Conventional war in Europe - what are the maths?

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Feb 18, 2019
In an all-out conventional non-nuclear conflict between Russia and Nato on European soil what happens? Do sheer weight of numbers on the Russian side completely steamroller Nato, no matter what America is able to pump into the continent?
In an all-out conventional non-nuclear conflict between Russia and Nato on European soil what happens? Do sheer weight of numbers on the Russian side completely steamroller Nato, no matter what America is able to pump into the continent?

It's an good question. For the moment it looks to me as if Ukraine would be sacrificed to avoid direct conflict. The germany army is an empty box, saved to death and reformed to inability to act. Italy will not be interested in an war because they are bankrupt like spain or france. Austrian army is to small to seriously be an opponent. And when Boris Johnson sends his troop then it's only to save his position and his head.
Depends now what kind of sanctions the EU and USA want to impose. If they are going to harsh the european economy is death. If they are to soft Putin will laugh about. It is never good to argue with your biggest energy (gas) and wheat supplier. And the russians are used to suffer, they are really resistant. More than the europeans. Plus, take an look what kind of politicans we have in Europe: Green unicorn pranksters who are more concerned about the climate and transgender people than their own people. Simply incompetent profiteers out of touch with reality .
But the really weak (senile) point sit's in an big house in Washington DC. If this one decides to "teach" Russia western values with an gun then it's game over. Because in the same moment China will take the chance to grab Taiwan. I have seriously doubts if the western alliance is strong enough to fight against Russia and China in the same time.
Guess the next few days will show in which direction it runs really. Myself, i stay prepared and i'm watching out.
NATO will just sit back and watch - the fate of Ukraine and the future of Europe and the entire WORLD was determined with the crooked fake 2020 election of Biden >>> this is a once in 100s of years of opportunity for the aggressor countries like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and all the 100s of supported terrorist organizations to move their agenda forward ....

the China Olympics just ended - that was the agreed to date between Russia & China for the Ukraine invasion >>> if everything that's been predicted starts to move forward - China starts their attack on Taiwan any day now - there'll unprecedented air & navy and shore to shore missile attacks - the invasion barges will start filling for the final land invasion ....

my guess is that Biden gives orders to start withdrawing US forces from any of the possible confrontations - totally abandon the treaty obligations in Europe & Asia >>> Question will come whether the US military continues to take orders from Biden and his Pentagon or will they join in a Second US Civil War ....
A good report on how broken Europe is today and how it is so usable for other great powers.
Europe is one way or another at the end, and Putin knows that exactly, actually only England and France could oppose him, but alone they can not do it, and will not do it on a large scale, they have enough domestic problems.
Many other European countries have either no more army, or it no longer works, there are probably a few exceptions in Northern Europe, but they will have enough to do to protect their own countries.
Continued Europe:
In the German parliament sits a woman who is actually no woman, but HE came through the women's quota purely what is actually ridiculous, because the women's quota is actually intended for real women.

any criticism of the thing is nipped in the bud, if people express themselves negatively there you have a big problem.
In Germany, you can now change your own gender once a year, without an expert opinion, without surgery, without any problems.
A man can register as a woman for one year and use the women's dressing room in the swimming pool, the sex offender can register as a woman and rage in the women's prison, one year later you can pretend to be a man again without any problems.
In my country, politicians are now discussing that minors can change their gender on paper for 60 dollars without the consent of their parents, the whole society is falling apart in a woke and eco delusion and one has to justify why a person like the one in the video above is not allowed to adopt children.

I have nothing against same-sex couples, but Europe makes only advertising for that, besides children who stick to themselves on highways with glue on the ground while people who go to work no longer come through and no longer receive a salary although you already have nothing more.
The whole society here destroys itself in their green delusion be glad that you do not have to see every day.

Putin has these green bums in Europe now awakened from your Traumelt, even if I do not approve of all of Putin's actions, Europe now knows once again what reality is, either Europe wakes up and makes what out of it, or Europe's society will abolish itself and disappear from the scene.

Do yourself a favor in the USA, don't waste human life on Europe, you will still have your fight in the USA, use your energy and breath for your country and its freedom.

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