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Your rugs are better than most people's best productive days! I need to go out and pick a patch of onions that are hidden amongst the weeds right now, but should have been picked a couple weeks ago....
That was ruts, not rugs.... damned auto correct!
We don't have raspberries around here but we do get blackberries. One of my favorites! :) Guess i tend to get envious on fruits that don't grow locally.
That's what grocery stores are for! My blackberries were labeled raspberries at lowes, but I quickly learned not to try eating them while still red. The big box stores rarely know anything about the stuff they sell.
As far as keeping non native plants alive, that takes a real gardener and a lot of time and attention. Not my cup of tea.
Since hunny smoked a side of pork yesterday for dinner I deboned this morning and ended up making 8 pints of shredded BBQ pork and 4 pints of carnita to use when making enchiladas or tacos. Then canned up 16 pints of pinto beans cause i just have so many right now. Didnt have any bacon to use right now, so opted to make chili beans out of them. Besides, they will go nicely when having bbq or Mexican foods. Was just in a cooking mood, so also made 3 dozen sugar cookies, 3 dozen snickerdoodles, lemon bars, chocolate cheesecake bars, spice bars and a mock apple cream cheese pie. Going to go visit my friend at her moms house after hunnys doctor appointment. Can't go empty handed. Besides, one of her favorite desserts growing up was moms lemon bars and last we talked I was making up the mock apple pie filling. She does an awesome apple pie, but she was curious about it with cucumbers so will have to at least let her try it. My friend is at the end stage of her cancer so not too many more opportunities. I keep hoping and praying she will get better. . . I am just going to love on my soul sis while I still have her here no matter how long that may be.
I am canning up cantaloupe and honeydew in a heavy syrup today, but figured I wanted to clean out some leftovers from the fridge since I made Hugh amounts to take to my friends house on Monday. I do have 4 more pints of cantaloupe waiting to go in. . . my canner is about to unlock. But after those, I am experimenting. Have enough chicken ranch casserole to fill 7 reg mouth pint jars and since I have room for 1 more, I cut up a hotdog (since doing meat anyway) then added in 4 beaten raw eggs with salt & pepper. . . . hoping it will turn out like an omelet. I only filled about half way cause I don't want the lid to pop during the process and just not sure how far it will expand. So cross fingers this works!! ;)
So I tried one chicken ranch for dinner tonight. Corn tortillas kinda mushed but overall taste was good. If in a SHTF situation sitting around a campfire, it would make for some real comfort food. The only real concern i have on those will be if the seals hold. Chicken, cheese & 90 minutes in the pressure canner. . . it has a little grease on the bottom. The hotdog omelet turned out to taste ok, but the egg darkened and overcooked which I didn't really care for. I will try it again though, but thinking of only 45 minutes next go around. Did end up doing 12 more half pints of lemon curds. Tomorrow I will be doing Butternut & Ginger Curds.
Got my butternut squash curds canned today after pulling weeds in the garden. Taste like pumpkin pie in a jar. . . i love curds.
I'm going to can the last batch of spicey pickled okra today. I'll let the rest go to seed for next year now. I've learned the best way is just let the pods stay on the plant until it is almost dried out. By leaving the pods on it also signals to the plant that it doesn't need to reproduce anymore. I'm also going to can the last batch of sweet pickles with the okra.
Got 4 pints of okra and 4 more pints of sweet cucumber slices done today. Also sliced a large ham up that I had cooked earlier, freezing most, and made a large pot of 15 bean soup with the bone and pieces. I even cleaned the kitchen after that. But after a lot of work hours this last week that's as productive as I am going to be. Netflix is on the agenda for the rest of the day.
been working on getting my home canned foods more into the proper decide what to home can next.still drawing a blank i now have 2 spice shakers in has sugar n cinnamon for cinnamon toast..and the other has sea salt in it..reason for this.they sit on the microwave stand.which it's next to the stove..

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Today I canned my first ever batch of chicken stock.:) I don't normally because of a jar shortage, but this winter we really hit the stores so I have empty ones to spare.
Seems like I read not too long ago canning jars were around $30 in Australia. Thinking if prices here were like that I would be doing a lot more drying for certain. Does the UK not have any manufacturers of canning jars or is everything just that much more? Can't blame you for prioritizing. If I.find a really good sale on chicken I'll boil up 20lbs or so for both the freezer and canning, then can up the broth. It just makes sense to use it in something. I'll boil potatoes in it for mashed potatoes and sometimes even boil pasta in the broth.c

Here I can get the wide mouth pints for around $7-$8 a case. I will wait for my discount in June to stock up some more, but I cleaned out my gardening shed and found case after case in there hiding. One was brand new. The others my BILs grandmother pasted and she had them stored in her garage. I was washing some up yesterday after work and found a few that are really heavy duty glass jars from Kerr and also one from Presto. I knew Presto made pressure canners but I had never seen any jars sold. I really need to do a search and see just how old that one is.
Canning jars are about $30 here too they are Kilner brand. I buy the lids in bulk from USA as it's cheaper to buy them and have them shipped over than to buy them here. A dozen lids over here costs the same as you pay for a case of jars:eek: So I generally save the jars for produce and meat.
What are your favorite foods to can?
I guess my favorite food to can would be my favorite home canned food to eat and that would be green beans. I can't hardly swallow store bought. My grandmother and I made some awesome green tomato relish, I think this was in the Ball book. I have one jar left and when it is gone, well granny is no longer here so I keep hanging onto that jar.
Why not buy one of the great canning books at places like WalMart? They have the Ball book which has all the SAFE times and pressures. There are also places online to get that information.

The only thing we waterbathe is pickles and tomatoes with acid added, as recommended for safety. Everything else goers in the pressure canner. What isn't used is tossed out after 18 months.

This is an excellent site for asking questions on safe methods of canning:
Absolutely everyone should have a newer Ball Blue Book and the Kerr book as a second.
My next canning job will be spring greens. In particular I can poke, nothing like collecting bushels to get 4 quarts. but hey, it is free for the picking. I also think I may can some persimmons this fall, I usually freeze the pulp. but this will probably need to pressure for an extended time just like poke due to possible soil contaminants. I have never become sick on anything I have canned. Always take precautions and was taught by a fastidious expert. Wish there was a summer kitchen here, I have seen quite a few and they are the bees knees. I saw one where it was 1/2 underground, the windows were at garden level, you picked and set the goodies at the window. Then went inside and pulled them in as you worked, that was the best and coolest one I ever saw. Lots of equipment, big sinks, storage and refrigeration. It was NICE but humble.
Well, I didn't think this through.:oops: The hottest day of the year so far and I'm canning chicken curry, chicken in stock and mixed veg (to go with the chicken in stock) Hey ho,:rolleyes::D I have chilli, minced beef, beef in wine sauce and pork goulash to do. Needles to say the meat has gone in the freezer and I will tackle that next week.
Canning jars are about $30 here too they are Kilner brand. I buy the lids in bulk from USA as it's cheaper to buy them and have them shipped over than to buy them here. A dozen lids over here costs the same as you pay for a case of jars:eek: So I generally save the jars for produce and meat.
Ouch! At least you can reuse the jars over and over. That justifies the expense some. I even use them for drinking glasses, dry storage, etc. I know danilgrl said she reuses the lids some, and I would in shtf, but for now the lids are pretty cheap over here.
It's pretty good, I might add a bit more salt and a bit less garam masala next time. My son is having the curry, I'll stir through some Coconut milk, he can eat whole jar to himself. I am having Smoked Mackerel salad. After cooking all day I don't fancy a hot meal.
Speaking of a fail, I tried a couple cases of the sauerkraut done right in the jars a few weeks back. I checked on them yesterday and the cabbage looks just like it did when I put it in the jars. I haven’t opened a jar to smell or anything yet, but I think it forgot to ferment or something.... I guess I should be greatfull it’s not brown slime anyways. I did notice some of the jars sealed and some didn’t. I’ll let you know how it turned out when I’m brave enough to open one.
Speaking of a fail, I tried a couple cases of the sauerkraut done right in the jars a few weeks back. I checked on them yesterday and the cabbage looks just like it did when I put it in the jars. I haven’t opened a jar to smell or anything yet, but I think it forgot to ferment or something.... I guess I should be greatfull it’s not brown slime anyways. I did notice some of the jars sealed and some didn’t. I’ll let you know how it turned out when I’m brave enough to open one.
Oh you didn't make kimche
I already add celery carrots potatoes whole kernel corn among who knows what else to my chicken soup,when I do some home canning.but yet. I'm wondering what others add to theirs.
I already add celery carrots potatoes whole kernel corn among who knows what else to my chicken soup,when I do some home canning.but yet. I'm wondering what others add to theirs.
I’ve never added corn before, might be interesting. Most of my dishes get whatever I have on hand. I rarely go buy a list of special ingredients for a recipe.
Some people don't care for corn or what ever in their chicken soup. Oh yeah,i do add okra time to for going by a list goes. My list of ingredients is what I decided on.
I’ve never added corn before, might be interesting. Most of my dishes get whatever I have on hand. I rarely go buy a list of special ingredients for a recipe.
I can up Chicken and Corn Chowder. Really good hot meal in the winter as one of those comfort foods.

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