Cauilflower "steaks"

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I'm sorry for not responding sooner, I forgot I posted this. LOL

OMG - some of the responses made me blow iced tea out my nose! :D

I also apparently forgot my audience is a bunch of carnivori. But ya gotta admit it looks pretty tasty, for a vegetable I mean. I may risk a buck for a head next shopping day and have wifey give it a try. If I live I'll report back.

Meanwhile, be happy and eat your bugs!
I would try it..... And the ...cauliflower pot roast... But I would prefer it go along with a big meatloaf or something like that..

I have also seen mentioned ...cabbage steaks... Again, I would try it, but would like meatloaf along with it..
Meat is meat and veg is veg. I think what is irratating is calling the veg a steak. That's a meat word. Like calling liquid from smashed grains, "milk". Milk is an animal thing, not a smashed, chemical washed grain.
We have cauliflower once a week, and broccoli, too. I like cauliflower with some cheese sauce, but haven't made it that way for a while. I consider both side dishes to meat. Ha. But hey, people can choose what they want to put in their own body.
Meat is meat and veg is veg. I think what is irratating is calling the veg a steak. That's a meat word. Like calling liquid from smashed grains, "milk". Milk is an animal thing, not a smashed, chemical washed grain.
We have cauliflower once a week, and broccoli, too. I like cauliflower with some cheese sauce, but haven't made it that way for a while. I consider both side dishes to meat. Ha. But hey, people can choose what they want to put in their own body.
You can't milk an almond!! 😃
Amen to that sister!
I am nowhere near a vegan or vegetarian, but...
I can make a meal out of a mater sammich. And I've eaten tabouli for many meals. And eggplant parmesan is one of my favorite Italian dishes. And I know I have to turn in my man card for admitting this, but I even like oat milk in my coffee 😲 (there is only one brand that I will drink though). And it is purely for taste, nothing else.
So cauliflower recipes don't offend me.
I use Nut Pods in my coffee after going full vegan. It's really good. I then switched to vegan butter - I didn't like any of the brands until I tried Miyoki and it was fantastic.
Meat is meat and veg is veg. I think what is irratating is calling the veg a steak. That's a meat word. Like calling liquid from smashed grains, "milk". Milk is an animal thing, not a smashed, chemical washed grain.
We have cauliflower once a week, and broccoli, too. I like cauliflower with some cheese sauce, but haven't made it that way for a while. I consider both side dishes to meat. Ha. But hey, people can choose what they want to put in their own body.
I guess you never heard of milkweed. LOL!
Meat is meat and veg is veg. I think what is irratating is calling the veg a steak. That's a meat word. Like calling liquid from smashed grains, "milk". Milk is an animal thing, not a smashed, chemical washed grain.
We have cauliflower once a week, and broccoli, too. I like cauliflower with some cheese sauce, but haven't made it that way for a while. I consider both side dishes to meat. Ha. But hey, people can choose what they want to put in their own body.
I think it's a mind thing: I tried Nut Pods "creamer" and there's something about thinking of it as a "creamer" that's appealing - and it is very creamy. I tried vegan butter and fell in love with the Miyoki brand. We traditionally think of butter as from cream - but the vegan products are made of olive oil and other vegan sources. When I eat sourdough bread with vegan "butter" there's something appealing about thinking of it as "butter" instead of calling it "olive oil spread."
This is slightly off-topic from the discussion but a family member was bitten by a tick and afterwards if he tried eating hamburger he would vomit profusely. Someone told us that there is allegedly some bacteria in ticks that does this. I looked it up and they were right. The entire east coast - especially the northeast where we're from - is blanketed with ticks. Many, many people in our old town got Lyme, but apparently now one can become "allergic' to meat after being bitten. I can state from first-hand experience with a family member that this is real:
My sis in law is vegan. She was out here last year visiting, staying at an air bnb in town. She left stuff in our fridge when she left for the airport, and she left vegan cheese. I thought, oh well, I'll give it to the chickens. Read the chemical ingredients, and said nope. In the trash it went. There's a healthy way to do vegetarian/vegan and a not so healthy way to do it.
My sis in law is vegan. She was out here last year visiting, staying at an air bnb in town. She left stuff in our fridge when she left for the airport, and she left vegan cheese. I thought, oh well, I'll give it to the chickens. Read the chemical ingredients, and said nope. In the trash it went. There's a healthy way to do vegetarian/vegan and a not so healthy way to do it.
Yes I tried several vegan cheeses that were terrible, but the Daiya brand Mac n cheese was great. But you are correct, we must be careful that the product is not a concoction of chemicals. I usually always read labels.

I did a report on the meat industry in high school and it opened my eyes to the horrendous abuse of animals. I always loved animals so it bothered me exceedingly, so I stopped eating meat at around age 16 and never touched it again. I took a lot of ribbing from my husband's big meat-eating family. My husband still eats meat once in awhile but for the most part eats vegetarian/ vegan. All of his brothers have high blood pressure and are on medication. Hub and I both have low blood pressure. Someone snapped a photo of all of us together and someone remarked at how young my husband and I both look compared to the other family members. The only difference that I can think of is my vegan diet and my hub's semi-vegan diet.
We're both healthy outside of a severe injury that I sustained from someone else's choices.
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What someone chooses to eat or not eat is none of my business just like what I choose to eat or not eat is none of theirs. I don’t mind that they add “steak” or “wings” to the title to the dish as long as they add the vegetable name first (as in cauliflower steak or cauliflower wings) so I don’t order it unknowingly.

I do think it is an attempt to normalize what isn’t normal. Making a side dish the main entree isn’t normal, so to try to make it normal, they add the carnivorous name. Not sure it works, but for my formally vegan and vegetarian SIL, I guess it made her feel better. (Side note, she had to start eating meat again due to health issues)
This is slightly off-topic from the discussion but a family member was bitten by a tick and afterwards if he tried eating hamburger he would vomit profusely. Someone told us that there is allegedly some bacteria in ticks that does this. I looked it up and they were right. The entire east coast - especially the northeast where we're from - is blanketed with ticks. Many, many people in our old town got Lyme, but apparently now one can become "allergic' to meat after being bitten. I can state from first-hand experience with a family member that this is real:
Now that is truly tragic. Life without hamburgers, unimaginable. Hopefully it's only temporary.
I can tell from this thread, what you folks need is some Tofu and sushi recipies! ;) :D

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