Chicken/egg question

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I save most of my own seeds but every year I treat myself to some NEW to me flower seeds to experiment with. An old woman's little indulgences. Every year for Valentines Day all of my 5 children send me a new rose bush.
As preppers have been predicting " it is now happening " . Seeds , chickens , fuel , food are going all the same way that Venezuela experienced . If you want to see what the bottom we are heading into looks like , go to YouTube and bring up some non-political driven footage as to their now everyday life . Remember they " once " had the 3rd. most prosperous economy on planet earth . --- Actually that is the optimistic view as that is presuming we are not in World War 3 before we slide that for . .
Venezuela's economy was one of the best until the oil price dropped, then political decisions by the govt led to sanctions by the West, it wasnt some natural disaster it was caused by politicians.
Venezuela's economy was one of the best until the oil price dropped, then political decisions by the govt led to sanctions by the West, it wasnt some natural disaster it was caused by politicians.
That is the economic version for many . I must have had a crystal ball or perhaps I can foresee the future as I predicted the collapse of Venezuela " before " it happened and that was when oil prices were booming . Actually I am not serious about foreseeing the future but did indeed actually forecast the fall . - How , when the new Venezuela government stole the oil producing equipment from the United States oil companies and told the personnel to leave Venezuela as the Venezuela Government didn't need them and was going to drill , harvest and refine the oil for themselves , I accurately predicted the outcome . Big United States oil companies lost millions of dollars when Venezuela stole from United States Oil companies what they had sunk money into and built . -- Venezuela collapsed while oil prices were high , in demand and fetching big money . --- To try to get back onto the chicken / egg topic -- In the predawn hours here my newly acquired rooster is sounding off . I had to look it up to see what kind of rooster my gift was . It appears to be a Rhode Island white .
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I saw this so had to verify. . . He is not wrong.

1675811598324.png"As president and CEO of Land O’Lakes, Beth Ford is already well known in Minnesota business circles.""Purina Mills, LLC is the farm animal feeds unit of Land O' Lakes. "
Mike Adams, of Natural News bought a bunch of different chicken feed and analyzed it. Found out that this one…

View attachment 18892

Has double the weed killer Glyphosate in it! Beware!
It's not surprising that these poisons have made it in to our food supply. This is the result of modern farming practices, and trying to feed the world.
We've got a couple feed mills in the area that were going to start buying from. But there's no guarantee that their feed will be free of herbicides either. The only answer is to grow our own grains and mix our own feed.
I do not buy "feed" for our chickens. I buy bags of corn, wheat, barley, oats, soya and rapeseed and mix my own with the necessary extra calcium and minerals added in afterwards. My #feed# is so good that I could eat it myself. Ground corn, ground wheat, oats...good stuff.
I do not buy "feed" for our chickens. I buy bags of corn, wheat, barley, oats, soya and rapeseed and mix my own with the necessary extra calcium and minerals added in afterwards. My #feed# is so good that I could eat it myself. Ground corn, ground wheat, oats...good stuff.
Unless you know the farmer, how can you be sure these grains aren't full of pesticides and herbicides too?
The local feed store has bags of freshly harvested bought from the local farmers and are untreated. I can buy the grains to grind myself and make bread or whatever. They get fruit, veggies and firewood from locals, have dog/catfood, critter food and an assortment of non-GMO seeds also. Family run-family owned. The sign outside says Purina, but the bags inside of animal feed are unmarked and not Purina, I think that they used-to-be a Purina outlet until it went out of business and the sign is just still painted on the wall of the building.
As soon as I’m up and about (hoping about a week). I will be going personally to farmers around here to secure healthy grains. My trust level for ANY Big Ag brands is now 100% gone!!! Ditto for any meat or veggies from Big Ag. I’m done. Did everyone hear Mike Adams about Big Ag going to put mRNA in all meat animals?!
The wife ordered more chickens and ducks yesterday. Many of the breeds are already sold out and some won't be available until July or August. We're going to try a different meat chicken breed this year. We lose too many of the Cornish X due to our elevation. Eventually we'll be breeding our own meat chickens as well as our layers. The price of poultry and feed keep going up and the availability keeps going down.
I'm still looking for an auto coop door. I'd like to get one with a solar option.
As soon as I’m up and about (hoping about a week). I will be going personally to farmers around here to secure healthy grains. My trust level for ANY Big Ag brands is now 100% gone!!! Ditto for any meat or veggies from Big Ag. I’m done. Did everyone hear Mike Adams about Big Ag going to put mRNA in all meat animals?!

These evil f_ckers will contaminate everything and kill us off. Time is running out. They must be removed from power immediately. I think it's already to late for most people.
Exactly. That's why I'm having a hard time finding one. There was one I was looking at that would work fine, but it was $450. I'm hoping to get one for under $300.

Why don’t you examine the reason some work in cold…then if it the rails or whatever, you can buy a cheaper one and replace the part that is at issue?
Why don’t you examine the reason some work in cold…then if it the rails or whatever, you can buy a cheaper one and replace the part that is at issue?
That's a good idea, and probably what I'll end up doing. A friend of ours has one on her coop and she has to change batteries every couple of weeks during winter. That's why I want a solar powered one with battery backup.
With the killing of laying hens 🐔escalating beyond record, one has to ask where this is headed. We know the WEFers are carrying out plans to starve as many as possible. We know the Covid testing was greatly flawed, yet here they are using the same test on ONE bird for justification to kill an entire flock of thousands at a time.

The headlines for the past few days have been in lockstep! “Bird flu is spreading and could affect humans!” We all KNOW that when the media gets in lockstep, on anything…something has been planned!

Are they going to release an H1N1 gain of function virus? Are they doing this in an attempt to keep folks from raising their own hens and peeps 🐥 to have eggs to eat? What is behind this new campaign of theirs??
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With the killing of laying hens 🐔escalting beyond record, one has to ask where this is headed. We know the WEFers are carrying out plans to starve as many as possible. We know the Covid testing was greatly flawed, yet here they are using the same test on ONE bird for justification to kill an entire flock of thousands at a time.

The headlines for the past few days have been in lockstep! “Bird flu is spreading and could affect humans!” We all KNOW that when the media gets in lockstep, on anything…something has been planned!

Are they going to release an H1N1 gain of function virus? Are they doing this in an attempt to keep folks from raising their own hens and peeps 🐥 to have eggs to eat? What is behind this new campaign of theirs??
I think they already have. Let me see if I can find it- maybe it was even on here I found the article- but there were reports of China creating a H5N1 gain of function virus.

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