Good points by 'The Supe' and Frodo! One reason why pump shotguns are so popular for home defense is that when ya jack a shell, that distinctive noise is recognized by just about everyone, and perps in particular... once they know you're ready to blast 'em, that tends to settle 'em down. My brother Pete and friend Jon both used shotguns to confront intruders who had broken into their separate homes in Coronado: in the first incident, the perp ran off (but my friend & I caught him shortly thereafter when we rolled up a minute later), and in the second incident, Jon directed the guy down to the ground where the cops cuffed him moments later. So that distinctive pump action is one way to send a message that you're prepared to defend yourself. Lever carbines make distinctive noise too, easily recognizable...
And Frodo brought up an excellent point: not all states have a "stand your ground" law like Arizona (one reason why I miss that state), and the laws can also be funny about HOW you went about defending yourself. In Kalifornia, you can be charged for blasting some fool in your yard---the perp has to be in your home before you can "legally" blast him. In the past, I heard folks joke about dragging the perp into your home afterward, but that course of action may not bear further investigation. Best to know the laws in your state, so you don't find yourself under arrest and/or indictment even though you were simply trying to defend your home & yourself. Remember, in that seaside ghetto known as the Socialist Republik of Kalimexifornia, the laws are all in favor of the perp, not you, the homeowner with a weapon for defense.
P.S. They're always looking for new "inmate" candidates for their huge jailhouse funding scam in that seaside dump.