happy to save you the toss outs. When hunny worked as a policeman in the city, he would pick up box after box from one of the stores on his beat. I did talk to one of the managers closer to home and I would have to go thru corporate and get on a list, but if you are close enough, it may just be worth the effort.

Artic, heck I know that I would be out picking up the road trash too!! Good score in my book. . . give me a good tater with some toppings (including that neighbor onion) and that is a meal in itself!
well,im cooking chicken for chicken soup..but yet i have a issue..there's not enough chicken for the veggies i cut up..but yet,i do have 4 quarts of home canned chicken that i made up july 14th of last sure those 4 quarts of chicken can be added to what i just cooked up..but wondering,is that doable?
Canned up chicken can be added to your chicken soup for dinner tonight with no probs.
This is just an FYI. . once canned I do not recan in a different recipe.
thats just it.i'll be canning what we won't be eating tonight..pluss,that'll probably give me extra chicken broth to can as well..and i guess other meats can't be added as well? im refering to home canned meats only..the chicken i want to add to chicken and broth only..
You can always try and see what happens or just freeze it in quart sized bags.
I think you could safely re-can the chicken. The problem is all that heating is going to drain all the nutrition and probably taste out of it. I would just can the veggie soup, and then add some chicken to it when you open it up later on.
The Pieapple is canned. I got 6 jars fruit, 3/4 pint juice and a cup of pulp from 4 large Pineapples. Not bad for £2.40 and a little time and fuel.

I'm drinking the juice, and not sure whether to use the pulp for a sweet or savoury meal.:D I'm thinking either Hawaiian Chicken or Pineapple and Ginger pudding. Decisions! Decisions!
The Pieapple is canned. I got 6 jars fruit, 3/4 pint juice and a cup of pulp from 4 large Pineapples. Not bad for £2.40 and a little time and fuel.

I'm drinking the juice, and not sure whether to use the pulp for a sweet or savoury meal.:D I'm thinking either Hawaiian Chicken or Pineapple and Ginger pudding. Decisions! Decisions!
That all sounds good to me. I love fresh or canned pineapple and pineapple juice. Never had pineapple Ginger pudding but it sounds good too. I like pineapple slices grilled on a BBQ, pineapple chunks on kabobs, slices on top of thick sliced ham and grilled. Lots of options with pineapple.
The Pieapple is canned. I got 6 jars fruit, 3/4 pint juice and a cup of pulp from 4 large Pineapples. Not bad for £2.40 and a little time and fuel.

I'm drinking the juice, and not sure whether to use the pulp for a sweet or savoury meal.:D I'm thinking either Hawaiian Chicken or Pineapple and Ginger pudding. Decisions! Decisions!
I always love Sweet & Sour Pork or Chicken. . thinking it would be similar to your Hawaiian Chicken. For a sweet, gotta be a Hummingbird Cake. Never had the Pineapple Ginger Pudding, but anything with pineapple's gotta be good.
Got a nice ham hock while I was out at the weekend and just canned 5 quarts pea and ham soup. One failed to seal..grrrrrr. Never mind we'll have it for dinner thursday.:)
Even when not sealed, never goes to waste. Love split pea soup with ham hocks, little bit of cornbread makes a hearty mealy on a cold day! Ham hocks make a good seasoning for any type of bean for sure.
Have you tried to invert jars while they are still coo!ing down? I check the lids when they first come out & pretty much know if they are going to seal by the feel of then. If they don't feel right, I'll turn them upside down. . . sometimes works.
Have you tried to invert jars while they are still coo!ing down? I check the lids when they first come out & pretty much know if they are going to seal by the feel of then. If they don't feel right, I'll turn them upside down. . . sometimes works.

I knew this one wouldn't seal as soon as it came out of the canner. Normally when I take jars out the contents are still happily bubbling away, this one wasn't so I pretty much knew we'd be eating the contents!
i do 2 things when i take them out of the canner/cooker...1st i check to see if it's still bubbling or not..2nd is i make sure i check the lids and rings,just to make sure both are still snug/tight enough...
Most of my issues come from trying to cool down the canner to quickly for the next batch. I've had them boil some of the contents out into the canner, making a mess that I have to wash all the jars down from.
I've had them boil some of the contents out into the canner, making a mess that I have to wash all the jars down from.

what i do when i have 2 or more batches,is,i go ahead and get the 1st batch done.then i start all dumping the water out.then i put the 2nd batch in as im refilling it with hot water stright from the facet..then onto the stove once ready...
ok,it's home canning capabilities are just ate some beans n spam that i canned 12/12/2016.and i ate some beans n ham that i canned 11/17/2016..and we're still living. sure is nice to have something like that to eat.on days like this..and not to actually have to cook it..
ok,it's home canning capabilities are just ate some beans n spam that i canned 12/12/2016.and i ate some beans n ham that i canned 11/17/2016..and we're still living. sure is nice to have something like that to eat.on days like this..and not to actually have to cook it..
I think it's awesome to look in the pantry and know I could feed my family for 6 months or better. It is a skill that's realitively easy to learn, but really increases your ability to weather most of life's 'disruptions'. Wether a layoff from a job, a natural disaster, or just tough times, canning is something any serious prepper needs to learn.

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