Concern about missing members

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good for yoU! I am not that organized...
I make a new password somewhere, and then I can't find a pen to write it down, or I write it on a piece of scrap paper and it never makes my list of passwords. And then they make you change your password and I cross it off the list but now the list is full and I start a new one LOL, it just never ends with the password crap
I use one of those old metal telephone /address thing a bob's.
You can stash lots of useful information in there.
Then I slide it in desk drawer.
Forgotten, until the next time I need it.
I use one of those old metal telephone /address thing a bob's.
You can stash lots of useful information in there.
Then I slide it in desk drawer.
Forgotten, until the next time I need it.
It saves me lots of frustration. I do try to remember my passwords, but I have a few that I have used over the years, and some of them have ! at the end, or some other something that is requested. Honestly, I would never be able to log in if I didn't have them written down. I have tried to remember my passwords many times and I never can.
It might be me. The videos about the water levels in California are something that I share because they say much more than I could.
lots of good info in last video..especially about waterflow and waterflow out he told about...cutting flow out is why its rising..coupled with more inflow too...they had to change..if not it already be lower.
......and this place (and maybe all the forums on the web) are likely to get worse in the lead up to the election........

We have had a big surge in new memberships/arrivals.......on one level that is a good thing......but on another it depends upon what those people are like and indeed who they really are.

At least some (or is it even most) of them seem to be here mostly for politics.

Some of us predicted that things would get weird in the lead up to November......and it looks to have started.

I am a homesteader/ I guess that means I belong here......but I sometimes wonder why a homesteading forum would become flooded with politics and nutjob conspiracy theories.

Dr Jenner was a newly minted homesteader too and was actively building a real she belonged here too - arguably more so than some of those that drove her off.
I'm sure most of the regulars currently here know I'm of this 'new group' of arrivals, and we have indeed come to know each other over a number of years on a politics board that took a dive.

That dive essentially amounts the site admin making it strictly for political discussions and literately telling me there is no family there - it's a political forum. All the threads that allowed us to know each other on a personal level - getting to others as the people we are were eliminated. The feeling of community and support for others was tossed to the wind.

I can't speak for the others, but I'm here for a break from politics and for being a part of discussions, or just reading, about things that are not directly related to politics.

Also, I plan on staying for the sense of community and support for others that is demonstrated in threads like this.
Deleted, not on topic of missing members.
I hope there's not a great disdain for 'thread drift' as I call it.

I mean I get the need/desire to stay on topic, but a little thread drift allows others to get to know a person and can be a learning experience in other ways. And ultimately - the learning experience is why I'm here.
I hope there's not a great disdain for 'thread drift' as I call it.

I mean I get the need/desire to stay on topic, but a little thread drift allows others to get to know a person and can be a learning experience in other ways. And ultimately - the learning experience is why I'm here.
It also gives us prime opportunity to harass someone 🤪. (And because I don’t really know you, I am being completely ornery.)
I hope there's not a great disdain for 'thread drift' as I call it.

I mean I get the need/desire to stay on topic, but a little thread drift allows others to get to know a person and can be a learning experience in other ways. And ultimately - the learning experience is why I'm here.

A little thread drift is one thing... someone who derails every thread is quiet another. We had a couple members in the past who did not care about a topic others might be discussing, they derailed every thread. Sadly, they'd tag team threads...
I hope there's not a great disdain for 'thread drift' as I call it.

I mean I get the need/desire to stay on topic, but a little thread drift allows others to get to know a person and can be a learning experience in other ways. And ultimately - the learning experience is why I'm here.
Not at all, but I have moderated other forums, and try to take care that what I post is kinda on topic.

Thread drift is a natural consequence of different people with differing divergent thoughs.

A thread on passwords and retrieval might help some members looking for methodologies.

I meant nothing negative.
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Not at all, but I have moderated other forums, and try to take care that what I post is kinda on topic.

Thread drift is a natural consequence of different people with differing divergent thoughs.

A thread on passwords and retrieval might help some members looking for methodologies.

I meant nothing negative.
I understand completely and I'm impressed with the history and experience of members like yourself. And while I'm posting in a thread about missing members... I'll hope that when my time is done here, with this life I have for now.... I'll be missed when I'm gone. Yes - I hope to contribute on that level, but no promises.
I understand completely and I'm impressed with the history and experience of members like yourself. And while I'm posting in a thread about missing members... I'll hope that when my time is done here, with this life I have for now.... I'll be missed when I'm gone. Yes - I hope to contribute on that level, but no promises.
Sometimes I have something semi useful, sometime I have a cat meme. Every day is a gift from God, and I have no idea what will happen.
I'm sure most of the regulars currently here know I'm of this 'new group' of arrivals, and we have indeed come to know each other over a number of years on a politics board that took a dive.

That dive essentially amounts the site admin making it strictly for political discussions and literately telling me there is no family there - it's a political forum. All the threads that allowed us to know each other on a personal level - getting to others as the people we are were eliminated. The feeling of community and support for others was tossed to the wind.

I can't speak for the others, but I'm here for a break from politics and for being a part of discussions, or just reading, about things that are not directly related to politics.

Also, I plan on staying for the sense of community and support for others that is demonstrated in threads like this.
You are one of US now!!♥️👽🙀
Grimm, I'm glad to see you're ok.
Mo, it's good to see you posting again. I missed your posts.

I do miss Jim as well and hope DrJenner is OK. I try to assess people as individuals regardless of political affiliation/religion etc. I may not agree with people's stances on things, but I will still respect them as human beings and won't lump everyone together and put labels. I don't have the energy to argue with people over stuff as much and I know I'm probably not going to change minds.
It's a shame if folks left due to harassment or some such. To me a forum is a group of like minded people brainstorming. Brainstorming is shutdown with judgement and negativity directed at a individual.

I think it can be a challenge as the written word can come across wrong at time.
It's a shame if folks left due to harassment or some such. To me a forum is a group of like minded people brainstorming. Brainstorming is shutdown with judgement and negativity directed at a individual.

I think it can be a challenge as the written word can come across wrong at time.
Indeed. More than once, I wrote that, but it didn't come across the way I intended.
Sometimes people leave because of uncommon interests. I was on a homemakers forum a number of years ago and met Sewing Creations and Tank Girl there. We started talking about building a pantry and were pooh poohed. So we ended up here. It wasn't even anything said that was that rude, but you could tell the subject was closed. Most felt it was trying to normalize hoarding.

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