Covid orgins

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012
"Tony Fauci is the father of the virus," Navarro said. "It came from that lab."

Navarro said Fauci had funded the lab through third parties.

Peter Navarro Says 'Sociopath' Anthony Fauci Will Be 'Gone Within 90 Days'

Peter Navarro Says 'Sociopath' Anthony Fauci Will Be 'Gone Within 90 Days'?ocid=msedgntp

"And Tony Fauci greased the skids for gain-of-function experimentation, which weaponizes viruses. We know all that," Navarro said.

"But here's the thing. I want to put this on the record. Fauci's gonna gone within 90 days."
Dr. Peter Navarro is a flippin' genius on a variety of subjects. He is my favorite guest on War Room.
I hope he's more than gone. It was a real "duh" to expect otherwise. Anyone with half a brain knew over a year ago that Fauci started this virus in Wuhan with American Taxpayer Money.
He needs to be put away for a very long time for what he's done.

How about extradited to Belarus where they have a death penalty?
If you don't know the truth and really want to know the truth about Covid-19 watch this video. This is the truth, it can not be debunked. Its backed by official government documents, patents, video archives, testimonials and court proceedings.

You will also learn the truth of big tech, big media and Fake news that manipulates and spreads propaganda for there Global masters and destroys the lives of everyone who apposes them.

Just go to the 7 minute mark to 11 minute and see if you can' not continue watching it.
So He knew back in March 2020. Fauci NEEDS to be FIRED! I saw where his books are no longer being sold at Amazon, Barnes & Noble.
View attachment 12775So He knew back in March 2020. Fauci NEEDS to be FIRED! I saw where his books are no longer being sold at Amazon, Barnes & Noble.
This Marxist idiot should be charged with treason for recommending that our countries economy be trashed. As well as every politician that followed dr fucckis plan to destroy our economy.
Why did it take so long for people to finally see this POS for what he is? And that the china flu was nothing but a huge scam designed to wreck our economy, force submission and make more people dependent on government.
Something big unrelated to this is probably about to drop so deep state is generating a story to draw attention away from it...whatever it is.
View attachment 12775So He knew back in March 2020. Fauci NEEDS to be FIRED! I saw where his books are no longer being sold at Amazon, Barnes & Noble.

The word "recombinant" is recombinant DNA or in this case RNA. That is RNA in which additional RNA has been grafted in from another source. Recombinant means engineered. It is not natural by any means, it is completely artificial. These breaks where new RNA was inserted would be easy to spot in comparing them to the original bat virus or whatever. Both DNA and RNA are composed of four amino acid bases but one is different in RNA. These amino acid bases, adenine, cylosine, guanine, uracil, (abbreviated A,C,G,U) have only one possibility of mutation and they are in a chain. So A only to C, C only to G, G only to U, and U only to A completing the circle. Mutation rates are pretty much constant, so that every so many years A will change to C, etc. Mostly, these changes are fatal to the organism but sometimes they lead to an improvement. So, this all means, you can back-engineer an RNA molecule backward, through time and see the ancestral form. But with recombinant RNA, you can't do this. It is all out of whack. That is one of the tells that you have an artificially engineered RNA or DNA molecule.
Dr. Peter Daszak, Heavily Involved in the COVID Crisis and Only American on WHO Investigation, Now Picked to Lead Lancet’s COVID Investigation

Do you think there might be another coverup? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

It was reported overnight that Dr. Daszak has done it again:

The cover-up started early and ran hard for months. Those who were supposed to be working to protect the American people from the pandemic had only one concern: Covering their butts. The list of people complicit in the cover-up continues to grow. That list includes Dr. Anthony Fauci, as we learned so vividly yesterday. And the person who was running much of the cover-up operations in public and behind the scenes was none other than EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak.

Scott Hounsell published a blockbuster investigative report at Red State revealing how Daszak worked to use The Lancet as a propaganda publication to cover-up malfeasance and corruption. The Lancet’s articles were tools for protecting both the Chinese Communist Party and the American parties that participated in the gain-of-function research that yielded Covid-19. At every turn, from blaming bat soup to trashing treatments like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, The Lancet was the primary mouthpiece for “scientists” to point people in the wrong direction.

Zerohedge reports it this way:

Revered scientific journal The Lancet has created a ‘task force’ to investigate the origins of the coronavirus that caused a global pandemic, yet it has decided to employ as it’s leader the very guy who funded the dangerous gain of function research at the Wuhan lab and subsequently allegedly ‘bullied’ other scientists into avoiding looking into the lab as a potential source of the outbreak.

Dr. Daszak should be under investigation. He shouldn’t be leading any investigation of the origins of COVID-19.

INSANE: Dr. Peter Daszak, Heavily Involved in the COVID Crisis and Only American on WHO Investigation, Now Picked to Lead Lancet's COVID Investigation

Chinese Insider Reveals The CCP's Cover-up Of Mass Murder

My interview with Dr. Li-Meng YAN and Dr. Maria Ryan is available now on your audio podcast apps and here:

RUNTIME 1:13:49
The Individuals Behind Obama’s Jan 2017 Memo Re-Authorizing Funding for ‘Gain of Function’ R&D Were the Same Individuals Who Lied and Claimed COVID Wasn’t Created in a Lab

The same government medical professionals and doctors whose signatures supported Obama re-authorizing funding for the creation of SARS biological weapons were the ones in early 2020 to do all they could to push the lie that the China coronavirus happened in nature and was related to bat soup served at a Wuhan, China wet market.

The Conservative Treehouse reported yesterday:

Eleven Days before leaving office President Obama’s administration re-authorized funding for the creation of biological weapons using SARS viruses. However, essentially this re-authorization was only kickstarting funding within the U.S. because the funding of weaponization of SARS-CoV-2 never actually stopped in 2014…

…This exception [from 2014] essentially permitted the Pentagon to continue funding the creation of SARS as a biological weapon in Wuhan, China, under the auspices of national security. Which is exactly what the defense department did: “Grants from the Pentagon included $6,491,025 from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) from 2017 to 2020” (link).

The Treehouse provided the following timeline:

♦ October 17, 2014 – U.S. funding of SARS to create a biological weapon was paused due to the extreme risk of a pandemic. However, the pause allowed agencies within the U.S. government to continue funding if they determined “the research is urgently necessary to protect the public health or national security.”

♦ 2014 through 2020 the Pentagon continued funding research in Wuhan, China. Fear of discovery would explain why many top officials in the U.S. Defense Department were against the Trump administration [with increased severity after the COVID pandemic began].

♦ May 2016 – [An Election Year] “after thorough deliberation and extensive input from domestic and international stakeholders, the NSABB [National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity] issued its recommendations. NSABB’s central finding was that studies that are expected to enhance PPP have potential benefits to public health but also entail significant risks. NSABB recommended that such studies warranted additional scrutiny prior to being funded.” Anthony Fauci is on the NSABB.

♦ January 9, 2017 – [Four Days after the Susan Rice oval office meeting with Obama, Biden, Comey, et al] The Obama Administration re-authorizes funding for the creation of SARS biological weapons. “Adoption of these recommendations will satisfy the requirements for lifting the current moratorium on certain life sciences research that could enhance a pathogen’s virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP).“

Below is the May 2016 document evaluating proposed oversight for Gain of Function Research. This is a much larger document than the later January 2017 memo.

What is interesting in this longer May 2016 document is the people who were involved. Go towards the end, starting at Appendix E. – Ralph Baric, David Franz, Gigi Kwik Gronvall, Thomas Inglesby, W. Ian Lipkin, Kanta Subbarao, all people who support gain of function. Baric, Gronvall, and Inglesby were involved in the initial Jan-Feb 2020 cover-up of the origin of COVID with Daszak and Fauci. It’s in their emails. Kanta Subbarao joined the now infamous ‘The Lancet’ article labeling the lab origin a conspiracy theory. Ian Lipkin got a medal from the Chinese government in January 2020.

The Individuals Behind Obama's Jan 2017 Memo Re-Authorizing Funding for 'Gain of Function' R&D Were the Same Individuals Who Lied and Claimed COVID Wasn't Created in a Lab
I am convinced that this virus comes from a Chinese laboratory, whether it was released intentionally or it was an accident I can't say, and it doesn't change anything anymore. This virus will kill thousands of people, and the gene vaccines will probably kill even more people in the long run. Bill Gates plan will work in any case and many will die. The Japanese made a study, it says that the gene vaccines will cause serious problems because they will settle in all organs. The politicians here want to know nothing about it, it is further vaccinated like the devil.
All this will trigger a catastrophe of which I am convinced, we will come there evil under the wheels. If this virus is programmed somehow that by mutations becomes more and more deadly then Game Over is or Mad Max will rise again. I do not know if you can program a virus that it becomes more dangerous in the long run, but the Chinese I trust a lot, we will know.
If you didnt catch it, this was 2016
WATCH: Explosive, Unearthed Video Shows Peter Daszak Describing ‘Chinese Colleagues’ Developing ‘Killer’ Coronaviruses.

EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak – who collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on research funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease – appears to boast about the manipulation of “killer” SARS-like coronaviruses carried out by his “colleagues in China” in a clip unearthed by The National Pulse.

Daszak made the admission at a 2016 forum discussing “emerging infectious diseases and the next pandemic,” which appears to be at odds with Fauci’s repeated denial of funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

While describing how his organization sequences deadly viruses, Daszak describes the process of “insert[ing] spike proteins” into viruses to see if they can “bind to human cells” as being carried out by his “colleagues in China”:

“Then when you get a sequence of a virus, and it looks like a relative of a known nasty pathogen, just like we did with SARS. We found other coronaviruses in bats, a whole host of them, some of them looked very similar to SARS. So we sequenced the spike protein: the protein that attaches to cells. Then we… Well I didn’t do this work, but my colleagues in China did the work. You create pseudo particles, you insert the spike proteins from those viruses, see if they bind to human cells. At each step of this you move closer and closer to this virus could really become pathogenic in people.

“You end up with a small number of viruses that really do look like killers,” he adds.
The comments follow growing evidence that Fauci’s NIAID has deep financial and personnel ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology – and that Daszak’s EcoHealth alliance was one of the primary proxies funneling the money to the Chinese Communist Party lab.

Over a dozen research papers carried out under a $3.7 million National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) grant list the Wuhan Lab’s Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Director Shi Zhengli as a co-author alongside Daszak. Shi has included these Fauci-backed grants on her resume.

The Wuhan lab has also listed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as one of its “partners,” secretly erasing the mention in March 2021.

WATCH: Explosive, Unearthed Video Shows Peter Daszak Describing 'Chinese Colleagues' Developing 'Killer' Coronaviruses.
Just because scientist HATED Trump so much they now ADMIT to LYING!!!
Alina Chan is a biologist at the Silver lab at the Harvard School of Medicine.

Chan is one of 18 scientists who finally admitted in the journal of Science last month that the Wuhan coronvirus likely originated in a Wuhan, China virology lab.

Chan says liberal scientists lied to the American public for months about their beliefs on the origination of the virus. They did this because they didn’t want to be associated with President Trump — who was right about the virus all along.

These people are disgusting!

Chan was one of 18 scientists who published a letter in the journal Science last month calling for a more in-depth investigation into the virus’s origin that takes into account theories about both natural occurrence and laboratory spillovers. The letter helped kick-start a new round of calls to investigate the “lab leak hypothesis,” including demands from President Joe Biden and several leading scientists.

The shift reflects how some scientists who previously avoided the topic or were quick to dismiss it are grappling with enduring uncertainties about the virus’s origin, free from the politicization that clouded such discussions during the Trump administration.

Chan said there had been trepidation among some scientists about publicly discussing the lab leak hypothesis for fear that their words could be misconstrued or used to support racist rhetoric about how the coronavirus emerged.
Trump fueled accusations that the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a research lab in the city where the first Covid-19 cases were reported, was connected to the outbreak, and on numerous occasions he called the pathogen the “Wuhan virus” or “kung flu.”
All of this seems very familiar with everything going on.
Alex Jones of Infowars made a special broadcast on Monday night regarding an explosive video of Fauci with HHS officials and other health experts discussing how to enforce Universal Flu Vaccination in a summit organized by Milken Institute in Washington, DC last October 2019.

Alex Jones highlighted three clips from the hour-long video of the summit from C-SPAN which proved the COVID-19 pandemic was planned and the Big Pharma worked with the UN and other corrupt government officials to develop and release the COVID-19 virus ahead of ‘Great Reset’.

The first clip featured Michael Specter, a journalist from The New Yorker and also an adjunct professor of bioengineering at Stanford University, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

In this video, they conceptualized having a new outbreak of novel avian flu virus from China so they can bypass the method of FDA approval and enforce mRNA vaccine to the masses.

Here’s the transcript:
Michael Specter: Why don’t we blow the system up? I mean obviously, we can’t just turn off the spigot on the system. We have and then say, hey everyone in the world should get this new vaccine that we haven’t given to anyone yet. But there must be some way that we grow vaccines mostly in eggs the way we did in 1947.
Fauci: In order to make the transition from getting out of the tried-and-true egg growing which we know gives us results that can be beneficial, I mean we’ve done well with that. There must be something that has to be much better. You have to prove that this works and then you’ve got to go through all of the clinical trials: phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and then show that this particular product is going to be good over a period of years. That alone, if it works perfectly, it’s going to take a decade.

Bright: There might be a need or even an urgent call for an entity of excitement out there that’s completely disruptive, that’s not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.

Fauci: So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and save.. I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive and in an iterative way because she does need both.

Bright: But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that.. to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of self-administer.
More from Medical Kidnap:
Joining Fauci, Rick Bright, and Michael Specter at this event were: Margaret Hamburg, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine, Bruce Gellin, President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute, Casey Wright, CEO, FluLab.
In short, this panel discussion focused on what they perceived as the need for a universal flu vaccine, but they admitted that the old way of producing vaccines was not sufficient for their purposes, and that they needed some kind of global event where many people were dying to be able to roll out a new mRNA vaccine to be tested on the public.
They all agreed that the annual flu virus was not scary enough to create an event that would convince people to get a universal vaccine. And as we now know today, about 2 years after this event, that “terrifying virus” that was introduced was the COVID-19 Sars virus.
And so now we know why the flu just “disappeared” in the 2020-21 flu season. It was simply replaced by COVID-19, in a worldwide cleverly planned “pandemic” to roll out the world’s first universal mRNA vaccines.

This was always the goal, and previous efforts through various influenzas, AIDS, Ebola, and other “viruses” were all unsuccessful in leading to the development of a universal vaccine to inject into the entire world’s population.

Margaret Hamburg stated regarding getting a “Universal Vaccine” into the market: “It’s time to stop talking, and it’s time to act… I think it is also because we haven’t had a sense of urgency.”

Michael Specter asked: “Do we need lots of people to die for that sense of urgency to occur?”

Hamburg replied that: “There are already lots of people dying” from the flu each year.

Bruce Gellin stated that basically people just are not afraid enough of the term “the flu.”

There are so many things that are revealed about how Big Pharma and government health authorities think in this panel discussion. For example, they bemoan the fact that if they do too good of a job in public health, then they lose funding to develop products that fight viruses.

Michael Specter states: “It seems to me that one of the curses of the public health world is, if you guys do your job well, everyone goes along well and healthy.”

Hamburg: “And they cut your funding.”

Rick Bright complains that the yearly distribution of flu vaccines is inefficient in terms of collecting data, and in the process actually admits that some vaccines just don’t work well:

“We distribute 150 million doses of the seasonal (flu) vaccines every year, we don’t even know how many people are being vaccinated from the doses that are delivered to the people, which doses they got, and what the real outcome was, so that we can learn from that knowledge base on how to optimize or improve our vaccine. So there are opportunities that we have today…

I think if we uncloaked the poorest performing vaccines in the market place today, it might be very revealing to tell us which of the technologies we have, and allow us to go deeper into those technologies to determine why they are more effective. There are vaccines licenses today that are more effective. I think that we’re just afraid to admit the truth.”

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