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Yesterday was tomato sauce & butternut squash butter. Right now, I have chunks of cantaloupe going. Its a quick way to preserve & later on I can make it into jam. Too much other stuff going on today & don't want to loss them. Made up a heavy syrup and bringing the pressure cooker up to 10 lbs then shut off.
Yeah, 7 more minutes and my first batch of pickles this season will be done! I only got 9pints so far from my first picking. I ran out of pickles about 6 months ago and can't wait to taste that garlicky salty goodness!
34 pints diced tomatoes & 8 1/2 pints shredded zucchini squash combo. This is an idea given from someone so thought why not try it out. Couldn't hurt anything.
Kind of puts my nine pints to shame!
I guess this is sort of like canning, well bottling anyways. A guy called me and had 30 1 gallon glass wine jugs with the screw on caps. Score! These are awesome for wine making. There are 5 regular bottles of wine per gallon, so it saves me loads of time and corks. I still have 40'galloms of wine in 5 gallon carbouys from last years grapes, and this years grapes are getting close to ready to make another batch so these will help make it quicker and easier.
I'm looking forward to home made pickles too. I'm hoping to make Dilly Beans, Beetroot, summer squash bread and butter pickles and If I get enough, just to try, I'm going to make one jar of pickled mangetout peas.
I shelled limas and purple hulls this afternoon on the couch. . . turn a TV on in front of you and its not so much a chore then.

That's what I'm doing. Our limas are coming along, but the purple hulls fizzled.

We're wrapping up the bean breaking. Good thing too.... I'm tired of it..... 3 bushels is a lot!
I still have loads of last years green beans in the pantry so I didn't even plant them this year. Can't wait to get some spicey okra though as I ran out ages ago. Looks like I'm going to have half a ton of potatoes to do something with now. I just started digging them up but only got a tenth out of the ground so far. I have the root cellar for some, but still have loads canned up so will need to look for more ways to preserve some.
I still have loads of last years green beans in the pantry so I didn't even plant them this year. Can't wait to get some spicey okra though as I ran out ages ago. Looks like I'm going to have half a ton of potatoes to do something with now. I just started digging them up but only got a tenth out of the ground so far. I have the root cellar for some, but still have loads canned up so will need to look for more ways to preserve some.

I'm a big fan of dehydrating sliced 'new' potatoes. I scrape them, slice and part boil them, then spread the slices on the dehydrator shelves and leave them to do their thing. Once they are hard I store in canning jars. They keep for a couple of years and rehydrate really well, making great fried potatoes and potato gratin. You can hardly tell the difference from fresh. Dehydrated hash browns are good too.
I'm a big fan of dehydrating sliced 'new' potatoes. I scrape them, slice and part boil them, then spread the slices on the dehydrator shelves and leave them to do their thing. Once they are hard I store in canning jars. They keep for a couple of years and rehydrate really well, making great fried potatoes and potato gratin. You can hardly tell the difference from fresh. Dehydrated hash browns are good too.
I'll try the dehydrated slices. Have you tried it without the par boiling?
I'll try the dehydrated slices. Have you tried it without the par boiling?

No I haven't. As Dsnil54grl has said, they turn black and purple as the starch oxidises, much like they would if you leave raw peeled potatoes out of water.
Since yesterday was spent at son 2's house celebrating Father's Day, I am playing catch up today with my canning. Last night I started cooking and pureeing the tomatoes and shelled all my beans picked after getting home. This morning has been 14 quarts spaghetti sauce (since so well with tomatoes donating to the neighbor), butternut butter is simmering, that will be next in the canner. Then I have cushaws pumpkin already cooked and cubed ready to go when my canner gets free. Just need to make a syrup for it to pour over. I still have a zucchini, 3 yellow squash and 6 cucumbers sitting on my table along with more tomatoes,but hunny threw me a curve ball & this will be all I can get done today.
One of our police finest gained her wings yesterday. . . I knew her well working with her during my manager day since security for us was one of her extra jobs. And my hunny was one of her sergeants at one time. That was a tuff blow to learn this afternoon.
I thought I would try out a new canning recipe for Creole Sauce. . . I followed the recipe and hated it!! Had to readjust spices and threw in some other things too. It helped but still needed help. My water bath turned into a pressure canner thing but I am good with the results now. I first make a roux the color you would for etoufee out of bacon grease and flour, then add jar along with any meat you want. Tonight is chicken creole served over rice. Live and learn when trying out a new canning recipe . . . it was only 3/4 cup red wine vinegar added to close to 60 cups of sauce and even that was a major cut back. . . A little vinegar goes a lllloooonnnngggg way in my book. Oh and I went ahead and pureed up all my eggplant and yellow squash to throw in, Just don't tell hunny ;)! At least I now know what I will do to adjust for our personal taste. Besides that I canned up a load of cream corn. I still have the majority of corn out there but it is not quite ready yet. Hunny ate the first cobs picked last night for dinner. Purple hulls, silver skins, brown crowder and limas have all been shelled and spread out on surfaces for drying. Another really good season for the dry beans. Have only a few peppers, 2 cantaloupe, a dozen cukes and one zucchini left on the table to process into something right now. Trying to stay caught up. Tomorrow I know I will need to pick 8 (taking a guess right now) cushaw pumpkins weighing about 10-12 lbs each and a couple pumpkin pie pumpkins. Oh and I made some cukes into an apple cobbler for dessert. Sent some home for the neighbor. I love to see this old bachelor vets smile every time we send food down to him. He recently gave me a corn cob cutter for my birthday which I used today. I have wanted one for years cause it makes life so much easier. Now to get hunny to put some blocks on it to fit the pot I like to use. Its a messy job when doing cream corm but trust me when I say it is worth the extra clean up!!
I picked blackberries today, some more blueberries, and enough cukes to make another batch of pickles this weekend. I want at least one batch of bread and butter. Oh, got 2 tomatoes and 1 strawberry from my one lonely plant in a pot. I need to get that guy planted soon. This weekend is planned for getting all the potatoes out of the ground, along with the onions and carrots. So much for taking it easy. Hope to start dehydrating some potato slices too.
Things are just trickling in from the garden so haven't done much canning lately. Still just shelling beans. . . i did have a bunch of eggs so canned up lemon curds to help use them up. This is like lemon meringue pie filling in a jar. Got 12 half pints out of my 3 dozen egg yolks.
Things are just trickling in from the garden so haven't done much canning lately. Still just shelling beans. . . i did have a bunch of eggs so canned up lemon curds to help use them up. This is like lemon meringue pie filling in a jar. Got 12 half pints out of my 3 dozen egg yolks.
That sounds delicious!
I made 3 more pints of tomato sauce and 4 more spicey okras last night. Hopefully I will get about three cases of okra before long. You can never have enough pickeled okras!
Today was just 12 half pints of caramel sauce. I played outside in the garden weeding and starting to do some fall planting g. Not much yet. Then came in to do the cleaning and some crocheting. I've just been in a rut lately.
Today was just 12 half pints of caramel sauce. I played outside in the garden weeding and starting to do some fall planting g. Not much yet. Then came in to do the cleaning and some crocheting. I've just been in a rut lately.
Your rugs are better than most people's best productive days! I need to go out and pick a patch of onions that are hidden amongst the weeds right now, but should have been picked a couple weeks ago....

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