CHEST Type FREEZER set to -31 Below Zero.

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Damn good freezer for doing that but why???
We set ours at zero degrees and everything lasts just fine.
The "WHY" is because when I plugged it in, I turned the dial "ALL" the way in one direction. I was surprised that now four months later I put a thermometer inside the freezer.
The only downside to a freezer set that cold is the higher electricity bill. You might have to put the ice cream in the microwave for a minute to get it soft enough to scoop. If you have a power outage your food will stay frozen longer.
Ice cream should be kept below -18c other wise it does not stay really hard , the important thing to remember is to keep as much air out of food packed as possible , because one can get freezer burn on the items , that where the item is drying out through a hole in the packaging , I have just taken (18.12.2024 )out of my freezer Cooked Oxtail , dated 23 May 2022 not a problem it was in a plastic container [ i reuse them ] that is used for takeaway foods , I find these filled right up, keeps the food in good condition ,
When I had a freezer for selling meat out of one of the requirements was that it be set to -3 or colder per CDFA. I had an inspection exemption for poultry that made in-state sales possible, I'm not totally sure what the federal regs are for selling frozen meats.
"They" say 4° is the optimal freezer temperature.

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