Cashless Society

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Although, here's a bright spot....
Nigeria the second country in the world to rollout CBDCs has now CANCELLED its use.
We CAN win this battle!
Who would have thought that Fetterman would ask uncomfortable questions regarding digital currency?
I am not a fan of crypto. I have several bitcoins out there… somewhere. I “mined” using my computer many years ago. As I remember it was just a matter of leaving my computer on and other computers were using my processor. I got fractions of fractions for this but eventually they did add up. It was… maybe $20 or $30 worth at the time. They are linked to an email account that was on a computer that is long gone. When Bitcoin soared I tried to track them down, but I basically had nothing to go on. There was absolutely no way to prove anything. I didn’t even remember the email, only that it was Geo-something or something like that.

Back OT!...

The thing they mention the most in the video is “bad actors” using crypto. The politicians want a way to control its use. They want a way to “monitor” it to make sure no bad actors are using it. They want to get all the countries of the world on the same page, so everyone and every transaction can be tracked.

Know what I say to that?

I say that big talk's worth doodly-squat

That is exactly the purpose of it, it cannot be tracked. That is why TPTB are hot to get rid of cash and get everyone using plastic only. Your digital ID is linked to your job, bank account, medical records, DMV… EVERYTHING can be accessed using your ID!! How handy is that! 😊 I believe many truckers in Canada found out just how handy that was… for the Government!
Yup, I agree Woody. They lure people in by saying it will end nepharious practices, but let's be won't do squat to those who are doing illegal things, including laundering money. Bad actors are gonna act's what they do. It's simply a diversional tactic to get people to accept it. Don't be fooled. This system is being put in place to control YOU, not those who are doing illegal things.
You will Own NOTHING and be happy. Blackrock is part of the problem, not the solution. America needs to be given back to the people, not large corporations and holding companies. I think they just want everyone on a 'revese mortgage' type of system where people get money now for letting these corporations put their names on the title. Then, when you're dead, it's theirs. Under that type of system, the 'own nothing' part of that equasion would happen rather quickly b/c if you don't have property or a home in which to store anything else, you really don't have much.
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The more I think about that (what starts at 8: minute mark) which is totally new concept to me; the more I am craving any knowledge any members here can add to that "concept".
I likened it to how you can get a "reverse mortgage" through the government. The end result is that the gov. owns the property. Society has become such a debt fueled economy that credit cards, debt, credit scores etc. are the norm and acceptable. That movement has all been on purpose (my belief) to move towards this. If you own any real property, and inflation is so through the roof that you can't afford your Redbull and Hohos or whatever other nonfood items you are addicted to, you can essentially pull the value out of your property so that in the end "they" will own the property and you will be a slave to their system. Again, that's just how I see it.
I say this CONSTANTLY!!! THEY WILL TAKE YOUR LAND, YOUR PLACE! Everything you have put up, food, ammo, etc., will be taken! Obama said a long time ago, "You will own nothing by 2030 and be happier"!! They will invoke a federal property tax and YOU LOSE, game over! Glad it was said again so maybe this subject that I have brought up SO MANY times will finally be acknowledged!!
The more I think about that (what starts at 8 minute mark) which is totally new concept to me; the more I am craving any knowledge any members here can add to that "concept".
What got my attention was "expanding" the quantity of what could be monetized SIX-FOLD. They referred to "Natural" things that could be monetized "then" financialized.
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My drug dealers won't accept checks or my debit card so I have to pay in cash.

OK, I don't even know any drug dealers but I pay cash for gold, silver and guns and use a credit card for powder, bullets and primers - go figure.
When I cross the border into the eastern Oregon town of Ontario, the freeway exit takes you through an area like Tijuana with rows and rows of farmacias and dentists' offices, except it's marijuana dispensaries and ATMs. To the best of my knowledge, they all require payment in cash.

The rest of my purchases*, though, are either by debit or credit card, and all my bills -- and retirement checks -- are through the bank. This allows us to budget in real time, and as long as we pay the credit card balances at the end of them month, there isn't any interest.

* Of course, if I were to buy a firearm from an individual or at a gun-show, I'd pay cash. I admire the hard work the BATFE does for us citizens, and I try to not bother them with any extraneous paperwork.
@Sourdough & others but thought SD might find this interesting based upon above. The first bit is almost a recap of things covered in the above vid. but then it gets into some enlightening info. and the last couple minutes are what we can do (ideas according to her).

“Everyone Must Prepare For What Is Coming” - Whitney Webb 2024 Prediction

(video won't post - so it should be a link or copy and paste in YT)
Wow........Note: I like the messages she produces. Yet, I watched that video totally, which repeats the same-same-same talking points over and over.

Yet (2) TWO of the advertisements to her video (Especially the very last advertisement at the end) are pushing the very things she is raving against.

The 16-minute video could be edited down to 5 minutes. She raves the same things (points) over & over. In the end I like the goal of her messages, but I am starting to notice (especially in this video) she is doing exactly what she is raving against.
I had a kind of funny experience with cash last night. I normally don't carry much. I guess I am a little paranoid about carrying large amounts. I have managed some of my nieces finances since her grandfather died (my wife's dad). He didn't trust his own son (my wifes brother) to know anything about money so he picked me to manage her stocks and stuff (that he left her in his will) until she turned 21 (which she just did). So, she had asked me to sell one of her stocks - the only remaining one actually :( - and bring the cash to her birthday party last night. It wasn't much as stocks go, but still, it was $5000 in cash. I wasn't totally comfortable carrying that amount of money around town at night and into a sports restaurant/bar where he party was. It was a small rural place, next to the railroad tracks, with minimal street lighting in kind of a "looked deserted, but you know people were there hiding in the dark" kind of rundown area.

So I'm walking to the restaurant, cash securely zipped up in a plain envelope inside my coat. Right hand in my pocket with a full grip on my gun (I pocket carry). Well, I survived my paranoid walk to the restaurant 🥵 and went inside. It was actually a gigantic place despite how it looked on the outside. Full of hundreds and hundreds of people, almost shoulder to shoulder. So I made the clandestine handoff of the cash to my niece. Very secretive and not obvious to anyone, despite the crowd. Well, she just set it down on the table and walked off to continue mingling with the crowd. I thought, well, it's her money, she can do with it as she pleases. We obviously have differing thoughts on large sums of cash and how to handle them. So I relaxed my grip on my firearm and stopped continuous scanning of the restaurant for potential attackers - and ordered myself a sandwich. I have no idea if her cash made it home with her. I doubt she does either. Oh well - guess I should relax a bit myself and not worry about things like this. And to think, before leaving for the restaurant with the cash last night I was thinking to myself - is my P365 enough? It only holds 10+1. Maybe I should take my PPQ? That one is 15+1. You never know the size of the crowd that is planning to rob you.

Now maybe you guys will understand why I prefer to carry credit cards over cash!
You are braver than I am.
I would never carry $5,000 into a bar.
If she wanted the cash then she can come to my house and I would give it to her there.

My P365XLmags work in my P365 with the supplied spacer.
Then you're at 15+1.
The XL mag comes with a spacer so it will fit.
Or you can just carry your PPQ. :)
Wow........Note: I like the messages she produces. Yet, I watched that video totally, which repeats the same-same-same talking points over and over.

Yet (2) TWO of the advertisements to her video (Especially the very last advertisement at the end) are pushing the very things she is raving against.

The 16-minute video could be edited down to 5 minutes. She raves the same things (points) over & over. In the end I like the goal of her messages, but I am starting to notice (especially in this video) she is doing exactly what she is raving against.
Yep, I can see that. I did think it was poignant that she stated that even E Musk and T Carlson receive funds however indirectly from those who they appear to be "against." I thought the last 2-3 min. were the most valuable message of the video but thought you might appreciate the "how" of what they are doing. I don't follow her or the site but it popped up in my feed after hearing the last one. Just more food for thought.
I have never felt weird carrying a large (or any) sum of cash. It's probably b/c I've never been robbed. However, I don't hang out in places where that typically (if ever) happens. Sure, I know there's a first time for everything, but I certainly don't look like a target. My face isn't in my phone, I'm not wearing anything fancy, I'm not driving a high end vehicle, my hair and nails haven't been primped to the max, I don't wear huge or gaudy jewelry, etc. Plus, I walk with purpose and I really don't look like someone you want to mess with just for kicks. My mama bear authoritative demeanor didn't evaporate when the kids left the nest. LOL!

Carrying a pistol or carrying cash are both very similar. The more you carry, the more comfortable you become. Predators can detect the nervousness of their prey.
We've had this discussion before within other threads, but I wanted to bring it up again as a topic all on it's own. I have seen the world going closer to a cashless society and I don't like it at all. The Millenials seem to pay everything with a card or with their phones. Many don't consider the lack of privacy as being an issue at all. They think that nobody will ever look or care about what they buy and when. I used to think that way, but I just feel that big brother is everywhere (and already knows too much) so I try and protect my privacy whenever I can, which is why I use cash as much as I can. In addition I don't like to support big banks and CC companies. They make money on every transaction, so I use CC's mostly when I can't use cash. That 1-2% cashback is not worth my privacy. However, with large purchases with warranties like appliances or electronics, I will break down and use the card to take advantage of the additional safeguards in product performance.

For every day purchases like groceries, gas, haircuts, restaurants, ammo, etc., I use cash. How much I drive, what food and drink I consume, where I go out to eat and how often is nobody's business but my own. It's just creepy thinking anyone would care about any of that, but lots of businesses would love to have that information. In addition I don't trust government not to over-reach and put together a profile on me and somehow use it against me. Geez, I sure hope not, but why leave it to chance? Perhaps my future health insurance premium will be based on my purchasing history taking into consideration food, drink, fitness purchases, unhealthy purchases such as tobacco, alcohol, etc......yet they don't disclose how they calculate the rate you pay. Kind of like your insurance scores right now. I have asked the insurance company exactly how they come up with my score and they won't disclose it, bascially saying it's too complicated.

Here's some interesting article links:
According to this article, the FDIC states that cash represented only 30% of all payments in 2017.
Also according to the article, a "less cash" society is emerging and that an entirely cashless society is unlikely anytime soon, especially when 70% of Americans still report using cash on a weekly basis. Add to that 83% of small business owners in the US never plan to go cashless and 73% of people believe that America will never be a fully cashless society.

I don't think the US will go cashless in my time, but I do see it as being probable in the future. I've discussed this topic on other forums and people seem to think cashless is the way to go. I mention the downsides, but few of them seem to think anything bad can happen in a cashless society.:rolleyes: What I find fascinating is how they think anyone who shuns technology is unintelligent or just plain stubborn and dated. LOL! Well, the stubborn and dated part might be accurate of me.:p If a CME or massive storm hits in my area, I'm likely to look a whole lot more intelligent to them then. But impressing others has never been a high priority for me, espeically people I don't even know!
I see it coming too. Very difficult time.
I work on a college campus in town, recently pretty much the entire campus went Cashless, students can only use their ID cards to swipe or credit/debit cards. Cards can be convenient but I don't think there's anything better than cold hard cash and coins. Makes me miss the old days
I doubt this is anything new. But they are openly admitting it now.

Mastercard To Expand Digital Biometric ID and “Behavioral Biometrics”​

The leap from simple 'marketing' strategies to something much more controlling is really not that big.
That is why I shun the CC perks and use cash whenever possible. Nobody knows where the cash came from, nobody knows where it went, nobody knows who used it, nobody knows what time I used it, nobody knows where I am when I used it, etc. etc. And NO.....I don't have a smart phone or a smart car. And I also don't have anything to hide.....but I like my privacy b/c I just do. Once you give it's gone!

Nobody needs to know when I go grocery shopping, what food I'm buying, or how much I spend on it. Pretty soon, health insurance premiums will be calculated based on shopping habits if we don't push back. It's really not that far out.

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