diet starting today

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I fixed native american 3 sisters stew today......corn,beans and squash...used both hominy and sweet corn,butternut squash cubed and the big pole bean thats like a octoberish type dry bean....dumped in a base of beef chuck roast i sliced thin and pressure cooked so it fall apart..traditionally it was venison or buffalo or elk...navajo used lamb/sheep in their version. its good eating..i have to grow more beans this year to fill my jars...i skipped last 2 years growing them.
I want to come over for leftovers!! Sounds good!

I just was bad and had ramen noodles LOL. This is what happens when I don't make soup for lunch, I am still hungry at night, and today did not want a sandwich or fruit
I want to come over for leftovers!! Sounds good!

I just was bad and had ramen noodles LOL. This is what happens when I don't make soup for lunch, I am still hungry at night, and today did not want a sandwich or fruit
it is...i like it with lamb better than beef too....i have some dried Cherokee trail of tears pole beans...they are a black bean thats a good green bean but i let mature and dry and shelled out for seed and more i wanna try next...this other bean was given to my family by a 90 some year old woman probably 25 years ago right before she died and she grew her entire life on barsoom.

my butternuts were far better than the store bought had much thicker skin i believe than ones i grow.

i gotta cut back...going the other direction all of a sudden....dang it...gotta stop it in its tracks too.

see thread

oh many natives serve corn tortillas with this or that purple pichoun corn wrapper thingy...i have to go look up correct name..i sure i butchered it real bad.

no wonder you act like you do eating communist least thats what @Ekatarina calls have 2 packs sitting on table as we talk i got from one of them higher end stores i thought i might try some communist noodles !

look at this granny grub bean i call it

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Are you willing to share some dried kernals?
there's not much of it and i need to grow it out a couple of more has been selected to with stand wind as it has a very large amount of roots and brace roots...i tested it against a certain famous survival corn and i will never ever plant that other seed ever again...i bought a large expensive bag of seed and lost entire crop because it wouldnt stand up on its own..much less in just wasnt bred for eastern u.s.

i tested it myself by pulling on corn stalks to see just how much stress it could take before it breaks/broke.

i have several items i have bred and breeding for south east u.s. mtn region by selection and testing i plan on releasing to the public at some point...i have an all white sugary enhanced sweet corn that i have to grow out again this year as its took this long to get enough seed to do i am super busy with sick family so i hope to get it done this year.

theo one thing i dont ike about purple corn is its not tight husked enough for me on tip...notice bug damage in picture...i have a white corn that it doesnt happen to and not sprayed can use mineral oil or a bt spray to stop worms..but i want a tough hands off corn.
look at ear see one with damage...this crop grew despite no rain and heavy weeds..i had given up on getting it to grow...i was going to bush hog garden off and looked and seen i had a crop to had zero care, can get this seed corn...its called white truckers favorite...i am selecting it for bigger ears....oh it pollinated in extreme heat too.

white corn.png

white corn2.png
now look at this corns root first picture and look at it beside what i call shangri-la purple dent corn...named after my homestead...shangri-la homestead.

famous corn very expensive was touted drought resistance and much more..i bet on my first planting i lost over 1000 stalks of corn.


side by side now


look at ear see one with damage...this crop grew despite no rain and heavy weeds..i had given up on getting it to grow...i was going to bush hog garden off and looked and seen i had a crop to had zero care, can get this seed corn...its called white truckers favorite...i am selecting it for bigger ears....oh it pollinated in extreme heat too.

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those squash look nice too!!

I have one left, cooking it today for soup

no luck here growing corn that tastes good. I can grow corn but not corn you want to eat. Maybe I get the wrong stuff. If I get something that says " sweet corn" , it gets eaten by bugs
those squash look nice too!!

I have one left, cooking it today for soup

no luck here growing corn that tastes good. I can grow corn but not corn you want to eat. Maybe I get the wrong stuff. If I get something that says " sweet corn" , it gets eaten by bugs
silver king sweet corn...its a hybrid but its very good and has shown it stands up pretty good to wind....dont get silver queen...i like it best but wind knocks it down...wind can knock any of it down but i had test plot side by side of each and silver queen hit the ground while most of silver king stood against the wind. spray mineral oil on silks works !
so i been teasing yall with my pocket full of sunshine saying..well truth in advertising...i go around often singing that....'i got a pocket full of sunshine'...dont know if there is such a song...but i was thinking about songs talking about sunshine...well a old memory from growing up been popping up this week...watching the weekly bill dance fishing show in the 70's with my dad and grandfather.... so searched it out and found out who it was..they only used first bit of song lyrics..its jerry reed singing 'today is mine'. i thought yall might find it interesting...oh...was i brain washed as a kid to be positive?

Today Is Mine
When the sun came up this morning I took the time to watch it rise
As its beauty struck the darkness from the skies
I thought how small and unimportant all my troubles seem to be
And how lucky another day belongs to me
And as the sleepy world around me woke up to greet the day
And all its silent beauty seemed to say:
So what, my friend, if all your dreams you haven't realized
Look around, you got a whole new day to try
Today is mine, today is mine, to do with what I will
Today is mine. My own special cup to fill
To die a little that I might learn to live
And take from life that I might learn to give
Today is mine
With all men I curse the present that seems void of peace of mind
And race my thoughts beyond tomorrow and vision there more peace of mind
But when I view the day around me I can see the fool I've been
For today is the only garden we can tend
Today is mine, today is mine, to do with what I will
Today is mine. My own special cup to fill
To die a little that I might learn to live
And take from life that I might learn to give
Today is mine

Elkhound , my response to your sunshine:

Metallica, Fade to black

Life, it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free
Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye

you can fool some people but not are a ray of sunshine..even if you dont want to be...farmer soldier you are...birth that flock out...!! you do the good work right there my friend.
LOL, nope, I have a continuous seriously bad attitude
Seriously , I woke up this morning thinking this first thing: I wonder when these lambs are going to be done, I wished they were done, but maybe there is a problem and we will only have 5 lambs this year....then I was thinking, I wonder how crappy the weather is going to be today....( it's sort of raining) , then I was thinking: I really need to call daughter, but it's too depressing....but then I felt guilty thinking that....then I was thinking, I wonder if husband got wood last night for the stove this morning or not... ( he didn't)...then I was thinking, I wonder if son's car is going to make it ( he plans on driving to mount rogers today to hike) and so on....then I got up and my foot hurt and I was thinking, crap I HATE being
LOL, nope, I have a continuous seriously bad attitude
Seriously , I woke up this morning thinking this first thing: I wonder when these lambs are going to be done, I wished they were done, but maybe there is a problem and we will only have 5 lambs this year....then I was thinking, I wonder how crappy the weather is going to be today....( it's sort of raining) , then I was thinking: I really need to call daughter, but it's too depressing....but then I felt guilty thinking that....then I was thinking, I wonder if husband got wood last night for the stove this morning or not... ( he didn't)...then I was thinking, I wonder if son's car is going to make it ( he plans on driving to mount rogers today to hike) and so on....then I got up and my foot hurt and I was thinking, crap I HATE being
You got all the bad thoughts out of the way and now you can shine!!
LOL, nope, I have a continuous seriously bad attitude
Seriously , I woke up this morning thinking this first thing: I wonder when these lambs are going to be done, I wished they were done, but maybe there is a problem and we will only have 5 lambs this year....then I was thinking, I wonder how crappy the weather is going to be today....( it's sort of raining) , then I was thinking: I really need to call daughter, but it's too depressing....but then I felt guilty thinking that....then I was thinking, I wonder if husband got wood last night for the stove this morning or not... ( he didn't)...then I was thinking, I wonder if son's car is going to make it ( he plans on driving to mount rogers today to hike) and so on....then I got up and my foot hurt and I was thinking, crap I HATE being
its at those moments you belt out loud or whisper...pocket full of sunshine...i am going to glow today if it hair lips the pope....then soldier on farmer sonya...soldier got more bottom/backbone than most.
so i been teasing yall with my pocket full of sunshine saying..well truth in advertising...i go around often singing that....'i got a pocket full of sunshine'...dont know if there is such a song...but i was thinking about songs talking about sunshine...well a old memory from growing up been popping up this week...watching the weekly bill dance fishing show in the 70's with my dad and grandfather.... so searched it out and found out who it was..they only used first bit of song lyrics..its jerry reed singing 'today is mine'. i thought yall might find it interesting...oh...was i brain washed as a kid to be positive?

Today Is Mine
When the sun came up this morning I took the time to watch it rise
As its beauty struck the darkness from the skies
I thought how small and unimportant all my troubles seem to be
And how lucky another day belongs to me
And as the sleepy world around me woke up to greet the day
And all its silent beauty seemed to say:
So what, my friend, if all your dreams you haven't realized
Look around, you got a whole new day to try
Today is mine, today is mine, to do with what I will
Today is mine. My own special cup to fill
To die a little that I might learn to live
And take from life that I might learn to give
Today is mine
With all men I curse the present that seems void of peace of mind
And race my thoughts beyond tomorrow and vision there more peace of mind
But when I view the day around me I can see the fool I've been
For today is the only garden we can tend
Today is mine, today is mine, to do with what I will
Today is mine. My own special cup to fill
To die a little that I might learn to live
And take from life that I might learn to give
Today is mine

Nice song! And good to be raised with a positive attitude. Some of those songs nowadays are pretty dark. I like Travis Tritt's "Its a Great Day to be Alive"
its at those moments you belt out loud or whisper...pocket full of sunshine...i am going to glow today if it hair lips the pope....then soldier on farmer sonya...soldier got more bottom/backbone than most.
I am soldiering on allright...but not enjoying it

No lambs, weather crappy, daughter is depressed and can't find a place to live she can afford in Florida (but she has a job offer , so at least that)
I think things might improve once this endless winter is done

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