Chicken/egg question

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Said this was 1918. . . Back in the day Uncle Sam wanted families to raise chickens. Now some countries are pushing you eat the insects that normally chickens would take care of while government agencies have basically been killing off chickens along with egg production. Chickens are a gift that keeps giving until the last bite you have, after they end up on the table.
Neighbor just brought me 50 lb of chicken feed from the feed store to see if I liked it better.

He only paid $14. I paid $24 for Purina at TSC. The feed store is next to my son's school. I hope they like it.
Have you tried the feeds available from your local farm Co-Op. Every county usually has a farm Co-Op and we buy alot of our farm needs from them and have had really good luck.
When I lived in Mississippi, the county CO-OP was the place to go. I even bought tires there. "Gumbo Mudders" AKA "CO-OPs", best mud grips I ever owned. My father's next door neighbor put me onto them. He told me "They will either get you out or they will bury you." And it was true.
We don't have a county CO-OP here.
during WW2 a lot of British people kept chickens in their back yards, during the war eggs were expensive around 10shillings or half a pound just for one, I can buy 6 now today for around £1. of course this was in cities, in the countryside they were more available.
My just purchased egg incubator is supposedly going to arrive at my home today . With a little luck I will have it in my possession before the EMP / Nuking starts . I know some are depending on trade after SHTF to survive " not me " . Emagine what a chicken for egg production would be worth in our new apoplectic existence . I have read a time or two from someone unprepared proclaiming , what they " would do " after SHTF . Either a person is ready " before " SHTF or they ain't likely going to survive . Perhaps the unprepared think they can simply steal from the prepared . Many of the prepared have already taken the desperate unprepared into account and prepared for that also .
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Serious question......... if I took eggs and put them into an incubator until a day or two prior to due date then put them under a lady until hatch date will they hatch? That way the chickens will accept them into the flock without all of the weeks of separation and acclimation.

Thanks for any info.
Serious question......... if I took eggs and put them into an incubator until a day or two prior to due date then put them under a lady until hatch date will they hatch? That way the chickens will accept them into the flock without all of the weeks of separation and acclimation.

Thanks for any info.
Is she broody?

I know with ducks if you put an egg in that hatches at a different time as her eggs, she will abandon the nest within 24 hours, so you have to time it perfectly or they won't finish their hatch. If you put them in and they aren't sitting, they will attack the ducklings. I never combine hatch dates because we lost a whole clutch of eggs by my doing this once.
My just purchased egg incubator is supposedly going to arrive at my home today . With a little luck I will have it in my possession before the EMP / Nuking starts . I know some are depending on trade after SHTF to survive " not me " . Emagine what a chicken for egg production would be worth in our new apoplectic existence . I have read a time or two from someone unprepared proclaiming , what they " would do " after SHTF . Either a person is ready " before " SHTF or they ain't likely going to survive . Perhaps the unprepared think they can simply steal from the prepared . Many of the prepared have already taken the desperate unprepared into account and prepared for that also .
You'll do great. Do you have hatching eggs?
You'll do great. Do you have hatching eggs?
My daughter who lives only about 400 yards from me has chickens and a rooster , so I do have access to fertile eggs . I have chickens but not a rooster . My plan is to keep a rooster out of my first incubated eggs . That way we both have a rooster in case something should happen to one .
Since my above post , my chicken situation changed . Two dogs got into my daughter's chicken pen and killed the entire flock including the rooster . Someone that I have never meet heard of this and sent word to me , he had two roosters and would give me one . I gladly accepted and some folks went about 50 miles to the guys house and caught one of his roosters as it was sitting in a tree for the night . They are a free roaming flock . It being late at night the rooster will remain in a cage tonight and be delivered to me tomorrow . Around here there appears to be a brotherhood of preppers . My plan now is to incubate my own eggs starting in two or three weeks and rebuild my daughter's flock .-- The guy that gave me the rooster and I will be meeting in a few months .
Since my above post , my chicken situation changed . Two dogs got into my daughter's chicken pen and killed the entire flock including the rooster . Someone that I have never meet heard of this and sent word to me , he had two roosters and would give me one . I gladly accepted and some folks went about 50 miles to the guys house and caught one of his roosters as it was sitting in a tree for the night . They are a free roaming flock . It being late at night the rooster will remain in a cage tonight and be delivered to me tomorrow . Around here there appears to be a brotherhood of preppers . My plan now is to incubate my own eggs starting in two or three weeks and rebuild my daughter's flock .-- The guy that gave me the rooster and I will be meeting in a few months .
I'm sorry to hear about the predator attack, but I'm glad someone has stepped up and has a roo for you.
Since my above post , my chicken situation changed . Two dogs got into my daughter's chicken pen and killed the entire flock including the rooster . Someone that I have never meet heard of this and sent word to me , he had two roosters and would give me one . I gladly accepted and some folks went about 50 miles to the guys house and caught one of his roosters as it was sitting in a tree for the night . They are a free roaming flock . It being late at night the rooster will remain in a cage tonight and be delivered to me tomorrow . Around here there appears to be a brotherhood of preppers . My plan now is to incubate my own eggs starting in two or three weeks and rebuild my daughter's flock .-- The guy that gave me the rooster and I will be meeting in a few months .

Losing animals is always tough, but I would imagine valuable lessons were learned! Now is the time to learn them…before the stores go empty.
Losing animals is always tough, but I would imagine valuable lessons were learned! Now is the time to learn them…before the stores go empty.
I agree as I was thinking last night , my daughters chicken pen was of poor design . While they have a temporary absence of chickens would be a good time to correct the flaws on the pens design .
3rd world ones that always have malnutrition and starvation issues.
That is true bigpaul. But, I have watched Ethiopia for over 35 years now. They have gotten entire ships of food, wheat, clothing, medicine....I watched as they unloaded a ship of apples, wheat and barley, poured diesel over the food and burnt it ON THE DOCK IN THE HARBOR...took the trucks that were sent to deliver the food to town, painted them green, put soldiers into them, drove to the mountains where the people were planting their own food, had chickens, goats and cattle and more than enough food and water....LOADED THE PEOPLE at gunpoint into their NEW trucks, drove into the deep desert, dumped them out and then called the foreign TV reporters to
This gov't also has a standing Army of over 400,000 men. They have the money, food, water, ammo and weapons to support a larger army than GERMANY. You have to keep the soldiers paid or they will revolt and take over the nation themselves, as many times has happened in Africa. They are more corrupt than Ukraine and more despots than most African nations. They do not directly kill their population, but they do let them die on purpose to get more money from the sheeple and UN shithead liberals who are getting the kickbacks in money, women, free vacations and whatever else they agree on after-the-fact.
Friday I ventured down the mountain for monthly errands. At Rural King ( Farm & Feed store) I always check out the poultry chicks. That department was totally empty. The guy there said they now only get chicks one day a week on Thursday. Get there early on that morning because for the last month they sell out with an hour of opening. They get 2,000 birds every Thursday. Wow I guess everyone is trying to get their own backyard chickens.

On the flip side there tends to be no shortage of chicken meat. Savealot had 10 pound bags of legs and thighs for $0.49 cents a pound. United grocers had split chicken breast for $0.99 cents a pound. Boneless skinless chicken breast was also $1.29. Those are some of the cheapest chicken prices I have seen in years.

Chicken eggs $6.00 a dozen. Butter $6.00 a pound.

Also the seed display looked like a tornado had went through it. Gonna be a long spring !
The point being for me is not if I can find eggs , meat or anything else at a store . The point is I am preparing for a world without zero stores , forever . -- admittedly however until that happens , I will take the easy way and buy what I need rather than go into 100% survival posture . When or if the Nukes start raining down , from that moment preparing time is over and survival time begins .
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Yep , they were the best ever. Real soft rubber though, didn't last very long in hot weather. But, I seen a dude talking about tire chains, try them in the mud. They are unbelievable. They don't throw little dingies the size of a golf ball , they rip out chunks of mud the size of a big dog.
Way back when, I had a set of CO-OPS on the back wheels of a Ford LTJeep as I called it, LOL.
Never got stuck. I was following a field road one time that petered out and I didn't have enough traction to back up so I had to go forward and make a U turn out in the field. Once I got out into the field, I realized it would be easier to just make a beeline for the main road instead of trying make it back around to the field road. I left ruts that looked like they were made a tractor. I had it floored, and the tires were throwing such a stream of mud so fast, I think it gave me enough thrust to propel the car forward. LOL. There is no other explanation of how I made it across that field.
Here, there were about 100 people at the local RK trying to get refunded for dead birds, apparently. I guess they shipped them poorly and the birds all died the next day. Hundreds and hundreds of them.

Turkey poults are $10/each here. Ducklings $6! 😳 I can't believe that.

When we replaced some birds last year they were $2. We don't usually raise turkeys, but they were $4.

Seeds- we always have plenty but $7/pack at places like Bakers Creek is crazy to me. I get there's inflation, but this is just madness.
Here, there were about 100 people at the local RK trying to get refunded for dead birds, apparently. I guess they shipped them poorly and the birds all died the next day. Hundreds and hundreds of them.

Turkey poults are $10/each here. Ducklings $6! 😳 I can't believe that.

When we replaced some birds last year they were $2. We don't usually raise turkeys, but they were $4.

Seeds- we always have plenty but $7/pack at places like Bakers Creek is crazy to me. I get there's inflation, but this is just madness.
Look at local mom and pop type feed stores in your area to see if you can buy “bulk” seeds. I can get them by the oz or lb at a much cheaper price.
As preppers have been predicting " it is now happening " . Seeds , chickens , fuel , food are going all the same way that Venezuela experienced . If you want to see what the bottom we are heading into looks like , go to YouTube and bring up some non-political driven footage as to their now everyday life . Remember they " once " had the 3rd. most prosperous economy on planet earth . --- Actually that is the optimistic view as that is presuming we are not in World War 3 before we slide that for . .

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