Thought I would let you all know I've put 3 days worth of dog food in Sevens B.O.B...Heheehaha, Well I'm not gona carry it but at least I put it in.
I've just told Seven about the dog food in his pack and he thinks we should get the dog a pack. lolDogs can go a very long time without food. I'm sure the thought of it is terrible to most but they can go much longer than us. If its only three days save the weight. Go somewhere and Geo-cache it...
I train my dogs with Latin command words...sounds like casting a spell when you order them, hehe..... "Invado!" (attack)
No joke, put them to work!I've just told Seven about the dog food in his pack and he thinks we should get the dog a pack. lol
Put them both to work?.....Maybe I should get a cart for Kid,Dog, Me and kit and Seven can pull us all LOL. Just recalled that cart means shopping trolly in the USA.....Now that would be a funny sight, family in cart on the Scottish mountains....It's all gone a bit *******.No joke, put them to work!
That's cute, just the thing...I'm sure Seven would love it.
I have to admit, I've helped ruin my dog. She is a solid muscle, mostly black pit, with big white teeth. Most people are terrified just looking at her. But I spoil the **** out of her, and she's the biggest pansy you've ever seen. There's not the first bit of aggression in her, and strangers are just someone new to pet her. I recently tried to get her to bark at the door when the kids come over, but it kills the effect when the whole dog is wagging! Guess I better get used to the fact that her help will mostly be keeping me warm at night and giving lots of love.
Just the appearance though, can often be enough. A stranger won't know your dog's disposition.
That's true. But on the flip side, the dog's bark can wake the master, so that's something an intruder considers also. I know that if anyone opened my bedroom door, no matter how ninja they were, my dog would be awake and growling and barking. (he sleeps in front of the door usually).
That's one cool looking dog.
Yes, dogs emotions aren't very far from ours. If a dog is raised with only white people around it's not uncommon for them to not like blacks, and vise a versa.The best dog I've ever owned is the one I have now. He's an English Chocolate Lab. Born in Mississippi from parents that were imported from Scotland. When he was 10 weeks old I had him flown first class to Alaska. He loves the snow and hates hot weather. He's been well trained for obedience, bird hunting and retrieving. Working on hand commands now.
I used to take him salmon fishing with me a lot. He loves to fly or ride in my jet boat. He'd jump up on the floats then hop in the plane and ride in one of the seats. He'd try his best to catch his own salmon too.
I don't want an aggressive dog and would shoot any dog that bites without a damn good reason. I don't want a dog that barks unnecessarily either. However, this dog is very protective of me and the wife. He will not let any man near my wife if I'm not around. Would he bite? I think he would if we were threatened and we gave him the OK. He weighs about 90 pounds and his bark and appearance would put most people off.
There are a certain demographic of people that this dog just does not like. Can dogs be racist?
You are truly a bad child....Dont forget fellow preppers a Dog is not just for Christmas, if you are careful the cold cuts will last until New Year !
The best dog I've ever owned is the one I have now. He's an English Chocolate Lab. Born in Mississippi from parents that were imported from Scotland.