Chicken/egg question

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I'll probably get in trouble for saying this, but I guess I was picturing a scrawny, but cute, girl in pig tails, barefooted and wearing bib overalls. I got the cute part right.
Haha. Thanks. I have overalls but i actually work in mens boxer shorts and tee shirts and wear a ponytail and sun visor. We don't get many visitors. Lol


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What's the local going rate for chicks in your neck of the woods?

$6 for feed store chicks
$10 for specialty birds
$5-8 for regular birds

+$1 or so for every week past about 6 weeks in age

I'm always surprised that the local rates are so much higher than the shipped hatchery rates.
What's the local going rate for chicks in your neck of the woods?

$6 for feed store chicks
$10 for specialty birds
$5-8 for regular birds

+$1 or so for every week past about 6 weeks in age

I'm always surprised that the local rates are so much higher than the shipped hatchery rates.
Your paying for the convenience of bringing them home right away. Plus they pay the same as you would from the hatchery plus markup.
I have a RIR hen with a Hurt foot...I removed her today from the rest of the hens...she was laying on ground not getting up..I approached her and she was able to walk/get away from me for short distance, but came to screeching halt back of coop...her one foot is turned sideways and she's falling over on that side. I took her out and put her in crate to separate her....cause I have one silver Wyandotte who's a bully...not sure whether I need to separate her or not...she is drinking n pecking at food I put in crate...but not sure what to do....guess I'll take her to bird vet this week to have her foot checked out...aaargh!
I have a RIR hen with a Hurt foot...I removed her today from the rest of the hens...she was laying on ground not getting up..I approached her and she was able to walk/get away from me for short distance, but came to screeching halt back of coop...her one foot is turned sideways and she's falling over on that side. I took her out and put her in crate to separate her....cause I have one silver Wyandotte who's a bully...not sure whether I need to separate her or not...she is drinking n pecking at food I put in crate...but not sure what to do....guess I'll take her to bird vet this week to have her foot checked out...aaargh!

Why take it to a vet? It will heal over a short time. As long as it's eating and drinking, keep it isolated. Is the foot broken or cut? You can tape a small splint to it.
It's not cut, it just appears "injured"..I don't know enough to tell if it's broken...I think I will give it time and see ...besides larry is against me taking her to bird hospital cause he's tighter than dicks hat band and says not worth the money....

Thanks PP, i'll try n figure out a splint tomorrow. Foot appears to be laying sideways...😒
It's not cut, it just appears "injured"..I don't know enough to tell if it's broken...I think I will give it time and see ...besides larry is against me taking her to bird hospital cause he's tighter than dicks hat band and says not worth the money....

Thanks PP, i'll try n figure out a splint tomorrow. Foot appears to be laying sideways...😒

Splint it so it's upright again. You don't want it sideways. Scrape off a little aspirin into some most bread if you think it's in pain.

It's just a hen and not worth the cost for a vetnarian.
Just kidding on the wow face emoji! Love my girls! And she's old red! I think doc's right...broken...looks too funky, sideways..but she did get up and walk it's confusing...

lol...I know, I know, I agree! It's a hen..waaahhh!
Thanks for the manual! I'll see what I can do with it in morning via manual you sent.
I have a RIR hen with a Hurt foot...I removed her today from the rest of the hens...she was laying on ground not getting up..I approached her and she was able to walk/get away from me for short distance, but came to screeching halt back of coop...her one foot is turned sideways and she's falling over on that side. I took her out and put her in crate to separate her....cause I have one silver Wyandotte who's a bully...not sure whether I need to separate her or not...she is drinking n pecking at food I put in crate...but not sure what to do....guess I'll take her to bird vet this week to have her foot checked out...aaargh!
We don't have an avian vet. You would think someone would want to be the only specialist since chickens are so popular.
I'm still laughing over the thought of taking a chicken to the vet. I guess that's why we always buy a few extra...for spares.
We have a hen with a hurt foot too. The wife thinks it's from jumping off the roost. Now I'm building a new roost in the coop.
I've decided I need to redo one of my roosts. My roosters are huge and can't get their fat butts up there very easily.

I have another ladder, but it is aluminum and the rungs are slick. Gonna put wood on them with cut 2x4 so they can put feet flat and not get frostbite.

My question is....... it is a cheap aluminum bunk bed type and what type bit do i use to drill holes in it?
I'm still laughing over the thought of taking a chicken to the vet. I guess that's why we always buy a few extra...for spares.
We have a hen with a hurt foot too. The wife thinks it's from jumping off the roost. Now I'm building a new roost in the coop.
Yeah, I guess it's pretty silly. The Canadian geese are back roaming our property for last cple weeks and 1 of them has a bad foot and it still goes about with the others (limping). I did take 1 hen to bird hospital few yrs ago to have her put down and tests run. She had made the 3rd one to die within few weeks of each other so I was concerned about something viral taking out my whole flock. Vet did a bunch of blood work and autopsy..said her organs were severely inflamed, ended up saying it was cancer. I thought it was weird 3 back to back with same symptoms died, but I didn't have anymore sick after the 3rd one, so who knows.

I guess, the hen will handle her bad foot better than me. If not, I'll get my son to put her down.
My question is....... it is a cheap aluminum bunk bed type and what type bit do i use to drill holes in it?
You don't need a special bit, but you do need to use some sort of cutting fluid when drilling aluminum. Go slow on the RPM and don't use much pressure. Aluminum can melt from the friction of drilling and then stick to the drill bit.
If nothing else, just squirt a little WD-40 where you are drilling and keep it wet. You can even use water. Anything to reduce the friction and cool it down.
You don't need a special bit, but you do need to use some sort of cutting fluid when drilling aluminum. Go slow on the RPM and don't use much pressure. Aluminum can melt from the friction of drilling and then stick to the drill bit.
If nothing else, just squirt a little WD-40 where you are drilling and keep it wet. You can even use water. Anything to reduce the friction and cool it down.
Thanks. Great info
Yeah, I guess it's pretty silly. The Canadian geese are back roaming our property for last cple weeks and 1 of them has a bad foot and it still goes about with the others (limping). I did take 1 hen to bird hospital few yrs ago to have her put down and tests run. She had made the 3rd one to die within few weeks of each other so I was concerned about something viral taking out my whole flock. Vet did a bunch of blood work and autopsy..said her organs were severely inflamed, ended up saying it was cancer. I thought it was weird 3 back to back with same symptoms died, but I didn't have anymore sick after the 3rd one, so who knows.

I guess, the hen will handle her bad foot better than me. If not, I'll get my son to put her down.
Just a thought, but the self adhesive athletic wrap could hold it in place. I used it on one of mine and it stayed.
I've decided I need to redo one of my roosts. My roosters are huge and can't get their fat butts up there very easily.

I have another ladder, but it is aluminum and the rungs are slick. Gonna put wood on them with cut 2x4 so they can put feet flat and not get frostbite.

My question is....... it is a cheap aluminum bunk bed type and what type bit do i use to drill holes in it?
No special bit needed for aluminum. I'm using 2x4's for the new roost, and it will be angled. The first roost will be 1 foot off the floor, second 18" and the third will be 2 foot off the floor. Most of our chickens are the very large variety.
A couple years ago I built a small brooder house. It was 6'×6'. The wife wants to use it for an infirmary for the sick or hurt chickens. I think it's a good idea to isolate any chicken that's not looking good. It'll keep the other chickens from picking on it too.
I've got plans to build a new brooder box before our new chick's start arriving this spring.
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