Does ANYTHING Actually Work To Tone Down Tinnitus?

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So far the only thing I have found is to turn the TV volume way up to drown it out.
I see dozens of ads every day of things that claim to be a 'miracle-cure', but I'm not ready to volunteer as a lab-monkey. :(
My question is, has any member stumbled across one of them that actually works?

Sweet leaf works wonders for tinnitus. You'll probably see it blooming on roadsides in May.

It's for sale on amazon but I don't know anything about those sellers.
I guess I didn't notice my left ear doing an insane ringing until I opened this thread. I've gotten so used to it, I don't know if I even notice it anymore. One of my sisters has it and she is has been losing her hearing for quite a few years. She is older than I am.
I forgot you had posted this @Peanut
I guess I didn't notice my left ear doing an insane ringing until I opened this thread. I've gotten so used to it, I don't know if I even notice it anymore. One of my sisters has it and she is has been losing her hearing for quite a few years. She is older than I am.
I forgot you had posted this @Peanut

The only strategy that works is to ignore it.

When you are successful, your mind sort of blocks it out.

I have tinnitus in both ears from being shot and blown up too many times in the military.

I only notice it when I think about it.......and when I do, it is back again.......just like magic.

Some people are better at ignoring it than others.
So far the only thing I have found is to turn the TV volume way up to drown it out.
I see dozens of ads every day of things that claim to be a 'miracle-cure', but I'm not ready to volunteer as a lab-monkey. :(
My question is, has any member stumbled across one of them that actually works?
I like to find a cure. I've been dealing with it since the late 1960s
I have tinnitus but I've had it since I was around 3 years old after an injury to both my eardrums that left scar tissue on both of them. I have good hearing but also have quiet ringing all the time. When I lie down horizontally I sometimes get really loud noises that sound like balloons popping or else like whip snaps, like a bull whip being cracked inside my head, or the sound of an electrical transformer booming when there's been a hydro failure.

There are so many things that can cause tinnitus that I think each individual with it has to try to determine and pin-point what has caused it for them and then monitor themselves to see what makes it better or what makes it flare up and turn to a loud screech or whatever. But I doubt there is an actual cure for it because there are apparently so many things that can cause it.

There are things that I do that I know sometimes make it worse. Nicotine and caffeine for sure makes it more noticeable.

What has worked for me to tone it down to ignorable levels is wearing clear quartz crystal studs or diamond studs in my ear lobes, and that includes sleeping with them in my lobes. The stones' vibrational frequencies (yes, they do vibrate) help to cancel out the ringing noises.... believe it or not.

The thing that causes absolutely the worst flare ups for me (with crystals or no crystals) is being in large busy restaurants that have background music at any volume and the background noise of lots of customers talking amongst themselves while they eat. The acoustics enhancing all those external noises causes a roaring noise inside my head and I have to leave. I have to avoid even bothering to go into areas like that now, so I don't go into really busy or noisy restaurants any more and I don't go to theaters either because of the acoustics in them.

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Fractured scull behind my right ear …fracture line went up diagonally across my ear. &
Perforated eardrum. Since then… chronic Tinnitus. This ,since 1985.
Now I have to take 3 Ibuprofen daily for my pelvic condition. That pain relief makes the ringing ( squealing) even worse . This since last year. What a burden to bear .
It happened to me in the Navy during general quarters when one of the radars went down. They told me to get out and fix it NOW! I had no hearing protection and the cannons were going off. I also have no hearing in both ears in the range of gunfire. Nobody pointed this out to me until about 12 years ago when I started getting active in Veterans of Foreign Wars and the DAV. I'm now getting a disability for it, as well as for Agent Orange.
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I was diagnosed with tinnitus and partial high frequency hearing loss in 1968. Partly due to frequent ear infections and partly due to shooting without hearing protection. With over a half century of practice, I can tune it out and don't notice it most of the time.

I began using double hearing protection at the range (plugs and muffs) and carrying ear muffs while hunting. Other hunters thought the ear muffs were strange back them.

You know what old bird hunters say..."Eh? What'd you say?"

I even wore ear muffs to rock concerts and any other time I was subjected to loud noises. I have managed to hold on to most of my hearing except high frequencies in my left ear which are completely gone. My wife wants me to get hearing aids, but I don't think I'm there yet. Maybe I'll ask her to get me some for my 80th birthday...
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I've got it too. Too many years of shooting, farm machinery, factories, playing the drums, and working on the railroad. It only bothers me when it's really quiet around me. It gets worse when I'm dehydrated. Also, blood glucose issues can aggravate or cause ringing in the ears. That's another reason to get checked for diabetes, or to stay on top of it if you've already got it...
Aspirin will aggrevate it. I don't know why.
Aspirin (ASA) aggravates it in a lot of people who have tinnitus. ASA causes blood circulation to flow more easily and faster through all of the body's circulatory system including the ears. So then you hear the blood pulsing and rushing more loudly in the region of the head and ears and it makes the ringing louder. In many people it sounds like metallic ringing such as when you're hearing a pile driver at a construction site, or the sound of a metal hammer beating against an anvil in time to your heart beat.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and some other NSAIDS and other meds can have the same effect but ASA seems to have a much more pronounced effect than the others.
My dad had tinnitus quite badly. He started thinking he was hearing the radio or tvs on in the middle of the night. He ended up getting what looked like hearing aids that were supposed to cancel out tinnitus somehow. He said they worked. Don't know what happened to them after he passed away. Mom has it now but doesn't really do anything about it. It is something I'll have to bring up with her ENT next time she has an appointment though.