diet starting today

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Nov 21, 2020
Anyone else want to lose weight? Maybe we can encourage each other....
If not and this thread just takes up space feel free to tell me to delete it ( mods?)

So I have decided to not eat between the hours of 6PM and 10 am. The evening hours are when I eat the junk, and we take care of the animals in the morning so no breakfast. I had a piece of toast with peanut butter around 11

I am also trying something my parents and grandparents did as regular part of the meal: have a bowl of soup before the main course. This is how my mother and grandmother made it: chicken broth, a handful of noodles, a handful of oatmeal, a chopped carrot, a chopped celery or leak, some parsley, salt, pepper and 1 egg
I did this today and am really full. Main meal was chicken, potatoes and salad ( lettuce with homemade dressing)
Dessert will be 1 of the pastries I forgot yesterday.
( I spent most of the morning cleaning the barn, so used up a lot of calories most likely, so 1 piece of pastry will be fine)

I will make grits around 5.30 for evening meal. Maybe put some bacon in it. That will be it
I have been on a high protein, low carb diet for three months, also fast 12-20 hour a least once a week.
I went a week where I fast 12 hours every day.
I miss pizza, but everything else is not a big deal, protein full me up.
I ate at a buffet yesterday (Sat) at 3:00 pm & it is 2:10 pm Sunday, so I may eat something before going to bed tonight.
I have lost thirty pounds in three months Aug.24 till Dec.3, but I have gained muscle mass, so hopefully I have lost more than
thirty pounds of fat. The draw back to the diet are, no pizza or noodles, I spend less time in the bathroom & I have to wear a belt with all my paints.
My paints are not falling off, but with a wallet & cellphone I feel & look like one of those want a be rappers that you see in the street.
Oh & my knee's, joints do not hurt as much as they did when I eat a lot of sugar & cereal.
I did eat a table spoon of cranberry jelly on the 25 of November,
Fasting for 16 or more hours will burn internal fat & could save your life.
Here’s a breakdown of what you body does each hour of fasting (times based from last calorie intake):

4-8 hours

  • Blood sugars fall
  • All food has left the stomach
  • Insulin is no longer produced
12 hours

  • Food consumed has been burned
  • Digestive system goes to sleep
  • Body begins healing process
  • Human Growth Hormone begins to increase
  • Glucagon is relaxed to balance blood sugars
14 hours

  • Body has converted to using stored fat as energy
  • Human Growth Hormone starts to increase dramatically
16 hours

  • Body starts to ramp up the fat burning
18 hours

  • Human Growth Hormone starts to skyrocket
24 hours

  • Autophagy begins
  • Drains all glycogen stores
  • Ketones are released into the blood stream
36 hours

  • Autophagy 300% increase
48 hours

  • Autophagy increases 30% more
  • Immune system reset and regeneration
  • Increased reduction in inflammation response

72 hours

  • Autophagy maxes out
I’ve been interested in using more Asian diet to stop the bloating. I don’t need to lose weight. Found a couple of cookbooks for Japanese soups and either need to go to the city or find it online to order. Edit to add: finding the unusual ingredients
Soup gets the digestion started, especially if using miso based soup or broth.
If anyone is more experienced or familiar with using miso please comment.

Could you please be more specific about the soup ingredients, please. Do you have measurements? It sounds interesting.
a pot of water and chicken broth ( like a regular pot, no idea how big)
1 chopped carrot
1 chopped celery stick
small handful of egg noodles
small handful of oatmeal
1 egg
salt, pepper
cook the veggies for a few minutes, add the oatmeal and noodles, last add the egg, stir, done
it's mostly liquid that happens to be filling, but few calories, sorry I don't really measure things when I cook except when I bake

tomorrow butternut squash soup probably
I have been on a high protein, low carb diet for three months, also fast 12-20 hour a least once a week.
that would totally not work for me but glad it is working for you
I don't like to eat a lot of meat and life without pizza is just not worth it LOL

We will see if I lose anything. I am sure I will, I probably eat 1000 calories of junk at night ( one small bag of chips will do it)

Everyone's body is different and probably reacts different to food. I never had any weight issues until I had menopause and accident both at the same time ( execption being pregnant, but that doesn't really count)

One more comment , I am tall and big boned with a lot of muscle for a female ( BUT NO, I am NOT a transgender LGBDXYZ heshe....before anyone goes there!!! LOL) , so I can probably eat more calories than most women my age, plus I probably do more physical activity than most too
I’ve been interested in using more Asian diet to stop the bloating. I don’t need to lose weight. Found a couple of cookbooks for Japanese soups and either need to go to the city or find it online to order. Edit to add: finding the unusual ingredients
Soup gets the digestion started, especially if using miso based soup or broth.
If anyone is more experienced or familiar with using miso please comment.
I have tons of good Asian recipes if you need any. And yes, Miso soup will definitely be on my diet. The only thing I haven't figure out how to store tofu once opened, since you only need a little bit for the soup
I have been getting healthy this year. i have been hiking since feb 1st and i have lost a bunch of much to admit to be honest with more to go. my cardio is good as is my strength. i am working on getting my damaged legs to working again/better and being more flexible in the one leg that has most troubles.

i had to start slow but up to doing 4 miles now without stopping now. one thing i done was found a steep mini mtn close by with decent trail and i do it often..for awhile daily...come rain or shine or heat. its a mile and half.i go do it in hottest part of day too.

winter is here with less time and i am going to have to look for a way to get my hike in easier....running out of daylight.

one thing i do on and off is skipping breakfast...that puts me at eating at noon and 6/7pm. at times i go climb a bigger mtn and i skip lunch too and go climb it.when i do that i feel the calories burning off of my body.

in past i have fasted for 5 days and it took me 3 days to get my body back to functioning with the food as first day all i could stand at a time was a few tablespoons of food. when i done the 5 days it blew 20# off me.

i dont eat bread,pasta,wheat anything,sugar. if i eat noodles or bread it takes it all away..i gain weight easily eating those two things.

i will be 58 in spring and my goal by time i hit 60 or before is to be best version of myself i can be and to be able to kayak easily and much more.
We are being more conscious in general about the quality and quality of what we eat. We joined the local gym last month. We are pretty active in spring and summer but the rainy season in the Pacific Northwest is a real drag. We have been steady losing a pound or 2 here and there. I had to use the next notch down on my belt.
I'm happy to be be down around 6 lbs since last physical. Really, the. only way I could lose weight before was 1000 calories a day and run 3 miles. Knees and body gave out, I gained, but down last physical. When you become mature it's a long long slow process. :(
I'm down 26 pounds. I walk 3-4 miles a day since June. Have a hefty salad for lunch, then a light meal, like low calorie soup, for dinner.
So, what do you do when the habit sticks, and you continue to lose more weight after you have reached your goal?
...and don't say "it ain't gonna happen".
So, what do you do when the habit sticks, and you continue to lose more weight after you have reached your goal?
...and don't say "it ain't gonna happen".
I find it hard to believe that will be a problem, but if it is just double up on Pizza & Ice cream.
Whole food, plant-based diet (WFPB). In the first year, I lost 80 pounds and was taken off 5 prescribed meds for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes. Five years later, I am still WFPB, and still down the 80 pounds and still medication free.
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Then he be like Jack LaLane (spelling?) and maybe entering senior Olympics and competing! 😂
Yeah. Right.
My goal: I don't want to be this guy:

Try to convince him to get into the senior Olympics. :rolleyes:
(BTW, don't even try to search for pics of skinny people, Google has trashed them because they make all the fat people sad:().
I find it hard to believe that will be a problem, but if it is just double up on Pizza & Ice cream.
That's a wonderful concept, until you find that you have little-no appetite. :(
So, what do you do when the habit sticks, and you continue to lose more weight after you have reached your goal?
...and don't say "it ain't gonna happen".
With my titanium knees already at 10 years, it just a matter of time when I will need to go back under the knife, and my walking will slow to a crawl. It is just the eating habits I need to change, and once I get down another 20-25 pounds, it will cause less pressure on my knees.
I will join you after Christmas.
I am cutting back now but I will get serious again after Christmas.
I might even take advantage of the free membership to the fitness club my insurance provides.
You’ve lost some already though haven’t you?
I EAT!! I eat good stuff, I eat bad stuff! I lose weight in the winter because I don't drink much beer! I gain weight in the summer because I drink more beer! I am getting older (according to LadyLocust), so I will try to change that this summer!
That’s kinda funny. I usually lose weight in summer and gain in winter. Outside a lot more in summer. During winter, inside by the food.
18 hr fasts are pretty doable and effective for me. I need to get back with the program! Sorta like Backlash, not going to make any promises until after Christmas. Cutting out grains and sugar really helps and I feel good- again, between now and Christmas 🤪
I'm down 26 pounds. I walk 3-4 miles a day since June. Have a hefty salad for lunch, then a light meal, like low calorie soup, for dinner.
good for you! I walk about 8 miles a day just doing regular chores . Measured it with my phone a few times. I can't physically do anymore so I need to cut the calories. But I am not willing to live a lifestyle that forces me to eliminate entire food categories , tried the Atkins thing once after having my son and it literally made me sick after a few days. I can't eat that way. So my only option is to eat less. The low hanging fruit is the junk at night
day 1 accomplished
I actually weight myself this morning and I need to lose 25 pounds 😒

I had a craving for chocolate at 9 pm but had some herbal tea with no sugar instead

today lunch will be lamb ribs, rice, broccoli and I am going to make rice soup ( rice cooked very long, some butter, chicken broth, green onions, salt, pepper and some lemon juice)
dessert will be a few pears
evening meal tuna sandwich and apple
I EAT!! I eat good stuff, I eat bad stuff! I lose weight in the winter because I don't drink much beer! I gain weight in the summer because I drink more beer! I am getting older (according to LadyLocust), so I will try to change that this summer!
I gain weight in winter. I have a banana smoothie for snack in the evening in summer, but don't like it in winter, so I eat junk and gain weight, plus all the baking I do when there is nothing else to be done . Glad when the days get longer again
beer: maybe 2 a month at the most , can't drink more than 1 or I am full
I usually lose weight in summer and gain in winter. Outside a lot more in summer. During winter, inside by the food.
Me too. Winter would be easier if I wasn't such a good cook. LOL

I'm down 13 pounds at this point, with 20 to lose to get back to where I was a couple of years ago. When I got to goal weight, I started eating more and stupider. Sigh
a pot of water and chicken broth ( like a regular pot, no idea how big)
1 chopped carrot
1 chopped celery stick
small handful of egg noodles
small handful of oatmeal
1 egg
salt, pepper
cook the veggies for a few minutes, add the oatmeal and noodles, last add the egg, stir, done
it's mostly liquid that happens to be filling, but few calories, sorry I don't really measure things when I cook except when I bake

tomorrow butternut squash soup probably
Thank You!

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