Child Stabbed to Death as Dallas Violent Crime Skyrockets

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Sad thing, in Germany such a case became a reality a week ago, an African stabbed three women with a knife in the city and seriously injured various other women. In Europe, the first reaction to such an act is always that the media do not write anything about it and that experts say two hours later that the perpetrator had a mental disorder and that it was not an Islamic attack. Each of these perpetrators usually receives therapy here and is then as good as free again, welcome to Europe. Except of course it is a local, then all media write for two weeks and he is never free again.

Well, one thing is almost certain everyone who does something like that is really sick in the brain, people should NEVER be released regardless of nationality, they belong behind bars forever. The common sentence from experts and leftists "that the perpetrator grew up in a difficult environment and is traumatized" belongs flushed down the toilet, whoever does something like that has, in my opinion, forfeited his right to ever be free again, such a person is sick and should be locked away without further discussion. But unfortunately the reality here is different, there are still a lot of people who stand up for such crazy fanatics ...

I highly recommend this book. I wish more African Americans would read this with an open mind and see how Lyndon Johnson was a true racist at heart and pure politician selling his Dixie soul for votes, to keep the blacks trapped in the welfare system and voting Democrat for decades.

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