Hi Peachie, Your Angels' name is "LEHAHIAH" He is the second angel in the row of the Powers. He is also the guardian angel of many famous persons.
Leo Tolstoj, Jessie owens, Otis Redding, Michael Keaton, Barry White and Colonel Harland Sanders...
Lehahiah is a protector of Crowned heads and teaches his protegés to be respectful to those they work for. He spreads harmony, good will and understanding between different groups. He wishes his that protegés use their possibilities of moral and material support for those who they work together with and wishes them to be well rewarded for their work. Their duty and trustworthiness will bring them wellearned recognition. They are efficient and well organised and they know how to keep the peace and harmony with those they work with and they should work hand-in-hand with those persons because the success of both are joint successes. They enjoy the trust from persons with great responsbility and can draw many good advantages from them also. Great recognition for their gifts and high quality from their work is guaranteed...
A strong and demanding angel, he will protect you well...Gary