"The more you know, the less you need"...
This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think most people are more worried about the combat aspects of survival and not concerned enough about the knowledge. If you don't know what needs to be done and how to do it, a short or long range rifle makes no difference. A years worth of stored food makes little difference. Those things are great and useful, but what if you're caught away from the things you've prepped? Can you really build a shelter with minimal tools? Do you know what you can eat and what you can't? How many ways can you process fresh water with the materials available to you? I'm never going to have to live that way in the long term, but how resourceful could I be if I was stuck in a blizzard, out of gas, on a deserted country road? What about lost in the North Woods in the fall?
I'm not into going out and building a camp out of some vines and a fallen tree, but the principles of doing something like that apply to all of life. What can you do with what you've got? I mean, all the canned food in the world does you not good if you can't open it without an electric can opener, and the best rifle isn't much good if you can't shoot well.
@OldSchool said, "Refining my ways and learning". That's the most important thing, and every one of us is here today because our ancestors did that thousands of years ago...
Ten years ago this "skills vs gear" debate was raging on these forums......but much less so now.
That is mostly because of TV shows like "Alone".
While the producers of Alone make sure they have a mix of less and more skilled people for the show (to ensure it is entertaining), the contestants that last to near the end of each series have very good skills.
But despite those skills (and
also having about the best gear set you can haul on foot/in a backpack), by the end of 100 days or less, each series has ended when there was just one contestant remaining.
Every winner (and indeed near runner up) has been severely emaciated and in very poor physical condition when they ended the competition.....most lose 60-90 pounds during the series! Many have permanent physical damage (and this will probably end that type of series/competition sooner or later).
So the show indicates that even very skilled people can only last a few months out in the sticks, living off the land in a shelter.
The real answer to which is better....skills or gear.....is.......
Should I prepare to Bug in or Bug out?.........both
Should I prepare stored food or grow food?.......both
Should I be prepared to work with neighbors or go it alone?.......both
Should I prep with supplies that I need or with trade goods?........both
In fact the answer to virtually all
either/or questions in survivalism is both........or if you want people to choose from a longer list, then the answer is
all of the above.
That is because we cannot predict what the crisis will be......and some types of crises require you to have mostly skills.....while other crises require you to have mostly gear/supplies.
The more severe the crisis is and the longer it lasts, the more likely it is that you will need both skills and gear/supplies.
......and to finish.......can someone live out in the sticks for more than a few months.......yes they can.......but they will need more than just a backpack full of tools........they will need hundreds or even thousands of pounds of tools, gear and supplies......and they will need what they would use to establish some sort of sustainable agriculture system. So they would need to be more setup like the homesteaders of old with a covered wagon and livestock.
.......and even they really did need the occasional visit to a trading post or town.