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For the reason of price I looked into Tattler lids as they seemed to be the answer to my prayers, however I have read mixed reviews and what convinced me to avoid them was this...

Now I'm not saying this will definitely happen, but it's enough of a concern to me to avoid them.

Man, that hurt just watching it! One thing I noticed that I do differently is he pulled the jars out while they were still too hot. They are under lots of pressure while they are bubbling like that, and are the least stable when the temperature is changing rapidly. I've learned to leave them in the canner until they cool slowly and enough that they stop bubbling when I do pull them out. Another thing I noticed is he was adjusting the lid while the jars are extremely hot and under pressure. Just dosent seem like a good idea to me. The only downside to waiting longer for jars to cool and become more stable is you can't start a second batch as quickly. Luckily the only accident I've had so far is some of the contents leaking out in the canner while the heat is expanding the contents. Having to wash down some sticky jars was a lot better than the burns that guy got.
As far as tattler lids go, I kind of think the same thing could happen with the metal lids too. The plastic is probably not as tough as the metal though. Either way, I advise using caution and common sense when handeling a hot container full of a pressurized liquid. Be patient and let it cool before handeling the jars.
Its been raining most of the day so did a little canning this morning.
23 pt mock crushed pineapple using cucumbers
7 half pt Sunshine Jam
7 half pint Cucumber Lemon Jam
8 half pt Butterscotch Sauce
Its been raining most of the day so did a little canning this morning.
23 pt mock crushed pineapple using cucumbers
7 half pt Sunshine Jam
7 half pint Cucumber Lemon Jam
8 half pt Butterscotch Sauce
Ok. I can guess what mock pineapple is, but what is Sunshine Jam and Butterscotch Sauce?
Its been raining most of the day so did a little canning this morning.
23 pt mock crushed pineapple using cucumbers
7 half pt Sunshine Jam
7 half pint Cucumber Lemon Jam
8 half pt Butterscotch Sauce
I'm tellin ya, energizer bunny....
Ok. I can guess what mock pineapple is, but what is Sunshine Jam and Butterscotch Sauce?
I started with the mock pineapple and since it is not a smack you in the face pineapple flavor, I kept some out to try in a recipe, which is the Sunshine (Pineapple) Jam. It turned out very good and the mock will be just fine when used in cooking. Ive done it with zucchini but this was a first time with the cukes. I'm just tired of making pickles and relish with the excess and wanted something new. I ended up cubing some and simmered in strawberry koolaide a couple days ago then dehydrating them. When I made my granola today I threw those in along with all my nuts and dried cranberries, hunny didn't even realize it was cucumbers. Just trying to think outside of the box to use them.

And Butterscotch Sauce is just that, but a no-no with the canning Nazi since dairy items are used. . . evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk. It is so so yummy though. A cross between butterscotch and caramel sauce that you would put on ice cream or cakes. Use to make icings, turtle candies, etc
I started with the mock pineapple and since it is not a smack you in the face pineapple flavor, I kept some out to try in a recipe, which is the Sunshine (Pineapple) Jam. It turned out very good and the mock will be just fine when used in cooking. Ive done it with zucchini but this was a first time with the cukes. I'm just tired of making pickles and relish with the excess and wanted something new. I ended up cubing some and simmered in strawberry koolaide a couple days ago then dehydrating them. When I made my granola today I threw those in along with all my nuts and dried cranberries, hunny didn't even realize it was cucumbers. Just trying to think outside of the box to use them.

And Butterscotch Sauce is just that, but a no-no with the canning Nazi since dairy items are used. . . evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk. It is so so yummy though. A cross between butterscotch and caramel sauce that you would put on ice cream or cakes. Use to make icings, turtle candies, etc
That all sounds good to me. Especially the butterscotch. Not sure about candy turtles though. My wife is really looking forward to canning. Just need to get the house built first.
Today I picked a bunch of cukes again so am making some mock strawberry jam. I did some looking around on & ran across a recipe for mock apple rings using zucchini. Got me to thinking about altering and trying out an apple pie filling. I have an apple tree, but I don't get enough to store up too much extra and definitely not a years worth. Hoping this works so we will see, but the pie filling will have to wait till tomorrow. I spent most of the morning/early afternoon outside in the garden and out with the critters cleaning out barns, feed troughs & waterers so will need to start on the housekeeping. Only a couple more hours till gunny comes home. At least I have already made my chili rub for the pork tenderloin we'll have for dinner tonight. Couple sweet taters and good to go.
Today was the mock apple pie filling. I did some research and came up with my own recipe of how to do it. Out of a half bushel of cukes, I got 10 quart size jars with leftover amount to make a pie with. Since it is not a full quart I will add a cream cheese powdered sugar mixture at the bottom than pour my 'apples' on top before I bake it. I think it turned out pretty darn good but the real test will be when hunny comes home.
today.i canned 8 pints of beans n spam,seeing how mom loves more then i month,i'll be buying whats needed for chicken soup..

Man, that hurt just watching it! One thing I noticed that I do differently is he pulled the jars out while they were still too hot. They are under lots of pressure while they are bubbling like that

i've been pulling mine out when that hot..especially when i have 2 or more batches to can..
Today was the mock apple pie filling. I did some research and came up with my own recipe of how to do it. Out of a half bushel of cukes, I got 10 quart size jars with leftover amount to make a pie with. Since it is not a full quart I will add a cream cheese powdered sugar mixture at the bottom than pour my 'apples' on top before I bake it. I think it turned out pretty darn good but the real test will be when hunny comes home.

Care to share the recipe? I'm all for repurposing things. Food included!:D
Are you looking at doing just 1 pie or the canning process? When I get on the computer tonight I can send it. I really don't want to have to tap it out on this tablet :)
Whenever you have the time, Danil54grl. Both recipes if possible.
Made another 8 quarts of the mock apples using cucumbers & since I have started getting a few tomatoes & peppers, almost 7 pints of El Chico sauce.
Canning mock “apple” pie

48 c of peeled, seeded, and sliced cucumbers
10 cups sugar
8 tsp. salt
4 cups apple cider vinegar
8 cups water
2 c apple cider vinegar
6 c white sugar
3 c brown sugar, firmly packed
2 c cornstarch
4 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
4 Tbsp cinnamon
2 tsp nutmeg
1 1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 1/2 tsp allspice
1 tsp ginger
2 Tbsp vanilla

Wash and peel cucumbers. Cut in half lengthwise, scoop out seeds, and then cut into slices about 1/4 inch thick. Mix sugar, salt, cider vinegar, and water in large pan. Bring to a boil. Stir in cucumbers slices, and simmer until slices are a greenish color but not quite transparent, about 25-30 minutes. Drain leaving a couple cups. Add in 2 more cups of apple cider vinegar.

Mix together remaining dry ingredients in a bowl. Add dry ingredients and vanilla to cooked cucumbers; cook for about 5-7 minutes until it thickens somewhat.

Ladle into hot quart-size canning jars and then wipe off jars and rims. Put on lids and rings. Process in a pressure canner at 6 pounds of pressure for 10 minutes.
This recipe is for almost 11 quarts. . .
That's great! Thanks very much for taking the time to post it. I may not use it this year as I haven't grown cukes, but it's always useful to have recipes to turn a glut into a treat.
i lucked out big time,on cucumbers.a neighbor gave me a bunch of i need to make sure that i have the needed ingredients before starting,,.now of the ball book aint telling me alot,when it comes to what to i use a pressure cooker/caner,or water bath?
i lucked out big time,on cucumbers.a neighbor gave me a bunch of i need to make sure that i have the needed ingredients before starting,,.now of the ball book aint telling me alot,when it comes to what to i use a pressure cooker/caner,or water bath?
If your doing the mock apples then you will need a pressure canner for 15 minutes. Really with all the apple cider vinegar it should be safe for a water bath but to be on the safer side, I went with the pressure canner
I canned up good ole plain squash. . .11 pints. Got some more tomatoes too. Layer those on a cookie sheet with a few cut up jalapeños cut up, placed in oven on 350 for about an hour. Till the skins get all bubbly looking. Then everything goes into the blender to puree. Planning on making Enchilada sauce but only got around 10 cups so will Waite full I get a few more to add in first. My cukes were made into strawberries and placed in the dehydrator.
well,i got very very brave yesterday..i have/had 3LB'S of bacon from sams club.and im one of them folks that loves his bacon bits. so i sliced it all up into smaller pieces then fried it into bacon bits,and of course i then let it sit up some to let the grease drain from it some.then i canned almost 2 whole pints of bacon bits.and 2 whole pints of bacon to wait n see if i did it up right not,by letting it sit up a few days..
I ended up making Spaghetti Sauce w/ Meat. This is my favorite recipe for it.

Meat Sauce
7 pounds ground beef
4 cups chopped onion
2 cup chopped bell peppers
6 1/2 qts tomato sauce
6 6-ounce cans tomato paste
3 tablespoons vinegar
4 tablespoons salt (adjust to taste)
4 tablespoons brown sugar
4 tablespoons minced parsley
4 tablespoons garlic powder
4 tablespoons crushed red peppers
2 tablespoon oregano
4 teaspoons pepper
2 teaspoon ginger
2 teaspoon allspice

To make tomato sauce, cut your tomatoes in half. Core and lay on a cookie sheet. Place in oven for an hour and a half or til skins are bubbly at 350. Run thru a blender, juice and all to make smooth.
Brown beef in a large pot. Drain fat. Add onion and peppers and cook slowly until tender. Add remaining ingredients and simmer until thickened. If the sauce is too thick, you can add some water. (Adjust all the seasonings to taste.) Ladle hot sauce into hot jars, leaving 1-inch headspace. Process at 10 pounds pressure in a pressure canner: 1 hour for pints, 1 hour 15 minutes for quarts.

I ended up with 9 1/2 quarts
I ended up making Spaghetti Sauce w/ Meat. This is my favorite recipe for it.

Meat Sauce
7 pounds ground beef
4 cups chopped onion
2 cup chopped bell peppers
6 1/2 qts tomato sauce
6 6-ounce cans tomato paste
3 tablespoons vinegar
4 tablespoons salt (adjust to taste)
4 tablespoons brown sugar
4 tablespoons minced parsley
4 tablespoons garlic powder
4 tablespoons crushed red peppers
2 tablespoon oregano
4 teaspoons pepper
2 teaspoon ginger
2 teaspoon allspice

To make tomato sauce, cut your tomatoes in half. Core and lay on a cookie sheet. Place in oven for an hour and a half or til skins are bubbly at 350. Run thru a blender, juice and all to make smooth.
Brown beef in a large pot. Drain fat. Add onion and peppers and cook slowly until tender. Add remaining ingredients and simmer until thickened. If the sauce is too thick, you can add some water. (Adjust all the seasonings to taste.) Ladle hot sauce into hot jars, leaving 1-inch headspace. Process at 10 pounds pressure in a pressure canner: 1 hour for pints, 1 hour 15 minutes for quarts.

I ended up with 9 1/2 quarts
Do you remove the skins before blending?

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