Kevin, I think you're making the argument for home schooling better than I can! Every point you make applies more to public schools that home schoolers. Brainwashing? Public schools. Abuse? Like teachers having sex with the students? Team players, such as gang members in public schools? Impartial, like teachers who couldn't care less? And finally 'professional', like the school maximizing their grant money and passing kids along who can't read... sounds like prostitutes not professionals.
Nope. Sorry, Brent has that job.
Please note that I indicated that public schools are so f----ed up, that I understand why people homeschool.
I'm opposed to the death penalty in principle......but when my ambulance company had a contract with the prison, I transported a psychopath who killed, sexually molested, and ate (yes, I said ate) several (over 15) little boys between the ages of 4 and seven. I can't be more specific, as I have legal obligations relating to patient confidentiality, even though this person (a term of convienence, if not entirely accurate) is dead from organ failure.
I will admit--to my great shame--that I was tempted to wonder how vigorously I would use my paramedic skills to save his life if a medical crisis occurred.
And as opposed as I am to the death penalty, I certainly think that we should have made an exception in his case.....and I'd be the first to throw the switch on the electric chair.
I may be opposed to something in principle, but that doesn't make me a hypocrite if circumstances back me into a corner and I compromise toward what I perceive as the lesser of two evils.
As to my example with the criminal I mentioned?
I want to believe that I'm a human first, and everything in me about being a human (forget human--just being a mammal) says that someone who does something like this must die.