Panicked Brussels issue Catalonia shock ULTIMATUM: ‘If you quit Spain, you quit EU!’
I saw that the day of the election, no surprise. But I think the EU is setting themselves up for an even greater fall. They alienated Britain. Now Catalan. Several other small areas are getting ready for their own independence votes. All these little areas can form their own BEU (Better European Union). Trade among themselves. They can easily pass laws to distinguish the BEU from the EU. BEU bans the muslim invaders and deports them to Antarctica immediately. BEU has limited overlord taxes and power. BEU allows gun ownership and even encourages it among citizens. Ah, here's the best one. The BEU sells gasoline at slightly higher prices than the US! And for travel, if the EU blocks BEU borders, then that can work both ways with hefty tolls. And the BEU can offer other EU countries to switch teams. Competition is a wonderful thing.
The EU think they have all the cards. They're going to quickly find out their pair of 2's won't go very far. But does anyone think the EU will let things go this way without a fight?