Aww, Thanks, Ms Pearl..

Yep - Ain't 86'd yet / still kickin like a Good Horsey..

Just been on an -

Gauntlet of Werk, traveling every bloody week / weekend for the past 8 weeks-ish, and been all over the US, from stem to stern, but..
Finally, on the Last Two this weekend for a good while (in TX, besides, ya'll..

Dallas, then Houston... Last weekend, it was San Antoni, then 'Autism'

jk, Austin.. I 'Honked as I passed by', did'ja Hear??

Well, I tried..
Have been 'keepin an Ear to the Rail' via Lady RJ.. She's
Quite the astute / Industrious Lady, ain't she, guys?

I'm Honored to be considered her Friend.

Wealth of Experience and 'BTDT Homestead-Wisdom'..
Anyhoo, *snort*

Be back in the saddle again soon, Cheers..