I have a few guns (not a horde), because I live in a rural area. If a meth-head is trying to get in my garage (or my house), and I call the Sheriff, it may take them up to 20 minutes to get a guy out here. I need to be able to handle it myself.
Likewise, if I see a bobcat in the field with our horses, I need to be able to send him a clear cue to get the hell outta there.
Now, I know the typical argument is that a guy with a gun is no match for the military, so the 2nd amendment argument against tyranny is null.
Well, that's horseshit. Even with tanks, drones, nightvision, etc. if you think any military force wants to go against 5 times or more their number, even if lesser armed, in a guerilla warfare scenario, on native ground, you're just nuts.
It's simple. An armed populace is a free one. Our founding fathers knew this well. We are wise not to forget it.
And while our location is still our greatest defense against foreign invasion. (the logistics for a foreign army to invade are IMMENSE) also helps that they know the armed citizenry of just ONE US state is likely larger than any army forces they land. You're crazy if you don't think that's one hell of a deterrent.
And that word is the key....a DETERRENT. This is the whole point of the 2nd amendment. A check and balance against the state ever getting too big for its britches. It's the sole reason it is in the Bill of Rights.