anyone heard from gumpy lately?
What about Camo2460? About year ago he mentioned end stage kidney or liver failure... waiting on a transplant... His last post was 11Jan19. He knew a lot about plant medicine. I miss him.
Phideaux, Gumpy, Old Coot Hillbilly, where are thou?
You are missed. Wishing all of you well.
I would bet Sentry gets on here and reads the posts. He just can't post himself because of his job.Also miss Sentry who was fun 'debating' history and religion with, Katlupe, Uncle Joe doesn't come around much either.
Camo wasn't sounding too hopeful last time I messaged with him. He had major health issue that I am not at liberty to discuss but I think we could assume he will not be back.
I miss all of them too Weedy, and also TMT.
OK........This will be a hard pill for some on this forum, but "This is a Chit'Chat forum". Nice people, and some have a slight "INTEREST" in prepping and survival studies, but a slight interest is a million miles from those who are "Drop'Dead" 100% serious about studying and training and building, for a massive SHTF event.
I am not bad mouthing those who are "somewhat" interested in prepping and make effort in that area. But it is hard for super serious preppers to wade through the Chit'Chat to fine some quality meat and potato advanced prepping study and information here on this forum.
No forum is going to be able to keep all members fully satisfied. And the truth is that interest in Prepping and Survival studies has been fading rapidly. TMT is happy and well, and very active on the most serious of the Prepping and Survival "Studies" Forum.
Sadly many of what were good prepping forums, are now "Not" worth the time forums. You can find TMT several times a day at "My Survival Forum" (Which is an International Prepping and Survival Forum).
Glad you got to vent though
PS V.Prepper. I can't imagine anything you'd want to learn about preps that one of the members here can't teach you. Most are old friends of TMT and full of knowledge like he is.
I can't think of one subject somebody couldn't help others with. Glad you got to vent though .
Knowledge is not the same as "First Hand Experience". There is a mountain of difference between watching a You Tube video, where the person learned his "Knowledge" from another video, or something he read, and hopes like hell it is valid.
Then there is those living it 24/7/365 for decades. What I call, "Boots in the Field" experience.
OK........This will be a hard pill for some on this forum, but "This is a Chit'Chat forum". Nice people, and some have a slight "INTEREST" in prepping and survival studies, but a slight interest is a million miles from those who are "Drop'Dead" 100% serious about studying and training and building, for a massive SHTF event.
I am not bad mouthing those who are "somewhat" interested in prepping and make effort in that area. But it is hard for super serious preppers to wade through the Chit'Chat to fine some quality meat and potato advanced prepping study and information here on this forum.
No forum is going to be able to keep all members fully satisfied. And the truth is that interest in Prepping and Survival studies has been fading rapidly. TMT is happy and well, and very active on the most serious of the Prepping and Survival "Studies" Forum.
Sadly many of what were good prepping forums, are now "Not" worth the time forums. You can find TMT several times a day at "My Survival Forum" (Which is an International Prepping and Survival Forum).
I have just sent out an email to all members asking those that have been busy to come back and tell us what's been happening and hang around and discuss holiday plans and such.
Hi Linc, I just said hello to you on Sentry's thread about going Aardvark. I hope you are well, and thanks for stopping in. Thanks for the updates on other friends.Davarm doesn't live far from me - his garden is as huge as usual, but he's a NEWLYWED! He and his new bride has been very busy with family. He still does a LOT of canning, and I see him post regularly on the No canning police (food group) on facebook fairly often. He still has a special jar of "LincTex" pickles waiting for me that I need to swing by and claim someday.
MosquitoMountainMan (MMM) and GypsySue adopted their grandson as their legal son, so now they have TWO youngins' wearin' them down, LOL!! I have been making plans to travel back to Montana next year, so I am going to try to swing in and say hello.
I haven't heard from Grimm in forever... She and Gypsy Sue are good friends so I will ask for an update.
I have been eating a little, working a TON, sleeping (very little) and spending time with my daughter when I can. I took a new job at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth on the F-35 program. I almost never work less than 12 hours a day.
There was a fella I met on the other board that lived in Midlothian - - I met him in person in 2012 when we had our "Big Texas Meetup" at Joe Pool lake. He started a website called Ellis County Preppers and I think he got too busy with that (and other things in life). I can't remember his user name - - but he's the one that got the spots reserved at Joe Pool Lake for us to have the "Big Texas Meetup".
Time sure flies... I think I started posting on "the other board" (what was it called again?) back around 2004 or 2005.
Hi JAC, did I miss something?
I miss all of them too Weedy, and also TMT.
Grimm was fun to disagree with,she is funny. Plus I need some " beauty " advice about my hair from Grimm. She is a artist .
Thought I would bump this up. . . I remembered health issues just could not remember what.Hi Everyone,
Got an e-mail from jayjay.
My apologies for not hanging around. Have not been that active even in Ausprep and Asiaprep.
Life has really been giving me 2 left hooks and an uppercut these last 1.5 years like what jayjay had mentioned and more.
I look kinda bloated up in the pic due to my Ascites and Lymphedema.
How is everybody?
Have been building up my preps stuff again. Was featured in a local show called REEL TIME. Episode: Pinoy Prepper. I came out in the latter part and talked about me and my daughter's first aid kits.
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Psalm7, am not concerned about religion issues (am a Christian by the way).
PS: Good news though is that I am the distributor of Wuben Lights for the Philippines.