Climate Change

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My beef with oil is that the profits are used to finance terrorism. If we become carbon neutral, then we can tell all of those religious fanatics where they can stick their oil, and maybe we won't need to be involved militarily in that part of the world.
Then, the war will be over lithium, cobalt, platinum etc.. Wars today are not over oil, they are over the most demanded resource ~ which at the moment, happens to be oil.
I have a better plan. Keep the oil, just stop taking 3,000lbs of car with you every time you need to go to town for 10lbs of groceries. I understand needing to haul gravel, pull the excavator, supply stores with food, big trucks are a necessity, but not everyone needs to take 10x their cargo weight with them on every trip ~ and we have the materials to fix that problem safely.

I'll be playing with a side-by-side idea using bicycle parts this summer. Not sure if I will go with a small gas motor or solar panels/battery on a lightweight trailer. Probably going with gas...
I didn't say that I buy into all of the climate change hype. I was only exploring an idea in the spirit of open-mindedness.

I still think renewable energy is the way to go even if global warming is nonsense.

With renewable energy . . . we can reduce oil consumption, and--perhaps--put more distance between us and the volatile Middle East.

I suspect that the best way to go is to use renewable energy to synthesize synthetic gasoline from renewable energy sources (synthetic gasoline can be made, but is much more expensive than natural gasoline).

Synthetic gasoline can be carbon neutral if it comes from renewable materials.

My beef with oil is that the profits are used to finance terrorism. If we become carbon neutral, then we can tell all of those religious fanatics where they can stick their oil, and maybe we won't need to be involved militarily in that part of the world.[/URL]
I’m done with openmindness. Trump already demonstrated we can distance ourselves from foreign oil without reducing our oil usage. My gov makes me license and insure every vehicle I own and put on the roads that I already paid for while I can only drive one at a time. I pay for the roads, license and insurance for the whole year but I only use the roads about 15 min a day, never need the license and pray I never need the insurance. I’m licensing and insuring one huge gas guzzling truck and I crank that mother 10 minutes before I get out of the store cause I like it cool when it’s hot outside. The day I have to own a battery truck is the day I mount a 20kw diesel generator in the bed and roll coal down the road charging batteries and passing dead Teslas waiting in line for a charge. You can buy that artificial gasoline, pay for all that battery R&D, megatons of dead battery e-waste disposal and charge with an electric grid that barely keeps the AC running. I’ll drive my jacked up 4D 4WD gas super duty to town for a taco and sweet tea using nothing less than the drive through window. Too many coverups from lame stream media. I’m not buying it. Leftist want to care about the environment, stop lying about everything else.
Is there not a double-standard here? Why is suspicion enough to justify the Cold War, while we need absolute proof before committing to renewables for climate change?
My beef with oil is that the profits are used to finance terrorism. If we become carbon neutral, then we can tell all of those religious fanatics where they can stick their oil, and maybe we won't need to be involved militarily in that part of the world.
Hi Kevin, first, I think there is no such thing as double standards on different subjects. On same or near-same subjects, yes. Example:
A person is against capital punishment, meaning, no death penalty for a serial murderer with 37 people dead...
THE SAME person is for abortion.............killing is killing. You CANNOT be against killing, but, decide who shall be killed!!
OK? Hopefully explained well enough to not incur repurcussions in eternity...
Now, double standards for the climate or war or terrorism? Can you be against CO2 but still drive a car? Can you be against climate controls but still eat a steak? Can you be against polluting the air with exhaust fumes from diesel motors...but say it is ok to pollute the air with the diesel fumes from the generator CHARGING YOUR ELECTRIC CAR??
Can you be against war, but it is OK to work at General Dynamics or Northrup...Can you be against war, but it is ok if the war is in Iraq, Cosovo or Ukraine and NOT AT YOUR DOORSTEP??
Terrorism? Who decides Who is a terrorist?? Those in Afghanistan fighting against RUSSIA in the eighties were "FREEDOM FIGHTERS"!! The exact same people fighting against US Marines...are now TERRORISTS???
Those who fought against a autoritarian government from England were PATRIOTS...those fighting against an autoritarian government from Wash, DC are domestic terrorists. (although they were fighting against the "terrorists" in Afghanistan who wanted to fight against the government in "Wash, DC"!!)
These are double standards in many peoples books, but in My Book; that is self-centered, liberal, leftist, marxist propaganda against the true patriots of today....
Double standards must, itself be defined before it can be said about certain things. Your intelligence quotient states the same thing, but the info being funneled into your realm is overloading you following your heart and not your mind my friend. Remember, you are smarter than 98% of the earthly population and must remain above their level but without looking down upon free, Gary
Why do you want carbon neutral? Commercial growers increase co2 to 1200ppm. It produces better and more crops. Humans can’t survive well if co2 is much below 200ppm. And they have no problems in the greenhouse environments with the increased levels.

Our world population needs more food. Not even debatable. Higher CO2 will give us the ability to feed more people. Who could be against that? Well, besides the WEF/NWO whose goal is to kill billions…
Fly on the wall in an eco-grief support group meeting:

Karen: "I went outside the other day and it looked like there was snow covering my car."
Ken: "How do you know it was snow, maybe it was ash from the planet burning."
Karen: "It was all white and cold"
Ken: "Ash can be cold, and white too."
Karen: "Yes you are right, I must have just imagined it was snow, which we know is a thing of the past because of global warming."
Ken: "Quite right. Feeling better now?"
Karen: "Yes, thank you so much."
LOL. 😆 For sure! Now California is getting hit with storm after storm of rain. They do need the water though.

My father, whose family were farmers in the US for over 300 years, used to tell me that nature seeks balance. If you have a very cold winter, you either had a hotter than normal summer the year past or can expect one in the coming year or two. Same with rain/snow. It all balances out in the end.
LOL. 😆 For sure! Now California is getting hit with storm after storm of rain. They do need the water though.
Yep and it’s a mess.

Friends house overlooks a reservoir. They were all happy that it was filling up. Unfortunately they didn’t realize that it is part of the Hech Hetchey system and water is piped from the Sierras.\
John Kerry is targeting family farms. The Biden regime’s climate czar says farms produce too much greenhouse gases. He wants that to stop in order to combat the climate “crisis.”

Farms also happen to produce food. Kerry is not worried about that. The global elites are not worried about that.

Recently, the Netherlands announced they were shutting down family farms to combat global warming. Tough luck if you happen to own one of the farms or work at the farms. This insanity comes at the same time Europe is seeing it highest inflation in decades.

They’re shutting down food production to combat warming. What comes next when you can’t feed all the people?

Now John Kerry is targeting US farms in his ongoing crusade against global warming the imaginary threat that is affecting all of our lives.

In 2009 John Kerry predicted an the Arctic would be ice-free by 2014.

FOX News reported:

Kerry lamented that agriculture production alone creates 33% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, arguing that reducing those emissions must be “front and center” in the quest to defeat global warming, during remarks Wednesday morning at the Department of Agriculture’s AIM for Climate Summit. The former secretary of state also touted so-called climate smart agriculture as a potential solution.
“A lot of people have no clue that agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world,” he said during his keynote address. “We can’t get to net-zero, we don’t get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. So all of us understand here the depths of this mission.”
“Food systems themselves contribute a significant amount of emissions just in the way in which we do the things we’ve been doing,” he continued. “With a growing population on the planet – we just crossed the threshold of 8 billion fellow citizens around the world – emissions from the food system alone are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century.”
Kerry is a loon.
“This ninny, who wants your tax $$$ for their climate cult, NOW threatens US Farmers that gov't farm confiscations are 'NOT OFF THE TABLE'”

EVERYONE needs to make this their line in the sand!!! Do not allow them to take over our farms! You have to admit they have timed this perfectly. Certainly they knew years ago this cycle of weather was coming and decided to use it in order to trick the dumb masses into giving up life creating CO2!!

David Dubyne is all over this and shows clearly, with the Feds own data, what is happening with this weather cycle we are in. He further gives you important information in how to grow and live through it!

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