The real question we should all be asking is why do muslim extremist hate us so much?
No need to ask why.
Behavior speaks volumes.
I can answer that however.
There are 109 verses in the Koran to KILL the infidel.
Infidel = non believer. That'd be most of us I think.
109 verses aren't suggestions, they are
Jihad Report
Jul 08, 2017 -
Jul 14, 2017
Attacks 36
Killed 196
Injured 196
Suicide Blasts 8
Countries 14
ALL other religions combined???? ZERO.
Frankly it matters not one iota "why", they just DO.
In my not very humble opinion Islam is a cancer up the poop shoot of the world
and should be wiped from the face of the earth.
Islam, the religion of peace.
IF you are a Muslim.
Conversion at the point of the sword.
2.7 BILLION Muslims on this planet.
15% support or take part in violent jihad.
What is 15% of 2.1 billion anyway?
A "moderate" Muslim is the one that just ran out of ammo.
Or bombs.
Any questions?
If anyone here believes the world can co-exist with Islam then perhaps such
a person shouldn't even be on a survival site.
Snowflakes won't last too long after a shtf.
People killed by radical Muslims on 9/11: 2,996
Muslim-Americans killed "in revenge": 1
The fastest growing religion in America???
Jihad tales many forms.
My grand daughter moved to Egypt to marry a muzzie.
Homeland security, and our family tried to talk the dumbazz out of it.
Grand child hasn't been heard from since.
Wonder if she enjoys being a white slave in Egypt?