Concern about missing members

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My Dad has passed this last week.
My uncle passed two weeks before my Dad did.
My cousin passed the night before my Dad's service.
Mo, My sincere condolences. It's so hard to lose people you love. My husband passed 3 1/2 weeks ago, and it is as though the entire world is different. I hope you find healing and peace knowing that one day we will be reunited with our loved ones. 💜
Mo, My sincere condolences. It's so hard to lose people you love. My husband passed 3 1/2 weeks ago, and it is as though the entire world is different. I hope you find healing and peace knowing that one day we will be reunited with our loved ones. 💜
I am sincerely sorry about the loss of your husband.
And you are so right, the world changes immediately.
And sometimes drasticly.
But thank you.
Can yall help me keep up with some of our community members that are regulars here , but stop posting for several days ,
With no reasons given, just quit posting.

I'm concerned that some have sickness or tragedies in their lives.
I would like to reach out to them and let them know we miss them, and are concerned.

Appreciate yall helping with this.

I'm going to PM Redbeard , and try to email him if I can get his Email.

Last time he posted was when his grand daughter was born.

If you can think of others please try contacting them or letting me know and I'll try.


I received an email. I'm good. I've been having Prolotherapy treatments for my shoulder and just get totally zapped of energy. I quit doing that to myself and cancelled my Sept 28th appt, and then got Covid. Just got off quarantine on Sunday. Thank y'all for checking on me. I really appreciate it.
Old Grouch let me know that KatC, his wife, passed away last January. He's keeping busy with his farm and doing some music with his group and going to nursing homes and such places.

I hope the email that was sent out yesterday brings more back.
It's nice to see members coming back!!
Her and hubby deleted their accounts. Others know more but it seems she was misbehaving.

That is all I can offer.

Others may be willing to share more.


As I recall, no. They were banned. In my opinion I don't and did not see the justification to do so but it is what it is. Someone else's playground I suppose. Obviously I don't see all there is and what is posted or sent via pm so it falls to the admins at this point.
As I recall, no. They were banned. In my opinion I don't and did not see the justification to do so but it is what it is. Someone else's playground I suppose. Obviously I don't see all there is and what is posted or sent via pm so it falls to the admins at this point.
You are not on here enough Guardian! The "cats" Had to go!
I received an email. I'm good. I've been having Prolotherapy treatments for my shoulder and just get totally zapped of energy. I quit doing that to myself and cancelled my Sept 28th appt, and then got Covid. Just got off quarantine on Sunday. Thank y'all for checking on me. I really appreciate it.
I wondered where you were. How is plant medicine going?
It's a shame about Meerkat. I do remember her commenting about losing her temper so I'm guessing that played into it. I've had to ban people from forums before and its not fun. Some people just can't have civil discourse without getting upset and launching in to personal attacks. I'm glad that Jim is doing well and has a new dog.

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