Adventures with Thumper...
So, our bed has a headboard with a shelf, reading lights and a couple of small cabinets for putting stuff like the TV clicker, glasses. The mattress is on a platform with drawers under, sort of a captain's bed. There's an open space between the sets of drawers and under the headboard. It's Thumpers secret nest to hide in case of "stranger danger." (When the doorbell at the gate rings she runs for her BOL and hides till the all clear.)
Sometimes I sleep on my side with one hand under the pillow and my fingers at the head of the bed. Usually the mattress is snug against the headboard, but I guess it slid out about an inch or so. This morning when the "Thumper alarm" went off and I didn't want to get up at 4:30 to stir her food, I heard her messing around under us, in her nest. Then YEEOWWW!!!
She grabbed my fingers with her claws! She let go when I screamed, luckily she didn't actually scratch me. But now we have a new game, or at least she does. I'm not sure how enthused I am about it though. LOL