Cashless Society

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Politicians like to sugar coat all these bills that are designed to take away your rights. There is no way to have a digital currency that doesn't control you. The only possible way to improve our currency is to go away from fiat and have a hard asset backed currency, grain, oil, gold, etc.
Yup, I get that. I've been very clear that I don't like the idea of CBDC's at all. They are not for me. However, if others want to use them, like Bitcoin, then I'm not entirely against that. I'm OK with that as long as there is still a CHOICE for physical currency. The reason I don't mind Bitcoin is b/c it's NOT controlled by the govmt', FED, or central banks. Bitcoin is NOT for me b/c of all the secrecy behind it. There are only rumors as to who developed it and who controls it now, so maybe it is a CIA project....who really knows? In a way, credit and debit cards are also a form of digital currency. They work b/c the govt' doesn't completely control them and there are other choices available.

I also get the whole slippery slope idea. But, we already have digital currencies out there now, so that horse is already out of the barn. I wish it wasn't, but it is. As long as I'm breathing I will reject digital currencies and continue to advocate for physical (anonymous) forms of currency b/c if we don't have that option, we have lost our freedom.
Yep! The shares of stocks I have in companies are not "money".
ets, and they can just kiss my assets!:waiting:
In my opinion you have not hedged anything. Especially if they are registered securities in America. I doubt, even operating through an offshore Cayman Islands account would be the slightest hedge.

I think people don't really get the few places there will be to hide.
In my opinion you have not hedged anything. Especially if they are registered securities in America. I doubt, even operating through an offshore Cayman Islands account would be the slightest hedge.

I think people don't really get the few places there will be to hide.
Oh, I forgot that you don't like anything. :(
Just trying to make the point that it is far better than some account with a dollar-total at the bottom.
I guess we all should have been shopping for fireproof-bags to pile cash in:rolleyes:.
I have no reason to "hide" anything. We've structured our investments and assests so that we are now in the zero tax bracket.
If we would all stick together, elect true conservative politicians, get involved, then maybe we could go back to a gold/silver backed currency.
We all need to start holding our elected representatives accountable.
Just trying to make the point that it is far better than some account with a dollar-total at the bottom.
I don't think you understand this. It is "NOT About DOLLARS". It is about any transaction. "ANY".

I have no reason to "hide" anything. We've structured our investments and assests so that we are now in the zero tax bracket.
It is not about income or taxes. If you ever procure anything or sell anything, or trade anything. If you currently have "EVERYTHING" you need for the "Entire" balance of your life, shoes, socks, electric, fuel, boots, food, insurance, never need to travel, etc. If you never want for anything, or desire to sell or trade something you own, you are trapped.
May I humbly ask that you clarify that part please


I don't know how to better explain it. The goal is total government "CONTROL". People will for a short period of time find "Temporary" loopholes. But quickly they will each be classified as criminal activity.

That is why I see no escape, other than having 100% of everything you will ever need for ever & ever & ever, your entire life. If you need anything you are inside the trap. Anything you say, do or advocate that displeases them, will result in fines (with no trial) and the money extracted from your account.

They will have total control. Based on your most recent medical visit, what food you can purchase will be controlled. If a friend or enemy or neighbor "Rats" on you, money will come out of your account and the rats will get a money reward. Artificial Intelligence will control nearly all decisions. Speak-out against the political power in control, 22% of your liquid purchasing power will be withheld for 18 months. Commit a crime against the state, 78% of your ability to buy food, clothing, shelter, medical care, etc. will be withheld for 36 months. You will have "ZERO" recourse.

You will be, do and act as you are told, or you will starve. Anything you do, think, believe, advocate that is not approved will result in a fine extracted from your account of purchasing ability.

Good news is you will no longer need to file any tax returns. Artificial Intelligence will calculate that and extract desired amount from your purchasing ability account.
@supervisor- don't look now! The dems have in the past and continue to try and find ways to tax "unrealized" gains. Talk about ridiculous and desperate measures to tax and spend? There is no limit to this?
Fortunately, a vast majority of them would take a major hit to their own wallet if they did.
Insider-trading produces fantastic 'gains'.:)
It has been a number of years ago now that there was a word cartoon that goes something like...
--- ---
Local Pizza Place... Can I take your order..
Hello... I want to order an extra large pizza with extra sausage and extra cheese...
Is this Joe Smith at 123 Any Lane ?
Our records show you have ordered pizza more than your allowance.. Also your last lab tests weren't so good.. So it is suggested you order the salad instead....
--- ---
And while people chuckled over the joke, it seems few if any caught on to the control portion of this scenario... KnowwhatImean...
It has been a number of years ago now that there was a word cartoon that goes something like...
--- ---
Local Pizza Place... Can I take your order..
Hello... I want to order an extra large pizza with extra sausage and extra cheese...
Is this Joe Smith at 123 Any Lane ?
Our records show you have ordered pizza more than your allowance.. Also your last lab tests weren't so good.. So it is suggested you order the salad instead....
--- ---
And while people chuckled over the joke, it seems few if any caught on to the control portion of this scenario... KnowwhatImean...
That's why Obamacare had to be instituted first. It was not just a power grab, but it also made it mandatory to link health records to the IRS. Anyone now wonder why those two things needed to be linked? They have thought way ahead on all of's not by accident. Remember all the lies that were told in order to pass Obamacare? If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.....if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.....everyone will have healthcare and it will dramatically reduce the cost of insurance and health care. I knew they were blatent lies at the time. I wish I would have been wrong about it all b/c it all sucks!

From here you add another link, which is all of your financial information and transactions. Yup, sure. Link the IRS with your healthcare and then add all of your financial data. They would know and would control EVERYTHING, including what you eat, where you live, if or how you travel, etc. There's nothing they wouldn't be able to stuff their nose into.
There's nothing they wouldn't be able to stuff their nose into.
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I suspect many would argue it is pretty much at that point now.. Maybe the only exceptions may be person to person cash sales.. Pretty much every thing else seems traceable by one means or another ??
There's nothing they wouldn't be able to stuff their nose into.
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I suspect many would argue it is pretty much at that point now.. Maybe the only exceptions may be person to person cash sales.. Pretty much every thing else seems traceable by one means or another ??
Which is exactly WHY we need to resist the cashless society. Cash is one of the few (if not only) privacy tools we have left.
Which is exactly WHY we need to resist the cashless society. Cash is one of the few (if not only) privacy tools we have left.

How would one slip money into a card for weddings or birthdays?

Would there be a chip imbedded in the card that is charged with the givers ID and dollar amount?

There are too many subtitles that cash money covers that CBDC can not handle. Typical communist narrow thinking. Sure out law cars and let people take the bus everywhere. Fine until someone is gifted a bed and has to take it cross town.

CBDCs are a bad idea for our freedom and privacy as well as for the many off books transactions that feed the economy.

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Overheard in the not distant future:

"my dad's AI can kick the crap outta your dad's AI!"

AI will be better able to track every minute detail about our spending habits, social merit, and social media tendency. Every little bit of data that has ever existed and attributed to you?

AI will be employed to counter AI. The arms race of the future?