PARANOID: the word found in the non-preppers vocabulary used to describe the sense he himself has and feels when any other living being describes his preparations for a possible event which would end up in a situation in which said non-prepper would be left to fend for himself in the aftermath of his own stupidity...GPwhats paranoid about being prepared??
it means we don't have to pay to visit the ER or our family doctor. we don't get a bill if we have to stay in hospital. even prescriptions are free for some groups like children and over 60s.
I agree with you in principle, but I've always had a nagging question (and I'm most assuredly not a socialist).Maybe the person receiving the medical services did not reach into their pocket to pay for the service but millions of tax payers prepaid for those services, so they are not free. Just like our welfare is not free, the American tax payer is paying. There is no "Free Lunch", somebody is paying or has prepaid for that Free Lunch" service. Every Medical system across the world is paid by somebody there are NO FREE MEDICAL systems.
The quote is right. The idea is right. The hope it will work is right. The people supporting the idea are right. Many ideas are "right". Just getting the correct balance of where the money comes from, who decides where it goes and who actually gets to use the services is the hard part. Lots of people have enough money to take care of themselves and their medicals, but if they could use their money for a new boat, a big vacation or such and get free meds, then the system would just be overloaded, misused and bankrupted by those who do not even need it. And those who really need it, will not get helped. Why does a millionare need a $800 check from Social Security?? AND why are there still 85,000 homeless veterans in America?? Because the money is not being spread right!I've heard from many sources that one dollar out of every four dollars spent by the government is waste
I agree with you in principle, but I've always had a nagging question (and I'm most assuredly not a socialist).
If everyone had access to healthcare (and I'm talking about theory, which is light years away from how things work in the real world), does that mean that it save money for everyone over time because--with proper health maintenence--there would be less people relying on the emergency room, and things would be caught earlier when medical conditions are easier (and cheaper) to treat?
So....a net savings of money for everyone?
In practice, I accept that there will be human ineptness, crookedness, and government incompetence attached to socialized medicine (I've heard from many sources that one dollar out of every four dollars spent by the government is waste), so I imagine that it would never work really well.....or, at least, not any better than what we already have.
Still.....if it was done right, would it be cheaper than what we have now?
Think about this in a different light Kevin. If everyone gets better healthcare, then they will live longer on average, right? And the longer they live, the longer they collect benefits past retirement, when they are not longer productive.If everyone had access to healthcare (and I'm talking about theory, which is light years away from how things work in the real world), does that mean that it save money for everyone over time because--with proper health maintenence--there would be less people relying on the emergency room, and things would be caught earlier when medical conditions are easier (and cheaper) to treat?
I agree with you in principle, but I've always had a nagging question (and I'm most assuredly not a socialist).
If everyone had access to healthcare (and I'm talking about theory, which is light years away from how things work in the real world), does that mean that it save money for everyone over time because--with proper health maintenence--there would be less people relying on the emergency room, and things would be caught earlier when medical conditions are easier (and cheaper) to treat?
So....a net savings of money for everyone?
In practice, I accept that there will be human ineptness, crookedness, and government incompetence attached to socialized medicine (I've heard from many sources that one dollar out of every four dollars spent by the government is waste), so I imagine that it would never work really well.....or, at least, not any better than what we already have.
Still.....if it was done right, would it be cheaper than what we have now?
Yeah, here in the States we get taxed on income, then again at sales, and in between there are fees for everything. I’ve read in Europe they just tax the crap out of you up front and it’s done. Here, it’s less painful up front but they keep taking it from you down the road. I have to admit though, your gas and beef prices are rough.In Germany, we have to pay un-employment insurance, retirement insurance, bed-ridden health insurance, normal health insurance, dental insurance and a solidarity tax to "re-build" the former East German, former Russian territory. What is left over from our paycheck is what we get paid on our bank account monthly...
PS: Radio tax, TV tax ($25 a month) Dog tax ($120/year) car tax ($145/ year) trailer tax ($45/year) insurance taxes on each contract ($125/year) heating oil tax, 19 % VAT. The price of gas is over $7.50 a gallon, coffee is $ 6/lb, beef: $15-20/lb. $4-5 for a beer in town and $10 for a McDonalds menu...
Yeah, here in the States we get taxed on income, then again at sales, and in between there are fees for everything. I’ve read in Europe they just tax the crap out of you up front and it’s done. Here, it’s less painful up front but they keep taking it from you down the road. I have to admit though, your gas and beef prices are rough.
AND THAT IS WHY I'M A MOVIN' TO HUNGARY. Got a letter from the mayors office that I forgot to pay my landowners taxes for the last three years...
NO interest, NO backpay charges, NO threats if the money did not come before a certain date. No STRESS. After I figured out what the amount was, (the Hungarian price tag for 3 years back taxes was 13,440, thirteen thousand four hundred and forty FORINTH). Translated into dollars (US): $ 35.00!! Damn that hurt to pay at one time...My monthly utilities never run over $50 a month. Just can't wait to go! GP
Wait a second, you pay $35.00 for three years of property tax? And you want to move why? Or is that where you have land and that’s the amount owed? I pay 1500. a year here. Could be worse though, I guess.AND THAT IS WHY I'M A MOVIN' TO HUNGARY. Got a letter from the mayors office that I forgot to pay my landowners taxes for the last three years...
NO interest, NO backpay charges, NO threats if the money did not come before a certain date. No STRESS. After I figured out what the amount was, (the Hungarian price tag for 3 years back taxes was 13,440, thirteen thousand four hundred and forty FORINTH). Translated into dollars (US): $ 35.00!! Damn that hurt to pay at one time...My monthly utilities never run over $50 a month. Just can't wait to go! GP you speak Hungarian?Y'all read that right. My land taxes in Hungary are less than $15 a year. Retired persons pay nothing for riding the bus or a train. They also pay nothing for their health insurance. They have worked 60 or 70 years of their life to finance the entire nation and its needs. The nation can kindly show its thanks and pay some of that back the last 15-20 years up to their death...And the laws there say: only Hungarians can buy land in larger style. A house or small company, ok. But not come in with millions and buy up entire landscapes and then do what you want with it. 1/7 of all Canada belongs to Japanese billionares. Can't happen in Hungary. EU residents (UK --still--) can come buy some land, a house and retire there. In the smaller villages, $ 10,000 will get you 2 acres of land, a house, a chicken coop, pig pen and maybe your own water well...Americans cannot buy there, but they can rent or lease homes, houses and appartments under $200 a month with utilities.
My wife now has a Hungarian Green card and has to give ME written permission to live there and verify that I can support myself financially...GP
I was too, and THAT is why I have carried a bag of things since 1972, what is now called an EDC. Don't leave home without it, never did/never will. GPI was a Boy Scout when I was younger and their motto is "be prepared", I think being a prepper is just an extension of this philosophy.
Well, you could adopt or marry into a Hungarian family...My niece just bought a house across town from ours. The Gov't is granting incentives to young families which will and is encouraging them to move back into the country and away from the cities to spread out the population and drop the rental prices in some of the bigger towns where lots of younger people are moving to, looking for jobs and driving the prices up. She and her husband bought a house for about 11 million Forint. Their gov't incentive was 5 1/2 million Forint. The purchase price was cut in half with the gov't help. They just cannot sell it within the next 10 years...Well there went another retirement location
I needed 9 months for German, 8 months for Croatian, have been working on the Hungarian for 41 years now. I drove long distance trucks to Sweden. Went to Göteborg 10 days to learn to be an ECO driving trainer by VOLVO. Drove to and through Stockholm up to Uppsala. Got to make some contact with the quiet and friendly Swedes. Swedish would take me maybe 6-7 months, but I would also have to live there the whole time. Just from a book or chatting is not the same. I can even differentiat between the many German dialects and some people don't believe I was born in America. Americans don't speak anything but English and ******** is the idea here.GP,it might be easy for you to learn Swedish as well..
I kind of feel that way about most Americans as well....I needed 9 months for German, 8 months for Croatian, have been working on the Hungarian for 41 years now. I drove long distance trucks to Sweden. Went to Göteborg 10 days to learn to be an ECO driving trainer by VOLVO. Drove to and through Stockholm up to Uppsala. Got to make some contact with the quiet and friendly Swedes. Swedish would take me maybe 6-7 months, but I would also have to live there the whole time. Just from a book or chatting is not the same. I can even differentiat between the many German dialects and some people don't believe I was born in America. Americans don't speak anything but English and ******** is the idea here.
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