Yesterday morning I went back to chickens area and all were out loose. Larry left the door open night before. My son's great pyraneese dog (Layla) was out chasing them. I was able to get all back in the run area and one last hen was left out, kept running back into wooded area..the dog kept after her, actually ran her back toward pen...I was able to get in front and Layla behind the hen...she did finally pin the hen down and I was able to pick it up and put it in the run. Lost a few feathers but no harm. Layla has never been turned loose around the chickens, nor trained for this, so wasn't sure what to expect. Nice to know their natural herding instinct, gentle nature proved accurate. She actually helped me run all the chickens back in the run.
My border collies, even though herd dogs, kill the chickens. Amazing difference in breeds.
My border collies, even though herd dogs, kill the chickens. Amazing difference in breeds.