Define your thoughts about "Tribe" in Prepping/Survival concepts.

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
"NOT" asking you to define your tribe. Asking in your opinion, what others could likely manage as far as size of tribe they are genuienly willing to be responsible too.

Please don't make this political. Please save the grandiose tribe size, of your country or city, etc.

Maybe speak to your tribe's concept of its responsibility to other members.
"NOT" asking you to define your tribe. Asking in your opinion, what others could likely manage as far as size of tribe they are genuienly willing to be responsible too.

Please don't make this political. Please save the grandiose tribe size, of your country or city, etc.

Maybe speak to your tribe's concept of its responsibility to other members.
My siblings and their family.

About 20 or so.

Hmm, genuinely willing? 5 max... maybe that's pushing it.

I would say all must have basic skills and understand camp responsibilities/security. Beyond that- If you cannot hunt, productively/safely/responsibly you must learn to skin, flesh and preserve etc.etc. sort of thing.

Gathering, refining and preserving resources will be a constant for all, but those lower in skills would be relegated to mundane repetitive tasks out of necessity until enough surplus can be obtained to invest in training for more complex and interesting responsibilities.

Currently building my tribe from scratch😆
I don't have a family, or a tribe. My sorta MAG fell apart 4 years ago. I guess I'm a lone wolf, for now. Well a lone couple. Or maybe a cat pack, considering the cat is an integral part of our defense. Just put the laser on the target and she'll do the rest...
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There is no "right" answer to this. Here is one posable idea. "Core" tribe might be first degree kindred.

Broader (Not Core) might include second degree kindred.
I am currently Tribeless. There are a very few who if they "just happened" to get caught/trapped near me, I would welcome.
I think speaking only for myself. It would be, could I sleep soundly in the same dwelling/shelter/building, without any apprehension.
They might think you're nuts.
They might not be wrong ;) :D

My immediate tribe of five, plus me.
Extended family would make too many on the size of my property, and as 'townies' might be willing but not able, and while I trust them, I don't want to listen to whinging when I put them on rations.
They might think you're nuts.

I have taken them both shooting and they have thoroughly embraced it. Recent safety issues have pushed the idea of self-protection and readiness into the forefront of their minds and I intend to capitalize on it. I will however do so slowly and tactically. One day they will wake up wearing complete battle rattle including NVG's and M4's and not realize it even happened.
Interesting question.

My immediate family of 4 would be my tribe. There are others that I could/would form an alliance with (MAG), and a limited few others that might be something close to being part of my tribe.
My friends live close to Mom so if I was here I’d try to get with them. At home we only have the friends of my wife. As much as I like them the wife and her friends are democrats. I don’t want to say that they would wait too long to pull the trigger but Haley’s Comet could return before they made the decision. I trust my neighbor at home but I don’t believe he is a gun guy.
"NOT" asking you to define your tribe. Asking in your opinion, what others could likely manage as far as size of tribe they are genuienly willing to be responsible too.

Please don't make this political. Please save the grandiose tribe size, of your country or city, etc.

Maybe speak to your tribe's concept of its responsibility to other members.
Speaking hypothetically (and in the context of a very severe long-term crisis), optimal tribe size would be in the range of 5-15 actually capable adults/adolescents.

Any incapable dependents would be additional to those numbers.

Any less than 5, would find it hard to maintain security 24/7....and even then that means single people standing watch......which would make that more practical if you have good security technology items to make a single person standing watch effective at:
  1. detecting threats from any direction....and at distance
  2. staying awake

Any more than 15 (plus dependents) and the group becomes too difficult to manage - even if those people are optimal and respect the chain of command. That many is also a mammoth task to feed.

If you have any people with normalcy bias, then they had better be good at doing what they are told.

If you have any people (even among dependents) that are normalcy biased and/or wont do what they are told, then the tribe will self-destruct.

That is one of the reasons why making a tribe work can be more challenging than the crisis itself.

In reality, most people can't and wont put a team like the above they just have to make do with what they have got or even go it alone.

The small group or single lone wolf can hide.....and move without leaving much of a trail.......and can make quick decisions.....and is the easiest to feed....which are all strengths of that model.
More than twenty, less than fifty, forty acres, four wells & a spring, open land & wood lot.
Perennial & annual crops, some animals.

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