does anyone here have a altas bunker and are they any good?

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Sep 8, 2020
off the grid
Amateur Radio Call Sign
im looking to buy and atlas bunker and just seeing if they're worth it
You should also write where the bunker should be, I think your country and the choice is large.
What do you mean by the phrase "are they worth it"?
like do they actually protect you or are they just another cash grab
A bunker is only good if there is a nuclear war, otherwise I dont want to be in a locked box underground, I prefer fresh air and countryside.
I want to get this one: Nebraska and bury it AT LEAST 100 feet underground, but only once I've enlisted the help of my uncle and maybe some of his friends. He's a retired paraplegic rocket scientist genius who probably worked on a weird liquid alien metal for the government but wasn't allowed to talk about it way back when...I'm going to turn my bunker into a spaceship, so in the event that the aliens fire a really big gun at our planet and blows it into chunks like they did with our moon and probably did to mars, I won't be completely helpless lol. Notice the well-known iconic giant canyon on it that looks like some kind of battle scar from a death ray? And the asteroid belt between here and Mars? Yeah, that used to be a planet; our moon and some big rocks are all that's left of it...and perhaps an alien survival bunker, built into a meteor...hope their self-sustaining bunker doubles as a spaceship; mine sure as hell will, preferably with nuclear powered plasma energy weapons and missiles and depending on how much my uncle knows, a few pieces of unique reverse-engineered alien weapons to hopefully help take out more of the alien ships in a last ditch effort after they destroy the Earth; a force field would come in handy lol.

Then I'd start my Bug Out to Mars where hopefully more humans have managed to escape to and we can work towards re-populating the species as we terraform mars into New Earth and prepare for a counter-strike from our extraterrestrial adversaries lmao. Or whatever. We can always hope lol. =P
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No, I want to increase my chances of getting stuck inside of a chunk of the Earth in the event that it explodes; I need it to be buried as deeply as humanly possible; the maximum depth depends on how much weight it can withstand lol.

An impact strong enough to split the Earth in two will likely destroy everything on the surface, and likely a good distance below the surface as well. So yeah, I want my bunker to be SUPER deep lol.

Then when my half of the Earth is being ripped apart by all the gravitational forces at play, my bunker will effectively become a spaceship so long as it has it's own oxygen supply and reinforced exterior. All I'd need is a means of propulsion and a safe-ish way to crash-land it on the nearest inhabited planet. In our case, that would be Mars, in the event the aliens haven't already blown it to smithereens in anticipation of a few humans managing to escape Earth's destruction. Hopefully at that point, we'll already have bases set up on Mars. If not, then I guess we'd be the First Human Colony of Mars, which would like, REALLY suck lol.
if the Earth gets blasted in two, ALL life will cease, even if you get blasted into space you will lose the atmosphere oxygen so you will be dead with the rest of us.
Not if I have my own supply of oxygen and a heavily reinforced self-sustaining bunker adequate for space travel!
Uh....I'd say it'd be pretty handy during a tornado, too...maybe a hurricane if it's not in a flood plane. Of course a bunker stocked for nuclear war/nuclear winter is a little overkill for a tornado/hurricane, but multi-purpose of a prep is always a good thing.

A bunker is only good if there is a nuclear war, otherwise I dont want to be in a locked box underground, I prefer fresh air and countryside.
Oh, I can't see their profile to find their posts; whole page is blanked out; like they ne'er existed lol. What kind of posts did...they write? It's actually none of my business really lol.
There sure have been some oddball characters logging on to this forum since the New Year. 🤔
I am NOT an oddball, I am a unique individual here on Gilligan's Isle, where there is fresh air, town square, you are my Wife, Goodbye city life, down at the junction and that's Uncle Joe he is moving kinda slow at Stalag 13!