I study Choy Lee Fut, and before that I studied a lot of other asian martial arts and thought I knew a thing or two, boy was I wrong. The energy generation that they use with the bo staff is crazy strong. Basically just using your torso and hips as a fulcrum and your arm guides the staff, the amount of whip and power generation is insane. I havn't seen any other martial art generate power with a staff like Choy Lee Fut. Oh there is a lot of bad Choy Lee Fut out there too, water down stuff that takes short cuts because the basics are too hard. Not going to lie though, Choy Lee Fut requires a lot of training because the motions are a bit odd if your not use to it. I feel comfortable with the staff against almost anything that isn't a gun. Helps that we actually learn to strike and block with it outside of a form work.
I find that all martial arts only works if you train like your going to use it, which means getting punched in the face. Just my two cents.