Concern about missing members

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Has anyone heard from @Sewingcreations15? The last time they were on was in January. They had a lot of interesting posts and I just wonder if they are okay.
I emailed her last week or so and heard back. Her husband’s serious health issues and taking care of him and their property keep her busy, but she’s okay.
Tell her I say Hi as well please. I know she's busy so try not to bother her, but do miss her input.
Sorry to hear about her husband being unwell. I hope she posts again sometime for an update.

I sometimes forget to post when I'm looking through the forum or I am busy with random stuff. Kidney stones have passed and I'm feeling better.
I am about ready to offer a reward for information about Grizzlyetteadams....

Hear, hear.. I'm Genuinely concerned about 'er.. :oops: She had PM'd me asking for some help / guidance on 'selecting a Mac for design work', and we had Quite a thread going... But unfortunately, I never got any "external contact info" from her, as she preferred to 'stick to PM' at that point, so.. I've no way to 'reach out to 'er', other than PMs, here / over in 'SB', there.. And it's Still nothin but crickets.. +_+

I will try and poke a couple Others, yonder, that Might have some external contact-info for her, but.. If, indeed, her Eye-issues (which were pretty serious.. o_O did worsen, well... She - literally - might not be Able to 'see them'... Sure hope not.. +_+

..Will advise..
The IP Address only provides the nearest regional city, IF they are not using a VPN. Sorry, we don't have much else to go on, unless she has a personal contact with another member.
I had no idea how that works, thanks Havasu!! Hope someone can find something, or maybe she doesn't want to be found!!?
I had no idea how that works, thanks Havasu!! Hope someone can find something, or maybe she doesn't want to be found!!?
I know and understand OPSEC, at least in principal. But is this being too careful, to not allow anyone to know how to contact you? People have said that wearing face masks is living in fear. Isn't this having no outside contacts living in fear as well?
I know and understand OPSEC, at least in principal. But is this being too careful, to not allow anyone to know how to contact you? People have said that wearing face masks is living in fear. Isn't this having no outside contacts living in fear as well?
Sure may be!! I just hope she's ok!
Hear, hear.. I'm Genuinely concerned about 'er.. :oops: She had PM'd me asking for some help / guidance on 'selecting a Mac for design work', and we had Quite a thread going... But unfortunately, I never got any "external contact info" from her, as she preferred to 'stick to PM' at that point, so.. I've no way to 'reach out to 'er', other than PMs, here / over in 'SB', there.. And it's Still nothin but crickets.. +_+

I will try and poke a couple Others, yonder, that Might have some external contact-info for her, but.. If, indeed, her Eye-issues (which were pretty serious.. o_O did worsen, well... She - literally - might not be Able to 'see them'... Sure hope not.. +_+

..Will advise..

I still have hope in her return...the one procedure at minimum puts you out for 6-8 weeks minimum...if it didnt happen soon after her going poof...then it might not be enough time to have healed. if done mid march..well mid may might be time or who knows....we are just stuck in limbo for now.till i know different she is on river bank busting a coal out with bow drill set getting ready to cook dinner and brew some tea to drink...!!
I still have hope in her return...the one procedure at minimum puts you out for 6-8 weeks minimum...if it didnt happen soon after her going poof...then it might not be enough time to have healed. if done mid march..well mid may might be time or who knows....we are just stuck in limbo for now.till i know different she is on river bank busting a coal out with bow drill set getting ready to cook dinner and brew some tea to drink...!!
Last seen here January 1, 2022.
Does anyone know others on "Survivalist Boards"? Apparently GrizzlyetteAdams is/was a moderator over there. Last post from her on that forum was a year ago, but because she was a moderator, they may still be able to contact her to see if she's OK. I think mods may sometimes have back channels to contact other mods directly. Maybe one of the nice mods here can contact one of the nice mods over there and ask them to do a welfare check.
Does anyone know others on "Survivalist Boards"? Apparently GrizzlyetteAdams is/was a moderator over there. Last post from her on that forum was a year ago, but because she was a moderator, they may still be able to contact her to see if she's OK. I think mods may sometimes have back channels to contact other mods directly. Maybe one of the nice mods here can contact one of the nice mods over there and ask them to do a welfare check.
I've been a member there since around 2008, but don't really know anyone from there. Remember that we have had a couple come our way, and they think it is okay to be unkind and snarky to one another? Not my kind of place or people.

She was last seen there 7 months ago. I belong to a few forums, and know that she is a moderator on a couple forums. I don't have all of the boards and forums bookmarked with my newer computer. I have done a couple internet searches for "Grizzlyette Adams" and I see that she has joined just about everyone out there. She seems to be missing in action everywhere.
she was active moderator in january 2022 of this year...still is a mod too...she had posts in january of this year.

theres a real good reason for no name shared...and its all i am saying about it.

i know she has family and friends around her in real life so no worries there. but it doesnt prevent my/our guts from missing her and 'wanting to know more'.
Does anyone know others on "Survivalist Boards"? Apparently GrizzlyetteAdams is/was a moderator over there. ...

Yes, that's what I meant when I wrote that I'd 'check over Yonder'.. :cool: Have ping'd one of the Mods I - believe - is 'pretty tight' with her, but.. Have not, as of yet, heard back anything.. Which, doesn't necessarily = 'something bad', because He, himself, is dealing with multi-front 'Family Issues', and such, so.. All I can really do is 'put the line in the water'.. and Wait...

I'd make a 'Site-wide Post' about it, but.. Thinking that She may not want a 'is Ms Grizz OK??' thread about her / any Health-details telegraphed, etc, out there, as that is a Very 'search-bot popular' site, so... Rather 'wide open'. Thus, Best to 'keep it to PMs', etc, unless / until She 'makes a thread', and/or Posts in another, revealing what She wishes to reveal (or not) etc..

..Otherwise, ain't this Horse's place to go whinny'in about, therein.. :cool:


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