Cucumber sandwich spread.

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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
We all end up with extras, now you won't!
2 large cucumbers, peeled and pureed.
1 block of softened cream cheese.
1 large, white onion, peeled and minced.
1 each a red and green jalapeno pepper minced, added for color and zing.
1 package of dry ranch dip mix.
1/2 pound of crispy bacon crushed.
Add mayonnaise until you like the texture.
Cucumber spread.... Sounds good..
I went by a big display of ....sweet onions.... today in Costco.. Didn't stop, look, or get any but thought it seems too early in the season for genuine Vidalia onion.. Possibly Wala-Wala or other sweet variety ??
Cucumber spread.... Sounds good..
I went by a big display of ....sweet onions.... today in Costco.. Didn't stop, look, or get any but thought it seems too early in the season for genuine Vidalia onion.. Possibly Wala-Wala or other sweet variety ??
That does seem soon but maybe they are boosting the season somehow. Growing them in a warmer climate than usual? They are normally grown in Georgia, aren't they? I love Vidalias too.
I would put a bunch of fresh dill in the spread.
Cucumber spread.... Sounds good..
I went by a big display of ....sweet onions.... today in Costco.. Didn't stop, look, or get any but thought it seems too early in the season for genuine Vidalia onion.. Possibly Wala-Wala or other sweet variety ??
My next door neighbor when I lived in Mississippi turned me on to Vidalia onions. He ate them like apples. I have made Vidalia onion sandwiches - a thick slice of Vidalia onion on bread with mayo.

Now I live in Georgia near Vidalia country and only buy Vidalias unless they are out of season.

Vidalia is not a specific type of onion but a region in Georgia that has low sulfur in the soil. It's the sulfur that makes an onion sharp. Most Vidalias are Yellow Granex, but not all.

The secret to getting a good sweet Yellow Granex (including Vidalias) is the ratio of width to height. The higher the ratio the better because it means the layers are very thick and juicy, which dilutes the sulfur. Those make the best onion rings, BTW.

This is what good Vidalias look like:

I have a recipe for onion spread as well, but it's a 100% guaranteed trip to the bathroom for a #2
when you least need it! Now, if you have issues with that and you have a shovel handy, it's delicious!
1 Pureed onion.
the green tops finely chopped.
Pinch of basil.
Big pinch of dill seed.
Pinch of mustard powder.
1 chopped jalapeno.
1 package of softened cream cheese.
1/8th cup of sour cream.
Blend well, and serve it on a Ritz or on a fried bagel with a slice of smoked salmon.

A good side dish is one can of tomato soup and one can of diced tomatoes and peppers mixed and served with cheddar goldfish crackers.

I've warned you, it's better than prunes!
We all end up with extras, now you won't!
2 large cucumbers, peeled and pureed.
1 block of softened cream cheese.
1 large, white onion, peeled and minced.
1 each a red and green jalapeno pepper minced, added for color and zing.
1 package of dry ranch dip mix.
1/2 pound of crispy bacon crushed.
Add mayonnaise until you like the texture.
Then you’re ready for afternoon tea (aka low tea). Don’t forget your white gloves 😆
Then you’re ready for afternoon tea (aka low tea). Don’t forget your white gloves 😆
Oh, I have to make mint juelips, the cornbread sticks, make the chili spread and get the corned beef Phili spread ready and put some tea lights under the Swiss fondue for said Philli spread, the stuff goes to oil so fast, its hard to get good Swiss lately.

Don't laugh at me too hard, all you big bad military guys, I can whip up IEDs and silencers just as fast!
It's probably a good idea to keep me away from the Sudafed and diet pills, too, and I just found a recipe for Cannabis/CDB oil! It might make it into some snacks as a glaze, but I'll probably warn you. LOL

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